fitMeanVarCurve {MAnorm2}R Documentation

Fit a Mean-Variance Curve


Given a set of bioCond objects, fitMeanVarCurve robustly fits a curve capturing the mean-variance dependence across the genomic intervals contained in them, by iteratively detecting outliers and removing them from a regression procedure.


  ratio.var = estimateVarRatio(conds),
  method = c("parametric fit", "local regression"),
  occupy.only = TRUE,
  range.residual = c(1e-04, 15),
  max.iter = 50,
  init.coef = NULL,
  args.lp = list(nn = 0.7),
  args.locfit = list(),
  verbose = TRUE



A list of bioCond objects, of which at least one should contain replicate samples.


A vector giving the initial variance ratio factors of the bioConds. Elements are recycled if necessary. By default, it's estimated by calling estimateVarRatio. See also "Variance Ratio Factor" below.


A character string indicating the method to be used for fitting the curve. Either "parametric fit" (default) or "local regression". Can be abbreviated.


A logical value. If set to FALSE, all the genomic intervals contained in the bioConds are used to fit the curve. By default, only the occupied intervals are used. See also "Methods for Fitting a Mean-Variance Curve" below.


A length-two vector specifying the range of residuals of non-outliers.


Maximum number of iteration times allowed during the fitting procedure.


An optional length-two vector specifying the initial coefficients for applying the parametric fitting scheme. Only used when method is "parametric fit".

In practice, chances are that init.coef is strictly required for the fitting process to go smoothly, as the underlying algorithm may fail to deduce a proper setting of initial coefficients (see "Examples" below). In this case, try setting init.coef to c(0.1, 10), which is expected to suit most practical datasets.


A named list of extra arguments to lp. Only used when method is set to "local regression". Note the default value (see "Methods for Fitting a Mean-Variance Curve" below for an explanation).


A named list of extra arguments to locfit. Only used when method is set to "local regression". Note that, due to the internal implementation, the argument subset to locfit mustn't be specified in it.


Whether to print processing messages during fitting the mean-variance curve?


This function performs a regression of the variance of ChIP-seq signal intensity across replicate samples, using the mean intensity as the only predictor. Each genomic interval contained in each of the supplied bioConds that consists of two or more ChIP-seq samples serves as an observation for the regression (the sample mean and sample variance of the interval's signal intensities in the bioCond are used as the predictor value and response, respectively).

Note that bioCond objects must be normalized to the same level before a mean-variance curve could be fitted for them. You can choose to either normalize the involved ChIP-seq samples all together (see normalize) or perform the normalization at the level of bioCond objects (see normBioCond and also "Examples" below).


fitMeanVarCurve returns the argument list of bioCond objects, each of which has an added (updated) field describing its mean-variance dependence. The field is itself a list consisting of the following components:


The two function calls for associating a mean variance curve with this bioCond and estimating the related parameters, respectively. The latter is only present if you have made an explicit call to some function (e.g., estimatePriorDf) for performing the parameter estimation.


Method used for fitting the mean-variance curve.


A function representing the fitted curve, which accepts a vector of means and returns the predicted variances.


ID of the fitted mean-variance curve.


Number of prior degrees of freedom assessing the goodness of fit of the mean-variance curve.


Variance ratio factor of this bioCond.

Each bioCond object in the returned list has the same values of all these components but the ratio.var.

mvcID is used to label each fitted mean-variance curve. Each call to fitMeanVarCurve results in a unique ID. Thus we assert that different bioCond objects are associated with the same mean-variance curve if and only if they have the same mvcID. This is useful if you are to call differential intervals between two conditions via diffTest, which requires the two bioCond objects being compared are associated with the same mean-variance curve.

Besides, if there exist bioCond objects that contain only one ChIP-seq sample, an attribute named "no.rep.rv" will be added to the returned list, recording the variance ratio factor of no-replicate conditions. Note that the method for estimating the variance ratio factor of no-replicate conditions is specifically designed (see estimatePriorDf for details).

Variance Ratio Factor

fitMeanVarCurve applies a regression process to the observed means and variances of signal intensities of genomic intervals. The regression result serves as a model capturing the mean-variance trend across intervals. Notably, each genomic interval in each bioCond object that contains replicate samples serves as an observation point for the regression.

