B C D F G H I J L M N O P R S U V W Y misc
unmarked-package | Models for Data from Unmarked Animals |
backTransform | Methods for Function backTransform in Package 'unmarked' |
backTransform-method | Methods for Function backTransform in Package 'unmarked' |
backTransform-methods | Methods for Function backTransform in Package 'unmarked' |
birds | BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species |
bup | Class '"unmarkedRanef"' |
bup-method | Class '"unmarkedRanef"' |
catbird | BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species |
catbird.bin | BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species |
coef-method | Methods for Function coef in Package 'unmarked' |
coef-method | Model selection results from an unmarkedFitList |
coef-method | Class "unmarkedFitList" |
coef-methods | Methods for Function coef in Package 'unmarked' |
colext | Fit the dynamic occupancy model of MacKenzie et. al (2003) |
computeMPLElambda | Compute the penalty weight for the MPLE penalized likelihood method |
confint-method | Methods for Function confint in Package 'unmarked' |
confint-method | Class '"unmarkedRanef"' |
confint-methods | Methods for Function confint in Package 'unmarked' |
coordinates | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
coordinates-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
coords | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
crossbill | Detection/non-detection data on the European crossbill (_Loxia curvirostra_) |
crossVal | Cross-validation methods for fitted unmarked models and fit lists |
crossVal-method | Cross-validation methods for fitted unmarked models and fit lists |
crossVal-methods | Cross-validation methods for fitted unmarked models and fit lists |
cruz | Landscape data for Santa Cruz Island |
csvToUMF | Convert .CSV File to an unmarkedFrame |
detFuns | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
distsamp | Fit the hierarchical distance sampling model of Royle et al. (2004) |
distsampOpen | Open population model for distance sampling data |
doublePiFun | Compute multinomial cell probabilities |
drexp | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
drhaz | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
drhn | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
dxexp | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
dxhaz | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
dxhn | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
fitList | constructor of unmarkedFitList objects |
fitted-method | Methods for Function fitted in Package 'unmarked' |
fitted-methods | Methods for Function fitted in Package 'unmarked' |
formatDistData | Bin distance data |
formatLong | Convert between wide and long data formats. |
formatMult | Create unmarkedMultFrame from Long Format Data Frame |
formatWide | Convert between wide and long data formats. |
frog2001pcru | 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data |
frog2001pfer | 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data |
frogs | 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data |
gdistremoval | Fit the combined distance and removal model of Amundson et al. (2014). |
gdistsamp | Fit the generalized distance sampling model of Chandler et al. (2011). |
getB | Methods for Function getB in Package 'unmarked' |
getB-method | Methods for Function getB in Package 'unmarked' |
getB-methods | Methods for Function getB in Package 'unmarked' |
getData | Class "unmarkedFit" |
getData-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
getFP | Methods for Function getFP in Package 'unmarked' |
getFP-method | Methods for Function getFP in Package 'unmarked' |
getFP-methods | Methods for Function getFP in Package 'unmarked' |
getL | Organize data for the occupancy model using count data fit by 'occuCOP' |
getL-method | Organize data for the occupancy model using count data fit by 'occuCOP' |
getP | Methods for Function getP in Package 'unmarked' |
getP-method | Methods for Function getP in Package 'unmarked' |
getP-methods | Methods for Function getP in Package 'unmarked' |
getY | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
getY-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
getY-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
gf | Green frog count index data |
gf.data | Green frog count index data |
gf.obs | Green frog count index data |
gmultmix | Generalized multinomial N-mixture model |
goccu | Fit multi-scale occupancy models |
gpcount | Generalized binomial N-mixture model for repeated count data |
grexp | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
grhaz | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
grhn | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
gxexp | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
gxhaz | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
gxhn | Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions |
head-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
hessian | Class "unmarkedFit" |
hessian-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
hist-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
hist-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
imputeMissing | A function to impute missing entries in continuous obsCovs |
issj | Distance-sampling data for the Island Scrub Jay (_Aphelocoma insularis_) |
