Disease-Drived Differential Proteins Co-Expression Network Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘DDPNA’ version 0.3.3

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DDPNA-package Disease-drived Differential Proteins And Proteomic Co-expression Network Associated Analysis
anova_p anova_p
changedID changedID
dataStatInf dataStatInf
Data_impute Data_impute
DDPNA Disease-drived Differential Proteins And Proteomic Co-expression Network Associated Analysis
DEPsets DEPsets
DEP_Mod_HeatMap DEP_Mod_HeatMap
DEP_Mod_net_plot DEP_Mod_net_plot
fc.pos fc.pos
FCSenrichplot FCSenrichplot
getmoduleHub getmoduleHub
groupmean groupmean
ID_match homolog protein Uniprot ID transformation
MaxQdataconvert one-step to extract 'Maxquant' quantification data and convert
MaxQprotein read proteomic quantification data and seperate the protein information and quantification information.
ME_inf module eigengenes information
modpcomp modpcomp
moduleID extract intersection ID between dataset and module
Module_Enrich Module_Enrich
Module_inf Module and protein information.
multi.t.test multi.t.test
P.G.extract Protein Groups information extract.
rename_dupnewID rename_dupnewID
single_mod_enrichplot single_mod_enrichplot
SoftThresholdScaleGraph SoftThresholdScaleGraph
wgcnatest wgcnatest