Variance ratio factor is designed to account for the global difference in variation level of signal intensities between conditions. Each bioCond has its own variance ratio factor, and method has been developed to robustly estimate the relative (scaled) variance ratio factors of a given set of bioConds (see estimateVarRatio for details). Technically, observed variances from each bioCond are scaled based on the corresponding (relative) variance ratio factor, so that the scaled variances from different bioConds are comparable to each other. Finally, the scaled variances from all the provided bioConds are pooled together constituting the vector of responses for the regression process. Note that the variance ratio factors will be adjusted afterwards, according to the fitted mean-variance curve and its goodness of fit (see "Assessing Goodness of Fit" below).

Methods for Fitting a Mean-Variance Curve

There are currently two candidate methods for performing the regression: "parametric fit" (default) and "local regression". Besides, the argument occupy.only controls whether to use all genomic intervals or only the occupied ones for the regression process.

Typically, ChIP-seq signal intensities at non-occupied intervals are much lower than those at occupied ones. Accordingly, variation levels of the former are significantly higher than the latter (provided that a log transformation has been applied to raw read counts before performing the normalization, which is the default setting of normalize). This is because, for the genomic intervals having a low-level abundance of ChIP-seq reads, only a little fluctuation of read count could give rise to a dramatic fold change. If a mean-variance scatter plot is drawn mapping all genomic intervals to a plane, the points corresponding to non-occupied intervals will be largely separated from those of occupied intervals.

In practice, the ChIP-seq signals located in non-occupied intervals result primarily from background noise and therefore have much lower signal-to-noise ratios than those in occupied intervals. As a result, signals observed in the two types of intervals almost always have distinct data characteristics from one another. In particular, the mean-variance dependence associated with non-occupied intervals is not as regular as observed from occupied intervals. In light of these observations, the recommended setting of occupy.only may be different across calls of fitMeanVarCurve depending on the exact method chosen for performing the regression. See the following for details.

For the method of "parametric fit", it adopts the parametric form of var=c1+c2/(2mean)var = c1 + c2 / (2 ^ mean), where c1c1 and c2c2 are coefficients to be estimated. More specifically, it fits a gamma-family generalized linear model with the identity link. The form is deduced by assuming a quadratic mean-variance relationship for raw read counts and applying the delta method to log2 transformation (see also "References"). When using this method, one typically sets occupy.only to TRUE (the default). Otherwise, the GLM fitting procedure may fail to estimate the coefficients, or the estimation results may be significantly biased towards the characteristics of ChIP-seq signals at non-occupied intervals (which is undesired since these signals are mostly background noises). Note also that applying this method is most recommended when ChIP-seq samples within each single bioCond are associated with a low level of signal variation (e.g., when these samples are biological replicates of a cell line; see also "Examples" below), since in such cases ChIP-seq data should be of high regularity and, thus, the parametric form could be safely expected to hold. Moreover, as the variation level across ChIP-seq samples increases, the possibility becomes higher that the GLM fitting procedure fails.

For the method of "local regression", it directly passes the observed means and scaled variances to the locfit function, specifying the family to be "gamma". When using this method, setting occupy.only to TRUE almost certainly leads to an exaggerated variance prediction for small signal intensities (due to the underlying algorithm for extrapolation) and, thus, a reduction in statistical power for detecting differential intervals between conditions. On the other hand, involving non-occupied intervals in the fitting process might result in an underestimated number of prior degrees of freedom (see "Assessing Goodness of Fit" below). This is because the ChIP-seq signals located in non-occupied intervals generally have low signal-to-noise ratios, and are therefore associated with less data regularity than the signals in occupied intervals. One way to compensate that is to re-estimate the prior df using only the occupied intervals after fitting the mean-variance curve (see estimatePriorDf and "Examples" below), which is also the most recommended strategy for employing a local regression. Note also that smoothness of the resulting curve could be adjusted by modifying the nn variable in args.lp (see also lp). By default, nn=0.7 is adopted, which is also the default setting of lp at the time of developing this package.

