varTestBioCond {MAnorm2}R Documentation

Call Hypervariable and Invariant Intervals for a bioCond


Given a bioCond object with which a mean-variance curve is associated (see fitMeanVarCurve), varTestBioCond tests for each genomic interval if the observed variation of its signal intensity across ChIP-seq samples in the bioCond is significantly greater or less than is implied by the curve. This function is typically used in combination with estParamHyperChIP to call hypervariable and invariant intervals in a bioCond (see also "Examples").


varTestBioCond(cond, min.var = 0, df.prior = NULL)



A bioCond object with which a mean-variance curve has been associated (see also fitMeanVarCurve).


Lower bound of variances read from the mean-variance curve. Any variance read from the curve less than min.var will be adjusted to this value. It's primarily used for safely getting the prior variances and taking into account the practical significance of a signal variation.


Number of prior degrees of freedom associated with the mean-variance curve. Must be positive. Can be set to Inf (see "Details"). The default value should be used in most cases, which is extracted from the "df.prior" component of cond.


varTestBioCond adopts the modeling strategy implemented in limma (see "References"), except that each genomic interval has its own prior variance, which is read from the mean-variance curve associated with the bioCond object. The argument df.prior could be used to specify the common number of degrees of freedom of all the prior variances, which also effectively assesses the overall goodness of fit of the mean-variance curve. Technically, varTestBioCond uses the ratio of the observed variance of each interval to its prior variance as key statistic, which under the null hypothesis follows an F distribution, with its two numbers of degrees of freedom being those of the two variances, respectively. (Hence the statistic follows a scaled chi-squared distribution when the prior df is Inf.) To be noted, the prior df can be empirically estimated for each mean-variance curve by specifically designed statistical methods (see also fitMeanVarCurve, setMeanVarCurve, estimatePriorDf, and estParamHyperChIP) and, by default, the function uses the estimation result to perform the tests. It's highly not recommended to specify df.prior explicitly when calling varTestBioCond, unless you know what you are really doing. Besides, varTestBioCond won't adjust the variance ratio factor of the provided bioCond based on the specified prior df (see estimatePriorDf for a description of variance ratio factor).

Any bioCond object passed to varTestBioCond must contain at least two ChIP-seq samples; the observed variances of individual genomic intervals cannot be calculated otherwise. Besides, a mean-variance curve must be associated with the bioCond for deducing the prior variances before varTestBioCond could work. Notably, when fitting a mean-variance curve for a bioCond object to be passed to varTestBioCond, it's recommended to pass it alone to fitMeanVarCurve (not involving other bioCond objects). Also, if you have set occupy.only to TRUE when calling fitMeanVarCurve, you should accordingly inspect only the test results of those genomic intervals that are occupied by the bioCond, and should re-adjust p-values within this set of intervals (see "Examples" below).

varTestBioCond can also be used to call hypervariable and invariant intervals across biological conditions, by first combining multiple bioCond objects into a single one (see "Examples" below). Note that ChIP-seq samples in those bioConds to be combined must be first normalized to the same level (see cmbBioCond for details).


This function returns an object of class c("varTestBioCond", "data.frame"), recording the test results for each genomic interval by each row. The data frame consists of the following variables:


Sample mean of the observed signal intensities.


Sample variance of the observed signal intensities.


Prior variance corresponding to the observed mean signal intensity.


Ratio of observed.var to prior.var.


Two sided p-value for the statistical significance of this fold change.


P-value adjusted for multiple testing with the "BH" method (see p.adjust), which controls false discovery rate.

Row names of the returned data frame inherit from those of cond$norm.signal. Besides, several attributes are added to the returned object:

Name of the bioCond object.


A function representing the mean-variance curve. It accepts a vector of mean signal intensities and returns the corresponding prior variances. Note that this function has incorporated variance ratio factor of the bioCond and the min.var argument.


A length-2 vector giving the numbers of degrees of freedom of the observed and prior variances.


Smyth, G.K., Linear models and empirical bayes methods for assessing differential expression in microarray experiments. Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol, 2004. 3: p. Article3.

