Prediction and Clustering on the Torus by Conformal Prediction

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Documentation for package ‘ClusTorus’ version 0.2.2

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ang.dist Angular distance
ang.minus Angular subtraction
ang.pdist Pairwise L2 angular distance
clus.torus Clustering on the torus by conformal prediction
cluster.assign.torus Clustering by connected components of ellipsoids
cp.torus.kde Conformal prediction set indices with kernel density estimation
data_6VXX 6VXX: Structure of the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein(closed state)
ellip.kmeans.torus K-Means Clustering to K-Spheres Clustering on Torus
EMsinvMmix Fitting mixtures of bivariate von Mises distribution
grid.torus Grid on torus
hyperparam.alpha Selecting optimal level based on the runs of the number of clusters
hyperparam.J Selecting optimal number of mixture components based on various criteria
hyperparam.torus Selecting optimal hyperparameters for the conformal prediction set
icp.torus Conformity score for inductive prediction sets
icp.torus.eval Inductive prediction sets for each level
ILE ILE: Structure of the Isoleucine
kde.torus Kernel density estimation using circular von Mises distribution
kmeans.torus K-Means Clustering on Torus
logLik.icp.torus Conformity score for inductive prediction sets
on.torus Transform the angular data to be on principal interval
plot.clus.torus Clustering on the torus by conformal prediction
plot.cluster.obj Clustering by connected components of ellipsoids
plot.cp.torus.kde Conformal prediction set indices with kernel density estimation
plot.hyperparam.alpha Selecting optimal level based on the runs of the number of clusters
plot.hyperparam.J Selecting optimal number of mixture components based on various criteria
plot.hyperparam.torus Selecting optimal hyperparameters for the conformal prediction set
plot.icp.torus Conformity score for inductive prediction sets
predict.icp.torus Conformity score for inductive prediction sets
predict.kmeans.torus K-Means Clustering on Torus
SARS_CoV_2 SARS-CoV-2: chain B of Structure of the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein(closed state)
tor.minus Toroidal subtraction
toydata1 toydata1: Labelled Data for 5 Clusters
toydata2 toydata2: Labelled Data for 3 Clusters
wtd.stat.ang Weighted extrinsic mean direction and mean resultant length