Iteration Scheme for a Robust Regression

Whichever method is selected, fitMeanVarCurve adopts an iteration scheme to enhance the robustness of fitting the mean-variance trend. More specifically, it iteratively detects and removes outliers from a regression procedure. The process converges as soon as the set of outliers fixes. Residual of each observation is calculated as the ratio of its observed variance to the fitted one, and those observations with a residual falling outside range.residual shall be considered as outliers. The default value of range.residual works well for chi-squared distributions with a broad range of numbers of degrees of freedom (see also "References").

Assessing Goodness of Fit

Each fitted mean-variance curve is associated with a quantity assessing its goodness of fit, which is the number of prior degrees of freedom. Roughly speaking, the closer the observed mean-variance points are to the curve, the larger the resulting prior df of the curve, and we get more confidence in the curve. To be noted, the initial variance ratio factors for scaling the sample variances from different bioCond objects will be adjusted according to the estimated prior df (based on the underlying distributional theory). These adjusted variance ratio factors are exactly the ones stored in the returned bioCond objects. See estimatePriorDf for details about estimating prior df and accordingly adjusting variance ratio factors. Note also that fitMeanVarCurve uses exactly the set of intervals that are utilized for fitting the mean-variance curve to estimate the prior df and adjust the variance ratio factors (the set is controlled by the argument occupy.only; see also "Methods for Fitting a Mean-Variance Curve" above).

Prior df is primarily used for the following differential analysis. We call a variance read from a mean-variance curve a prior one. In cases where you use diffTest to call differential intervals between two bioConds, the final variance estimate associated with each individual interval is obtained by averaging its observed and prior variances, weighted by their respective numbers of degrees of freedom.

Extending the Application Scope of a Mean-Variance Curve

With a set of bioCond objects at hand, you might want to use only part of them to fit the mean-variance curve. For example, suppose ChIP-seq samples stored in some bioCond objects are associated with a low data regularity (due to, e.g., bad sample qualities), and you don't want to include these samples when fitting the curve. One way to work around it is to exclude the bioCond objects from the fitting process, extend the application scope of the fitted curve (via extendMeanVarCurve) so that it applies to the excluded bioConds as well, and (optionally) re-assess the overall goodness of fit via estimatePriorDf (see also the "Examples" given for extendMeanVarCurve).

There is another scenario where extending a mean-variance curve could be useful. In practice, chances are that only one ChIP-seq sample is available for each of two conditions to be compared. To make the analysis possible, one way is to treat the two samples as replicates and fit a mean-variance curve accordingly. The fitted curve can then be associated with the two conditions each containing a single sample (via extendMeanVarCurve), and differential intervals between them can be subsequently called following a regular routine (see "Examples" provided in extendMeanVarCurve). To be noted, this method is most suited when the two conditions being compared are close. Otherwise, the method may lead to an over-conserved p-value calculation.


Smyth, G.K., Linear models and empirical bayes methods for assessing differential expression in microarray experiments. Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol, 2004. 3: p. Article3.

Anders, S. and W. Huber, Differential expression analysis for sequence count data. Genome Biol, 2010. 11(10): p. R106.

Law, C.W., et al., voom: Precision weights unlock linear model analysis tools for RNA-seq read counts. Genome Biol, 2014. 15(2): p. R29.

Tu, S., et al., MAnorm2 for quantitatively comparing groups of ChIP-seq samples. Genome Res, 2021. 31(1): p. 131-145.

See Also

bioCond for creating a bioCond object from a set of ChIP-seq samples; normalize for performing an MA normalization on ChIP-seq samples; normalizeBySizeFactors for normalizing ChIP-seq samples based on their size factors; normBioCond for performing an MA normalization on bioCond objects; normBioCondBySizeFactors for normalizing bioCond objects based on their size factors.

estimateVarRatio for estimating the relative variance ratio factors of a set of bioConds; varRatio for a formal description of variance ratio factor; estimatePriorDf for estimating the number of prior degrees of freedom as well as adjusting variance ratio factors accordingly; estimatePriorDfRobust for a robust version of estimatePriorDf.

