False Discovery Exceedance Controlling Multiple Testing Procedures

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Documentation for package ‘FDX’ version 1.0.6

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FDX-package False Discovery Exceedance (FDX) Control for Heterogeneous and Discrete Tests
amnesia Amnesia and other drug reactions in the MHRA pharmacovigilance spontaneous reporting system
continuous.GR Continuous Guo-Romano procedure
continuous.LR Continuous Lehmann-Romano procedure
DGR Discrete Guo-Romano procedure
discrete.GR Discrete Guo-Romano procedure
discrete.LR Discrete Lehmann-Romano procedure
discrete.PB Discrete Poisson-Binomial procedure
DLR Discrete Lehmann-Romano procedure
DPB Discrete Poisson-Binomial procedure
fast.Discrete Fast application of discrete procedures
fast.Discrete.GR Fast application of discrete procedures
fast.Discrete.LR Fast application of discrete procedures
fast.Discrete.PB Fast application of discrete procedures
GR Continuous Guo-Romano procedure
hist.FDX Histogram of Raw p-Values
kernel Kernel functions
kernel_DGR_crit Kernel functions
kernel_DGR_fast Kernel functions
kernel_DLR_crit Kernel functions
kernel_DLR_fast Kernel functions
kernel_DPB_crit Kernel functions
kernel_DPB_fast Kernel functions
kernel_wGR_fast Kernel functions
kernel_wLR_fast Kernel functions
kernel_wPB_fast Kernel functions
LR Continuous Lehmann-Romano procedure
NDGR Discrete Guo-Romano procedure
NDLR Discrete Lehmann-Romano procedure
NDPB Discrete Poisson-Binomial procedure
NGR Continuous Guo-Romano procedure
NLR Continuous Lehmann-Romano procedure
plot.FDX Plot Method for 'FDX' objects
print.FDX Printing FDX results
print.summary.FDX Summarizing Discrete FDX Results
rejection.path Rejection Path Plot (for 'FDX' objects)
summary.FDX Summarizing Discrete FDX Results
weighted.GR Weighted Guo-Romano Procedure
weighted.LR Weighted Lehmann-Romano Procedure
weighted.PB Weighted Poisson-Binomial Procedure
wGR.AM Weighted Guo-Romano Procedure
wGR.GM Weighted Guo-Romano Procedure
wLR.AM Weighted Lehmann-Romano Procedure
wLR.GM Weighted Lehmann-Romano Procedure
wPB.AM Weighted Poisson-Binomial Procedure
wPB.GM Weighted Poisson-Binomial Procedure