Exploratory Analysis with the Singular Value Decomposition

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Documentation for package ‘ExPosition’ version 2.8.23

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ExPosition-package ExPosition: _Ex_ploratory Analysis with the Singular Value Decom_Position_
acknowledgements acknowledgements
authors (A truncated form of) Punctuation used by six authors (data).
bada.wine Twelve wines from 3 regions in France with 18 attributes.
beer.tasting.notes Some of authors' personal beer tasting notes.
beers2007 Ten assessors sort eight beers into groups.
calculateConstraints calculateConstraints
caNorm Correspondence analysis preprocessing
caSupplementalElementsPreProcessing Correspondence Analysis preprocessing.
chi2Dist Chi-square Distance computation
coffee.data Small data set on flavor perception and preferences for coffee.
computeMW computeMW
coreCA coreCA
coreMDS coreMDS
corePCA corePCA
createDefaultDesign createDefaultDesign
designCheck designCheck
dica.ad Alzheimer's Patient-Spouse Dyads.
dica.wine Twelve wines from 3 regions in France with 16 attributes.
ep.iris Fisher's iris Set (for ExPosition)
epCA epCA: Correspondence Analysis (CA) via ExPosition.
epGPCA epGPCA: Generalized Principal Components Analysis (GPCA) via ExPosition.
epGraphs epGraphs: ExPosition plotting function
epMCA epMCA: Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) via ExPosition.
epMDS epMDS: Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) via ExPosition.
epPCA epPCA: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) via ExPosition.
expo.scale Scaling functions for ExPosition.
ExPosition ExPosition: _Ex_ploratory Analysis with the Singular Value Decom_Position_
faces2005 Faces analyzed using Four Algorithms
french.social How twelve French families spend their income on groceries.
genPDQ genPDQ: the GSVD
great.beer.tasting.1 A collection of beer tasting notes from untrained assessors.
great.beer.tasting.2 A collection of beer tasting notes from untrained assessors.
hellingerNorm Hellinger version of CA preprocessing
hellingerSupplementaryColsPreProcessing Preprocessing for supplementary columns in Hellinger analyses.
hellingerSupplementaryRowsPreProcessing Preprocessing for supplementary rows in Hellinger analyses.
jlsr.2010.ad Data from 17 Alzheimer's Patient-Spouse dyads.
jocn.2005.fmri Data of categories of images as view in an _f_MRI experiment.
makeDistancesAndWeights Makes distances and weights for MDS analyses (see 'epMDS').
makeNominalData makeNominalData
makeRowProfiles Preprocessing for CA-based analyses
mca.eigen.fix mca.eigen.fix
mca.wine Six wines described by several assessors with qualitative attributes.
mdsSupplementalElementsPreProcessing MDS preprocessing
mdsTransform Transform data for MDS analysis.
nominalCheck Checks if data are disjunctive.
pause pause
pca.wine Six wines described by several assessors with rank attributes.
pcaSupplementaryColsPreProcessing Preprocessing for supplementary columns in PCA.
pcaSupplementaryRowsPreProcessing Preprocessing for supplemental rows in PCA.
pickSVD Pick which generalized SVD (or related) decomposition to use.
print.epCA Print Correspondence Analysis (CA) results
print.epGPCA Print Generalized Principal Components Analysis (GPCA) results
print.epGraphs Print epGraphs results
print.epMCA Print Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) results
print.epMDS Print Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) results
print.epPCA Print Principal Components Analysis (PCA) results
print.epSVD Print results from the singular value decomposition (SVD) in ExPosition
print.expoOutput Print results from ExPosition
rowNorms Normalize the rows of a matrix.
rvCoeff Perform Rv coefficient computation.
snps.druguse Small data set for Partial Least Squares-Correspondence Analysis
supplementalProjection Supplemental projections.
supplementaryCols Supplementary columns
supplementaryRows Supplementary rows
wines2007 Six wines described by 3 assessors.
wines2012 Wines Data from 12 assessors described by 15 flavor profiles.
words Twenty words described by 2 features.