setMeanVarCurve for setting the mean-variance curve of a set of bioCond objects; extendMeanVarCurve for extending the application scope of a fitted mean-variance curve to the bioConds not used to fit it; plotMeanVarCurve for plotting a mean-variance curve.

distBioCond for robustly measuring the distances between ChIP-seq samples in a bioCond by considering its mean-variance trend; vstBioCond for applying a variance-stabilizing transformation to signal intensities of samples in a bioCond.

diffTest for calling differential intervals between two bioCond objects; aovBioCond for calling differential intervals across multiple bioConds; varTestBioCond for calling hypervariable and invariant intervals across ChIP-seq samples contained in a bioCond.


data(H3K27Ac, package = "MAnorm2")
attr(H3K27Ac, "metaInfo")

## Fit a mean-variance curve treating each cell line (i.e., individual) as a
## biological condition.

# Perform the MA normalization and construct bioConds to represent cell
# lines.
norm <- normalize(H3K27Ac, 4, 9)
norm <- normalize(norm, 5:6, 10:11)
norm <- normalize(norm, 7:8, 12:13)
conds <- list(GM12890 = bioCond(norm[4], norm[9], name = "GM12890"),
              GM12891 = bioCond(norm[5:6], norm[10:11], name = "GM12891"),
              GM12892 = bioCond(norm[7:8], norm[12:13], name = "GM12892"))
autosome <- !(H3K27Ac$chrom %in% c("chrX", "chrY"))
conds <- normBioCond(conds, common.peak.regions = autosome)

# Variations in ChIP-seq signals across biological replicates of a cell line
# are generally of a low level, and their relationship with the mean signal
# intensities is expected to be well modeled by the presumed parametric
# form.
conds <- fitMeanVarCurve(conds, method = "parametric", occupy.only = TRUE)
plotMeanVarCurve(conds, subset = "occupied")

## Not run: 
# Sometimes the parametric fitting algorithm cannot automatically deduce
# proper starting values for estimating the coefficients.
fitMeanVarCurve(conds[3], method = "parametric", occupy.only = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

# In such cases, explicitly specify the initial values of the coefficients.
fitMeanVarCurve(conds[3], method = "parametric", occupy.only = TRUE,
                init.coef = c(0.1, 10))

## Fit a mean-variance curve treating each gender as a biological condition,
## and each individual a replicate.

# Group individuals into bioConds based on their genders.
female <- cmbBioCond(conds[c(1, 3)], name = "female")
male <- cmbBioCond(conds[2], name = "male")

# The dependence of variance of ChIP-seq signal intensity across individuals
# on the mean signal intensity is not as regular as in the case for modeling
# biological replicates of cell lines. Better use the local regression to
# adaptively capture the mean-variance trend.
genders <- list(female = female, male = male)
genders1 <- fitMeanVarCurve(genders, method = "local", occupy.only = TRUE)
genders2 <- fitMeanVarCurve(genders, method = "local", occupy.only = FALSE)

# Suppose the local regression is performed using only the occupied genomic
# intervals as input. Good chances are that the extrapolation algorithm
# implemented in the regression method will produce over-estimated variances
# for the non-occupied intervals.
plotMeanVarCurve(genders1, subset = "all")
plotMeanVarCurve(genders2, subset = "all")
plotMeanVarCurve(genders1, subset = "non-occupied")
plotMeanVarCurve(genders2, subset = "non-occupied")

# On the other hand, applying the local regression on all genomic intervals
# may considerably reduce the estimated number of prior degrees of freedom
# associated with the fitted mean-variance curve, as ChIP-seq signals in the
# non-occupied intervals are generally of less data regularity compared with
# those in the occupied intervals.

# To split the difference, fit the mean-variance curve on all genomic
# intervals and re-estimate the number of prior degrees of freedom using
# only the occupied intervals, which is also the most recommended strategy
# in practice.
genders3 <- estimatePriorDf(genders2, occupy.only = TRUE)
plotMeanVarCurve(genders3, subset = "all")
plotMeanVarCurve(genders3, subset = "non-occupied")

[Package MAnorm2 version 1.2.2 Index]