estimatePriorDf {MAnorm2}R Documentation

Assess the Goodness of Fit of Mean-Variance Curves


Given a set of bioCond objects of which each has been associated with a mean-variance curve, estimatePriorDf derives a common number of prior degrees of freedom assessing the overall goodness of fit of the mean-variance curves and accordingly adjusts the variance ratio factor of each of the bioConds.


  occupy.only = TRUE,
  return.d0 = FALSE,
  no.rep.rv = NULL,
  .call = TRUE



A list of bioCond objects, of which each has a field describing its mean-variance curve (see also fitMeanVarCurve).


A logical scalar. If it is TRUE (default), only occupied intervals are used to estimate the number of prior degrees of freedom and adjust the variance ratio factors. Otherwise, all intervals are used (see also "Details").


A logical scalar. If set to TRUE, the function simply returns the estimated number of prior degrees of freedom.


A positive real specifying the variance ratio factor of those bioConds without replicate samples, if any. By default, it's set to the geometric mean of variance ratio factors of the other bioConds.


Never care about this argument.


estimatePriorDf borrows part of the modeling strategy implemented in limma (see "References"). For each bioCond object, the predicted variances from its mean-variance curve serve as the prior variances associated with individual intervals. The common number of prior degrees of freedom of the supplied bioConds quantifies the confidence we have on the associated mean-variance curves. Intuitively, the closer the observed mean-variance points are to the curves, the more prior degrees of freedom there will be. See estimateD0 for technical details about the estimation of number of prior degrees of freedom.

According to the estimated number of prior degrees of freedom, estimatePriorDf separately adjusts the variance ratio factor of each bioCond. Intrinsically, this process is to scale the mean-variance curve of each bioCond so that it passes the "middle" of the observed mean-variance points. See scaleMeanVarCurve for technical details of scaling a mean-variance curve.

ChIP-seq signals located in non-occupied intervals result primarily from background noise, and are therefore associated with less data regularity than signals in occupied intervals. Involving non-occupied intervals in the estimation process may result in an under-estimated number of prior degrees of freedom. Thus, the recommended usage is to set occupy.only to TRUE (i.e., the default).

In most cases, the estimation of number of prior degrees of freedom is automatically handled when fitting or setting a mean-variance curve, and you don't need to call this function explicitly (see also fitMeanVarCurve and setMeanVarCurve). See "Examples" below for a practical application of this function. Note also that there is a robust version of this function that uses Winsorized statistics to protect the estimation procedure against potential outliers (see estimatePriorDfRobust for details).


By default, estimatePriorDf returns the argument list of bioCond objects, with the estimated number of prior degrees of freedom substituted for the "df.prior" component of each of them. Besides, their "ratio.var" components have been adjusted accordingly, and an attribute named "no.rep.rv" is added to the list if it's ever been used as the variance ratio factor of the bioConds without replicate samples. A special case is that the estimated number of prior degrees of freedom is 0. In this case, estimatePriorDf won't adjust existing variance ratio factors, and you may want to use setPriorDfVarRatio to explicitly specify variance ratio factors.

If return.d0 is set to TRUE, estimatePriorDf simply returns the estimated number of prior degrees of freedom.


Smyth, G.K., Linear models and empirical bayes methods for assessing differential expression in microarray experiments. Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol, 2004. 3: p. Article3.

Tu, S., et al., MAnorm2 for quantitatively comparing groups of ChIP-seq samples. Genome Res, 2021. 31(1): p. 131-145.

See Also

bioCond for creating a bioCond object; fitMeanVarCurve for fitting a mean-variance curve and using a field to characterize it; estimatePriorDfRobust for a robust version of estimatePriorDf; setPriorDf for setting the number of prior degrees of freedom and accordingly adjusting the variance ratio factors of a set of bioConds; diffTest for calling differential intervals between two bioCond objects.


data(H3K27Ac, package = "MAnorm2")
attr(H3K27Ac, "metaInfo")

## Fit a mean-variance curve treating each gender as a biological condition,
## and each individual (i.e., cell line) a replicate.

# First perform the MA normalization and construct bioConds to represent
# individuals.
norm <- normalize(H3K27Ac, 4, 9)
norm <- normalize(norm, 5:6, 10:11)
norm <- normalize(norm, 7:8, 12:13)
conds <- list(GM12890 = bioCond(norm[4], norm[9], name = "GM12890"),
              GM12891 = bioCond(norm[5:6], norm[10:11], name = "GM12891"),
              GM12892 = bioCond(norm[7:8], norm[12:13], name = "GM12892"))
autosome <- !(H3K27Ac$chrom %in% c("chrX", "chrY"))
conds <- normBioCond(conds, common.peak.regions = autosome)

# Group individuals into bioConds based on their genders.
female <- cmbBioCond(conds[c(1, 3)], name = "female")
male <- cmbBioCond(conds[2], name = "male")

# The dependence of variance of ChIP-seq signal intensity across individuals
# on the mean signal intensity is typically not as regular as could be well
# modeled by an explicit parametric form. Better use the local regression to
# adaptively capture the mean-variance trend.
genders <- list(female = female, male = male)
genders1 <- fitMeanVarCurve(genders, method = "local", occupy.only = TRUE)
genders2 <- fitMeanVarCurve(genders, method = "local", occupy.only = FALSE)

# Suppose the local regression is performed using only the occupied genomic
# intervals as input. Good chances are that the extrapolation algorithm
# implemented in the regression method will produce over-estimated variances
# for the non-occupied intervals.
plotMeanVarCurve(genders1, subset = "all")
plotMeanVarCurve(genders2, subset = "all")
plotMeanVarCurve(genders1, subset = "non-occupied")
plotMeanVarCurve(genders2, subset = "non-occupied")

# On the other hand, applying the local regression on all genomic intervals
# may considerably reduce the estimated number of prior degrees of freedom
# associated with the fitted mean-variance curve, as ChIP-seq signals in the
# non-occupied intervals are generally of less data regularity compared with
# those in the occupied intervals.

# To split the difference, fit the mean-variance curve on all genomic
# intervals and re-estimate the number of prior degrees of freedom using
# only the occupied intervals, which is also the most recommended strategy
# in practice.
genders3 <- estimatePriorDf(genders2, occupy.only = TRUE)
plotMeanVarCurve(genders3, subset = "all")
plotMeanVarCurve(genders3, subset = "non-occupied")

[Package MAnorm2 version 1.2.2 Index]