jay | European Jay data from the Swiss Breeding Bird Survey 2002 |
lambda2psi | Convert Poisson mean (lambda) to probability of occurrence (psi). |
linearComb | Methods for Function linearComb in Package 'unmarked' |
linearComb-method | Methods for Function linearComb in Package 'unmarked' |
linearComb-methods | Methods for Function linearComb in Package 'unmarked' |
linetran | Simulated line transect data |
logLik | Class "unmarkedFit" |
logLik-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
LRT | Class "unmarkedFit" |
LRT-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
makeCrPiFun | Create functions to compute multinomial cell probabilities |
makeCrPiFunMb | Create functions to compute multinomial cell probabilities |
makeCrPiFunMh | Create functions to compute multinomial cell probabilities |
makePiFuns | Create functions to compute multinomial cell probabilities |
makeRemPiFun | Create functions to compute multinomial cell probabilities |
mallard | Mallard count data |
mallard.obs | Mallard count data |
mallard.site | Mallard count data |
mallard.y | Mallard count data |
mapInfo | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
masspcru | Massachusetts North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data |
MesoCarnivores | Occupancy data for coyote, red fox, and bobcat |
mle | Class "unmarkedFit" |
mle-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
modSel | Model selection results from an unmarkedFitList |
modSel-method | Class "unmarkedFitList" |
modSel-methods | Model selection results from an unmarkedFitList |
multinomPois | Multinomial-Poisson Mixtures Model |
multmixOpen | Open population multinomial N-mixture model |
names-method | Class "unmarkedEstimateList" |
names-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
nllFun | Class "unmarkedFit" |
nllFun-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
nmixTTD | Fit N-mixture Time-to-detection Models |
nonparboot | Nonparametric bootstrapping in unmarked |
nonparboot-method | Nonparametric bootstrapping in unmarked |
nonparboot-methods | Nonparametric bootstrapping in unmarked |
numSites | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
numSites-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
numY | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
numY-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
obsCovs | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
obsCovs-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
obsCovs<- | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
obsCovs<--method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
obsNum | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
obsNum-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
obsToY | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
obsToY-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
obsToY<- | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
obsToY<--method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
occu | Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model |
occuCOP | Fit the occupancy model using count dta |
occuFP | Fit occupancy models when false positive detections occur (e.g., Royle and Link [2006] and Miller et al. [2011]) |
occuMS | Fit Single-Season and Dynamic Multi-State Occupancy Models |
occuMulti | Fit the Rota et al. (2016) Multi-species Occupancy Model |
occuPEN | Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model with the penalized likelihood methods of Hutchinson et al. (2015) |
occuPEN_CV | Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model with the penalized likelihood methods of Hutchinson et al. (2015) using cross-validation |
occuRN | Fit the occupancy model of Royle and Nichols (2003) |
occuTTD | Fit Single-Season and Dynamic Time-to-detection Occupancy Models |
optimizePenalty | Identify Optimal Penalty Parameter Value |
optimizePenalty-method | Identify Optimal Penalty Parameter Value |
optimizePenalty-methods | Identify Optimal Penalty Parameter Value |
ovendata | Removal data for the Ovenbird |
ovendata.list | Removal data for the Ovenbird |
parboot | Parametric bootstrap method for fitted models inheriting class. |
parboot-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
pcount | Fit the N-mixture model of Royle (2004) |
pcount.spHDS | Fit spatial hierarchical distance sampling model. |
pcountOpen | Fit the open N-mixture models of Dail and Madsen and extensions |
pcru.bin | 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data |
pcru.data | 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data |
pcru.y | 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data |
pfer.bin | 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data |
pfer.data | 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data |
pfer.y | 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data |
piFuns | Compute multinomial cell probabilities |
plot-method | Parametric bootstrap method for fitted models inheriting class. |
plot-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
plot-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
plot-method | Create or summarize a series of unmarked power analyses |
plot-method | Class '"unmarkedRanef"' |
plotEffects | Plot marginal effects of covariates in unmarked models |
plotEffects-method | Plot marginal effects of covariates in unmarked models |
