BMAmevt-package |
Bayesian Model Averaging for Multivariate Extremes |
add.frame |
Adds graphical elements to a plot of the two dimensional simplex. |
BMAmevt |
Bayesian Model Averaging for Multivariate Extremes |
cons.angular.dat |
Angular data set generation from unit Frechet data. |
ddirimix |
Angular density/likelihood function in the Dirichlet Mixture model. |
ddirimix.grid |
Plots the Dirichlet mixture density on a discretization grid |
ddirimix.grid1D |
Univariate projection or marginalization of a Dirichlet mixture density on on '[0,1]' |
dgridplot |
Image and/or Contour plots of spectral densities in trivariate extreme value models |
diagnose |
Diagnostics for the MCMC output in the PB and NL models. |
diagnose.PBNLpostsample |
Diagnostics for the MCMC output in the PB and NL models. |
discretize |
Discretization grid builder. |
dm.expar.D3k3 |
Example of valid Dirichlet mixture parameter for tri-variate extremes. |
dnestlog |
Pairwise Beta (PB) and Nested Asymmetric Logistic (NL) distributions |
dnestlog.grid |
PB and NL spectral densities on the two-dimensional simplex |
dpairbeta |
Pairwise Beta (PB) and Nested Asymmetric Logistic (NL) distributions |
dpairbeta.grid |
PB and NL spectral densities on the two-dimensional simplex | |
Probability of joint threshold exceedance, in the Dirichlet Mixture model, given a DM parameter. | |
Probability of joint threshold excess in the NL model | |
Posterior distribution the probability of joint threshold excess, in the NL model. |
excessProb.pb |
Estimates the probability of joint excess (Frechet margins) | |
Exponent function in the NL model. |
frechetdat |
Multivariate data set with margins following unit Frechet distribution. |
invlogit |
Inverse logit transformation |
laplace.evt |
Laplace approximation of a model marginal likelihood by Laplace approximation. |
Leeds |
Tri-variate 'angular' data set approximately distributed according to a multivariate extremes angular distribution |
Leeds.frechet |
Multivariate data set with margins following unit Frechet distribution. |
logit |
Logit transformation |
marginal.lkl |
Marginal model likelihood | |
Marginal likelihoods of the PB and NL models. |
marginal.lkl.pb |
Marginal likelihoods of the PB and NL models. |
maxLikelihood |
Maximum likelihood optimization |
MCpriorIntFun |
Generic Monte-Carlo integration of a function under the prior distribution | |
Generic Monte-Carlo integration under the prior distribution in the PB and NL models. |
MCpriorIntFun.pb |
Generic Monte-Carlo integration under the prior distribution in the PB and NL models. |
nl.Hpar |
Default hyper-parameters for the NL model. |
nl.MCpar |
Default MCMC tuning parameter for the Nested Asymmetric logistic model. |
pb.Hpar |
Default hyper-parameters for the Pairwise Beta model. |
pb.MCpar |
Default MCMC tuning parameter for the Pairwise Beta model. | |
Posterior predictive densities in the three dimensional PB, NL and NL3 models |
posterior.predictive.pb |
Posterior predictive densities in the three dimensional PB, NL and NL3 models |
posterior.predictive3D |
Posterior predictive density on the simplex, for three-dimensional extreme value models. |
posteriorDistr.bma |
Posterior distribution in the average model |
posteriorMCMC |
MCMC sampler for parametric spectral measures | |
MCMC posterior samplers for the pairwise beta and the negative logistic models. |
posteriorMCMC.pb |
MCMC posterior samplers for the pairwise beta and the negative logistic models. |
posteriorMean |
Posterior predictive density on the simplex, for three-dimensional extreme value models. |
posteriorWeights |
Posterior model weights | |
Prior parameter distribution for the NL model |
prior.pb |
Prior parameter distribution for the Pairwise Beta model | |
NL3 model: proposal distribution. |
proposal.pb |
PB model: proposal distribution |
rdirichlet |
Dirichlet distribution: random generator |
rdirimix |
Angular density/likelihood function in the Dirichlet Mixture model. |
rect.integrate |
Density integration on the two-dimensional simplex |
rnestlog |
Pairwise Beta (PB) and Nested Asymmetric Logistic (NL) distributions |
rpairbeta |
Pairwise Beta (PB) and Nested Asymmetric Logistic (NL) distributions |
rstable.posit |
Positive alpha-stable distribution. |
scores3D |
Logarithmic score and L^2 distance between two densities on the simplex (trivariate case). | |
Linear coordinate transformations | |
Linear coordinate transformations |
winterdat |
Five-dimensional air quality dataset recorded in Leeds(U.K.), during five winter seasons. |