Bayesian Modeling via Frequentist Goodness-of-Fit

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Documentation for package ‘BayesGOF’ version 5.2

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BayesGOF-package Bayesian Modeling via Frequentist Goodness-of-Fit
arsenic Arsenic levels in oyster tissue
AutoIns Number of claims on an insurance policy
BayesGOF Bayesian Modeling via Frequentist Goodness-of-Fit
ChildIll Frequency of child illness
CorbBfly Corbet's Butterfly data
DS.entropy Full and Excess Entropy of DS(G,m) prior
DS.Finite.Bayes Conduct Finite Bayes Inference on a DS object
DS.GF.macro.obj Execute MacroInference (mean or mode) on a DS object
DS.GF.micro.obj MicroInference for DS Prior Objects
DS.GF.obj Prior Diagnostics and Estimation
DS.macro.inf Execute MacroInference (mean or mode) on a DS object
DS.macro.inf.bbu Execute MacroInference (mean or mode) on a DS object
DS.macro.inf.nnu Execute MacroInference (mean or mode) on a DS object
DS.macro.inf.pge Execute MacroInference (mean or mode) on a DS object
DS.macro.inf.pgu Execute MacroInference (mean or mode) on a DS object
DS.micro.inf MicroInference for DS Prior Objects
DS.micro.inf.bbu MicroInference for DS Prior Objects
DS.micro.inf.nnu MicroInference for DS Prior Objects
DS.micro.inf.pge MicroInference for DS Prior Objects
DS.micro.inf.pgu MicroInference for DS Prior Objects
DS.posterior.reduce Posterior Expectation and Modes of DS object
DS.prior Prior Diagnostics and Estimation
DS.prior.bbu Prior Diagnostics and Estimation
DS.prior.nnu Prior Diagnostics and Estimation
DS.prior.pgu Prior Diagnostics and Estimation
DS.sampler Samples data from DS(G,m) distribution. Samples data from DS(G,m) distribution.
EXP.score Prior Diagnostics and Estimation
galaxy Galaxy Data
gLP.basis Determine LP basis functions for prior distribution g Beta-Binomial Parameter Estimation
gMLE.nn Normal-Normal Parameter Estimation Negative-Binomial Parameter Estimation
Local.Mode Execute MacroInference (mean or mode) on a DS object
LP.smooth Prior Diagnostics and Estimation
maxent.LP.par Prior Diagnostics and Estimation
maxent.obj.convert Prior Diagnostics and Estimation
mom.est Beta-Binomial Parameter Estimation
NorbergIns Norberg life insurance data
plot.DS_FB_obj Conduct Finite Bayes Inference on a DS object
plot.DS_GF Prior Diagnostics and Estimation
plot.DS_GF_macro_mean Execute MacroInference (mean or mode) on a DS object
plot.DS_GF_macro_mode Execute MacroInference (mean or mode) on a DS object
plot.DS_GF_micro MicroInference for DS Prior Objects
print.DS_FB_obj Conduct Finite Bayes Inference on a DS object
print.DS_GF Prior Diagnostics and Estimation
print.DS_GF_macro_mean Execute MacroInference (mean or mode) on a DS object
print.DS_GF_macro_mode Execute MacroInference (mean or mode) on a DS object
print.DS_GF_micro MicroInference for DS Prior Objects
rat Rat Tumor Data
Reduce.LP.coef.univ Prior Diagnostics and Estimation
rPPD.ds Samples data from DS(G,m) distribution.
ship Portsmouth Navy Shipyard Data
steroid Nasal Steroid Data
surg Intestinal surgery data
tacks Rolling Tacks Data
terb Terbinafine trial data
ulcer Recurrent Bleeding of Ulcers Prior Diagnostics and Estimation