See Also

bioCond for creating a bioCond object; fitMeanVarCurve for fitting a mean-variance curve for a set of bioCond objects; setMeanVarCurve for setting the mean-variance curve of a set of bioConds; estimatePriorDf for estimating number of prior degrees of freedom as well as adjusting variance ratio factors accordingly; estParamHyperChIP for applying the parameter estimation framework of HyperChIP; cmbBioCond for combining multiple bioConds into a single one.

plot.varTestBioCond for creating a plot to demonstrate a varTestBioCond object; diffTest for calling differential intervals between two bioCond objects; aovBioCond for calling differential intervals across multiple bioConds.


data(H3K27Ac, package = "MAnorm2")
attr(H3K27Ac, "metaInfo")

## Call hypervariable and invariant genomic intervals across biological
## replicates of the GM12891 cell line.

# Perform MA normalization and construct a bioCond to represent GM12891.
norm <- normalize(H3K27Ac, 5:6, 10:11)
GM12891 <- bioCond(norm[5:6], norm[10:11], name = "GM12891")

# Fit a mean-variance curve for GM12891 using the parametric method.
GM12891 <- fitMeanVarCurve(list(GM12891), method = "parametric",
                           occupy.only = TRUE)[[1]]
plotMeanVarCurve(list(GM12891), subset = "occupied")

# Assess the observed variances of ChIP-seq signal intensities in GM12891.
res <- varTestBioCond(GM12891)

# Inspect only the test results of occupied genomic intervals.
res <- res[GM12891$occupancy, ]
res$padj <- p.adjust(res$pval, method = "BH")
plot(res, padj = 0.2, col = alpha(c("black", "red"), c(0.04, 0.5)))

## Call hypervariable and invariant genomic intervals across cell lines.

# Perform MA normalization and construct bioConds to represent cell lines.
norm <- normalize(H3K27Ac, 4, 9)
norm <- normalize(norm, 5:6, 10:11)
norm <- normalize(norm, 7:8, 12:13)
conds <- list(GM12890 = bioCond(norm[4], norm[9], name = "GM12890"),
              GM12891 = bioCond(norm[5:6], norm[10:11], name = "GM12891"),
              GM12892 = bioCond(norm[7:8], norm[12:13], name = "GM12892"))

# Normalize the cell lines.
autosome <- !(H3K27Ac$chrom %in% c("chrX", "chrY"))
conds <- normBioCond(conds, common.peak.regions = autosome)

# Combine the cell lines into a single bioCond and use local regression to
# adaptively capture the mean-variance trend. Only genomic intervals that
# are occupied by each of the cell lines are considered to be occupied by
# the combined bioCond, which is for avoiding over-estimation of the prior
# variances.
LCLs <- cmbBioCond(conds, occupy.num = length(conds),
                   name = "lymphoblastoid_cell_lines")
LCLs <- fitMeanVarCurve(list(LCLs), method = "local",
                        occupy.only = FALSE)[[1]]
LCLs <- estimatePriorDf(list(LCLs), occupy.only = TRUE)[[1]]
plotMeanVarCurve(list(LCLs), subset = "all")

# Assess the observed variances of ChIP-seq signal intensities across these
# cell lines.
res <- varTestBioCond(LCLs)
plot(res, pval = 0.01, col = alpha(c("black", "red"), c(0.04, 0.5)))

# Non-occupied intervals are occupied by some of the cell lines but not all
# of them. These intervals tend to be more variable across the cell lines
# and more significant in the tests than occupied intervals.
f <- !(LCLs$occupancy)
wilcox.test(res$fold.change[f], res$fold.change[!f],
            alternative = "greater")
wilcox.test(res$pval[f], res$pval[!f], alternative = "less")

# Intervals in Y chromosome tend to be more variable across the cell lines
# and more significant in the tests than the other intervals, since the cell
# lines are of different genders.
f <- H3K27Ac$chrom == "chrY"
wilcox.test(res$fold.change[f], res$fold.change[!f],
            alternative = "greater")
wilcox.test(res$pval[f], res$pval[!f], alternative = "less")

# Make a comparison with HyperChIP.
LCLs2 <- estParamHyperChIP(LCLs, occupy.only = FALSE, prob = 0.1)
res2 <- varTestBioCond(LCLs2)
hist(res$pval, breaks = 100, col = "red")
hist(res2$pval, breaks = 100, col = "red")

[Package MAnorm2 version 1.2.2 Index]