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Size: 6.1K
R: Convert a data.frame of allele data to a genind object.
df2genind {adegenet} R Documentation Convert a data.frame of allele data to a genind object. Description The function df2genind converts a data.frame (or a matrix) into a genind object.
 cran-help  matching: df2genind and df2genind

Size: 2.6K
R: Deprecated functions in ade4
...bca - betweencoinertia: replaced by bca.coinertia - char2genet: replaced by df2genind and genind2genpop in the adegenet package - count2genet: replaced by df2genind and genind2genpop in the adegenet...
 cran-help  matching: df2genind

Size: 5.3K
R: Convert vcfR objects to other formats
...packages Usage vcfR2genind(x, sep = "[|/]", return.alleles = FALSE, ...) vcfR2loci(x, return.alleles = FALSE) vcfR2genlight(x, n.cores = 1) Arguments x an object of class chromR or vcfR sep character...
 cran-help  matching: df2genind

Size: 2.9K
R: Reading data from Fstat
...extension. quiet logical stating whether a conversion message must be printed (TRUE,default) or not (FALSE). Details Note: read.fstat is meant for DIPLOID DATA ONLY. Haploid data with the Hierfstat...
 cran-help  matching: df2genind

Size: 3.1K
R: Reading data from Genepop
...The function read.genepop reads Genepop data files (.gen) and convert them into a genind object. Usage read.genepop(file, ncode = 2L, quiet = FALSE) Arguments file a character string giving the path...
 cran-help  matching: df2genind

Size: 3.1K
R: Reading data from GENETIX
...genetix reads GENETIX data files (.gtx) and convert them into a genind object. Usage read.genetix(file = NULL, quiet = FALSE) Arguments file a character string giving the path to the file to convert...
 cran-help  matching: df2genind

Size: 3.2K
R: Convert a genind object to a data.frame.
...genind2df converts a genind back to a data.frame of raw allelic data. Usage genind2df(x, pop = NULL, sep = "", usepop = TRUE, oneColPerAll = FALSE) Arguments x a genind object pop an optional factor...
 cran-help  matching: df2genind

Size: 3.9K
R: genind constructor
...are aliases for new("genind", ...). Usage ## S4 method for signature 'genind' initialize( .Object, tab, pop = NULL, prevcall = NULL, ploidy = 2L, type = c("codom", "PA"), strata = NULL, hierarchy...
 cran-help  matching: df2genind

Size: 5.3K
R: Reading data from STRUCTURE
...ou .stru) and convert them into a genind object. By default, this function is interactive and asks a few questions about data content. This can be disabled (for optional questions) by turning the 'ask'...
 cran-help  matching: df2genind

Size: 110.0K
Converting vcfR objects to other forms
...other forms Brian J. Knaus 2023-12-07 Once we have finished examining our data in vcfR, we’ll want to format it so that other softwares can utilize it. A straightforward path is to create a *.vcf.gz...
 cran-vignettes  matching: df2genind

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