plotEffects-methods | Plot marginal effects of covariates in unmarked models |
plotEffectsData | Plot marginal effects of covariates in unmarked models |
plotEffectsData-method | Plot marginal effects of covariates in unmarked models |
plotEffectsData-methods | Plot marginal effects of covariates in unmarked models |
pointtran | Simulated point-transect data |
posteriorSamples | Draw samples from the posterior predictive distribution |
posteriorSamples-method | Draw samples from the posterior predictive distribution |
posteriorSamples-methods | Draw samples from the posterior predictive distribution |
powerAnalysis | Conduct a power analysis on an unmarked model |
predict | Methods for Function predict in Package 'unmarked' |
predict-method | Methods for Function predict in Package 'unmarked' |
predict-methods | Methods for Function predict in Package 'unmarked' |
profile-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
projected | Class "unmarkedFit" |
projected-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
projection | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
projection-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
randomTerms | Extract estimates of random effect terms |
randomTerms-method | Extract estimates of random effect terms |
randomTerms-methods | Extract estimates of random effect terms |
ranef | Methods for Function 'ranef' in Package 'unmarked' |
ranef-method | Methods for Function 'ranef' in Package 'unmarked' |
ranef-methods | Methods for Function 'ranef' in Package 'unmarked' |
removalPiFun | Compute multinomial cell probabilities |
residuals-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
sampleSize | Class "unmarkedFit" |
sampleSize-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
SE | Methods for Function SE in Package 'unmarked' |
SE-method | Methods for Function SE in Package 'unmarked' |
SE-method | Model selection results from an unmarkedFitList |
SE-method | Class "unmarkedFitList" |
SE-methods | Methods for Function SE in Package 'unmarked' |
shinyPower | Launch a Shiny app to help with power analysis |
show-method | Methods for Function backTransform in Package 'unmarked' |
show-method | Cross-validation methods for fitted unmarked models and fit lists |
show-method | Methods for Function linearComb in Package 'unmarked' |
show-method | Model selection results from an unmarkedFitList |
show-method | Parametric bootstrap method for fitted models inheriting class. |
show-method | Draw samples from the posterior predictive distribution |
show-method | Class "unmarkedEstimate" |
show-method | Class "unmarkedEstimateList" |
show-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
show-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
show-method | Methods for unmarkedPower objects |
show-method | Create or summarize a series of unmarked power analyses |
show-method | Class '"unmarkedRanef"' |
sight2perpdist | Convert sight distance and sight angle to perpendicular distance. |
sigma | Extract estimates of random effect standard deviations |
sigma-method | Extract estimates of random effect standard deviations |
sigma-methods | Extract estimates of random effect standard deviations |
simulate-method | Methods for Function simulate in Package 'unmarked' |
simulate-methods | Methods for Function simulate in Package 'unmarked' |
siteCovs | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
siteCovs-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
siteCovs<- | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
siteCovs<--method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
smoothed | Class "unmarkedFit" |
smoothed-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
SSE | Compute Sum of Squared Residuals for a Model Fit. |
SSE-method | Compute Sum of Squared Residuals for a Model Fit. |
SSE-methods | Compute Sum of Squared Residuals for a Model Fit. |
summary-method | Model selection results from an unmarkedFitList |
summary-method | Class "unmarkedEstimate" |
summary-method | Class "unmarkedEstimateList" |
summary-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
summary-method | Class "unmarkedFitList" |
summary-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
summary-method | Methods for unmarkedPower objects |
summary-method | Create or summarize a series of unmarked power analyses |
Switzerland | Swiss landscape data |
unmarked | Models for Data from Unmarked Animals |
unmarkedCrossVal-class | Cross-validation methods for fitted unmarked models and fit lists |
unmarkedCrossValList-class | Cross-validation methods for fitted unmarked models and fit lists |
unmarkedEstimate | Class "unmarkedEstimate" |
unmarkedEstimate-class | Class "unmarkedEstimate" |
unmarkedEstimateList-class | Class "unmarkedEstimateList" |
unmarkedFit | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFit-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitDS-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitDSO-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitGMM-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitList-class | Class "unmarkedFitList" |
