discretize {BMAmevt}R Documentation

Discretization grid builder.


Builds a discretization grid covering the two-dimensional unit simplex, with specified number of points and minimal distance from the boundary.


discretize(npoints = 40, eps = 0.001, equi = FALSE)



The number of grid nodes on the squared grid containing the desired triangle.


Positive number: minimum distance from any node inside the simplex to the simplex boundary


logical. Is the simplex represented as an equilateral triangle (if TRUE) or a right triangle (if FALSE) ?


The npoints*npoints grid covers either the equilateral representation of the simplex, or the right angled one. In any case, the grid is rectangular: some nodes lie outside the triangle. Density computations on such a grid should handle the case when the point passed as argument is outside the simplex (typically, the function should return zero in such a case).


A list containing two elements: X and Y, vectors of size npoints, the Cartesian coordinates of the grid nodes.


In case equi==TRUE, epsilon is the minimum distance from any node inside the simplex to the simplex boundary, after transformation to the right-angled representation.

[Package BMAmevt version 1.0.5 Index]