ADMUR R package |
bluhm2421 |
Radiocarbon dataset from Bluhm and Surovell 2018 |
bryson1848 |
Radiocarbon dataset from Bryson et al. 2006 |
checkData |
Checks a dataset for obvious clangers |
convertPars |
Converts parameters to x,y coordinates (date and pdf) that describe a model |
CPLparsToHinges |
Converts CPL parameters (0 to 1) into hinge (x,y) coordinates (date and pdf) that describe a model |
data1 |
Toy radiocarbon dataset |
data2 |
Toy radiocarbon dataset |
data3 |
Toy radiocarbon dataset |
estimateDataDomain |
Estimates the calendar date domain of a 14C dataset. |
intcal13 |
Northern hemisphere 2013 calibration curve |
intcal20 |
Northern hemisphere 2020 calibration curve |
loglik |
Calculates the log likelihood of a population model, given a calibrated date PD matrix |
makeCalArray |
Makes a calibration curve probability array |
mcmc |
Makes a MCMC chain using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. |
objectiveFunction |
Objective function to be minimised in a search. Returns the negative log likelihood. |
phaseCalibrator |
Generates an SPD for each phase in a dataset |
plotCalArray |
Plots a calibration curve probability array |
plotPD |
Plots a calibrated PD of a single date, or SPD of multiple dates, or multiple SPDs |
plotSimulationSummary |
Plots a summary of the SPD simulation test |
relativeRate |
Calculates the relative growth (or decline) rate per generation. |
Radiocarbon dataset for South American Arid Diagonal (SAAD) |
shcal13 |
Southern hemisphere 2013 calibration curve |
shcal20 |
Southern hemisphere 2020 calibration curve |
simulateCalendarDates |
Converts calendar dates to 14C dates |
sinewavePDF |
PDF of a truncated sinusoidal curve |
SPDsimulationTest |
Goodness of Fit test, using SPD simulation |
summedCalibrator |
Generates a summed probability distribution (SPD) of calibrated dates |
summedCalibratorWrapper |
Quick calibration of dates, without the need to choose a date range or generate a CalArray. |
summedPhaseCalibrator |
Generates a summed probability distribution (SPD) after phasing dates |
toy |
Toy population model |
uncalibrateCalendarDates |
Converts calendar dates to 14C dates |