unmarkedFitMMO-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitMPois-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitNmixTTD-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitOccu-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitOccuFP-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitOccuMS-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitOccuMulti-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitOccuPEN-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitOccuPEN_CV-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitOccuTTD-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitPCO-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFitPCount-class | Class "unmarkedFit" |
unmarkedFrame | Create an unmarkedFrame, or one of its child classes. |
unmarkedFrame-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFrameDS | Organize data for the distance sampling model of Royle et al. (2004) fit by distsamp |
unmarkedFrameDS-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFrameDSO | Create an object of class unmarkedFrameDSO that contains data used by distsampOpen. |
unmarkedFrameDSO-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFrameGDR | Organize data for the combined distance and removal point-count model of Amundson et al. (2014) fit by 'gdistremoval' |
unmarkedFrameGDR-class | Organize data for the combined distance and removal point-count model of Amundson et al. (2014) fit by 'gdistremoval' |
unmarkedFrameGDS | Create an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, or unmarkedFrameGPC object |
unmarkedFrameGDS-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFrameGMM | Create an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, or unmarkedFrameGPC object |
unmarkedFrameGMM-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFrameGOccu | Create an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, or unmarkedFrameGPC object |
unmarkedFrameGPC | Create an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, or unmarkedFrameGPC object |
unmarkedFrameGPC-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFrameMMO | Create an object of class unmarkedFrameMMO that contains data used by multmixOpen. |
unmarkedFrameMMO-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFrameMPois | Organize data for the multinomial-Poisson mixture model of Royle (2004) fit by multinomPois |
unmarkedFrameMPois-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFrameOccu | Organize data for the single season occupancy models fit by occu and occuRN |
unmarkedFrameOccu-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFrameOccuCOP | Organize data for the occupancy model using count data fit by 'occuCOP' |
unmarkedFrameOccuFP | Organize data for the single season occupancy models fit by occuFP |
unmarkedFrameOccuMS | Organize data for the multi-state occupancy model fit by occuMS |
unmarkedFrameOccuMS-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFrameOccuMulti | Organize data for the multispecies occupancy model fit by occuMulti |
unmarkedFrameOccuMulti-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFrameOccuTTD | Create an unmarkedFrameOccuTTD object for the time-to-detection model fit by occuTTD |
unmarkedFrameOccuTTD-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFramePCO | Create an object of class unmarkedFramePCO that contains data used by pcountOpen. |
unmarkedFramePCO-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedFramePCount | Organize data for the N-mixture model fit by pcount |
unmarkedFramePCount-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedModSel-class | Model selection results from an unmarkedFitList |
unmarkedMultFrame | Create an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, or unmarkedFrameGPC object |
unmarkedMultFrame-class | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
unmarkedPostSamples-class | Draw samples from the posterior predictive distribution |
unmarkedPower-class | Methods for unmarkedPower objects |
unmarkedPower-methods | Methods for unmarkedPower objects |
unmarkedPowerList | Create or summarize a series of unmarked power analyses |
unmarkedPowerList-class | Create or summarize a series of unmarked power analyses |
unmarkedPowerList-method | Create or summarize a series of unmarked power analyses |
unmarkedPowerList-methods | Create or summarize a series of unmarked power analyses |
unmarkedRanef-class | Class '"unmarkedRanef"' |
update-method | Class "unmarkedFit" |
update-method | Methods for unmarkedPower objects |
vcov-method | Methods for Function vcov in Package 'unmarked' |
vcov-methods | Methods for Function vcov in Package 'unmarked' |
vif | Compute Variance Inflation Factors for an unmarkedFit Object. |
woodthrush | BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species |
woodthrush.bin | BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species |
yearlySiteCovs | Create an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, or unmarkedFrameGPC object |
yearlySiteCovs-method | Create an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, or unmarkedFrameGPC object |
yearlySiteCovs<- | Create an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, or unmarkedFrameGPC object |
yearlySiteCovs<--method | Create an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, or unmarkedFrameGPC object |
[-method | Methods for bracket extraction [ in Package 'unmarked' |
[-method | Draw samples from the posterior predictive distribution |
[-method | Class "unmarkedFrame" |
[-methods | Methods for bracket extraction [ in Package 'unmarked' |