ubms-package |
ubms |
$-method |
Extractors for ubmsFitList objects Extract parts of ubmsFitList objects. |
cauchy |
Prior distributions |
coef-method |
Extract Coefficient Values From a ubmsFit Model |
extract-method |
Extract Samples From a ubmsFit Model |
extract_log_lik |
Extract Pointwise Log-likelihood From Model |
extract_log_lik-method |
Extract Pointwise Log-likelihood From Model |
fitList |
Create a List of ubmsFit Models |
fitList-method |
Create a List of ubmsFit Models |
fitted-method |
Extract Fitted Values |
gamma |
Prior distributions |
getY-method |
Extract y, the Response Variable, From a ubmsFit Model |
get_elapsed_time-method |
Get Model Runtime |
get_stancode-method |
Get Stan Code From Model |
gof |
Check model goodness-of-fit |
gof-method |
Check model goodness-of-fit |
kfold-method |
K-fold Cross-validation of a ubmsFit Model |
laplace |
Prior distributions |
logistic |
Prior distributions |
loo-method |
Leave-one-out Cross Validation |
modSel-method |
Model Selection For a List of ubmsFit Models |
names-method |
Get Parameter Names From a ubmsFit Model |
names-method |
Get Names of Models in a ubmsFitList |
normal |
Prior distributions |
nsamples-method |
Get number of Posterior Samples Stored in a ubmsFit Model |
plot-method |
Check model goodness-of-fit |
plot-method |
Plot Residuals For All Submodels in a ubmsFit Model |
plot_effects |
Plot Marginal Effects of Covariates |
plot_effects-method |
Plot Marginal Effects of Covariates |
plot_marginal |
Plot Marginal Effects of Covariates |
plot_marginal-method |
Plot Marginal Effects of Covariates |
plot_posteriors |
Plot Posterior Distributions |
plot_posteriors-method |
Plot Posterior Distributions |
plot_residuals |
Plot Model Residuals |
plot_residuals-method |
Plot Model Residuals |
plot_spatial |
Plot A Map of the State Parameter Based on a Spatial ubms Model |
posterior_linpred |
Posterior Distribution of the Linear Predictor |
posterior_linpred-method |
Posterior Distribution of the Linear Predictor |
posterior_predict |
Draw from the posterior predictive distribution |
posterior_predict-method |
Draw from the posterior predictive distribution |
predict |
Predict parameter values from a fitted model |
predict-method |
Predict parameter values from a fitted model |
priors |
Prior distributions |
projected |
Projected Occupancy Trajectories |
projected-method |
Projected Occupancy Trajectories |
ranef |
Extract Random Effects |
ranef-method |
Extract Random Effects |
residuals-method |
Extract Model Residuals |
Get Information for a Restricted Spatial Regression Model |
stan_colext |
Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2003) Dynamic Occupancy Model |
stan_distsamp |
Fit the Royle et al. (2004) Distance Sampling Model |
stan_multinomPois |
Fit the Multinomial-Poisson Mixture Model |
stan_occu |
Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model |
stan_occuRN |
Fit the Occupancy Model of Royle and Nichols (2003) |
stan_occuTTD |
Fit Time-to-detection Occupancy Models |
stan_pcount |
Fit the N-mixture model of Royle (2004) |
student_t |
Prior distributions |
summary-method |
Extract Summary Statistics from a ubmsFit Model |
traceplot-method |
Markov Chain Traceplots |
turnover |
Turnover Probability |
turnover-method |
Turnover Probability |
ubms |
ubms |
ubmsFitList-extractors |
Extractors for ubmsFitList objects Extract parts of ubmsFitList objects. |
uniform |
Prior distributions |
waic-method |
Widely Applicable Information Criterion (WAIC) |
[-method |
Extract a Submodel from a ubmsFit Model |
[-method |
Extract a ubmsSubmodel From a ubmsSubmodelList Object |
[-method |
Extractors for ubmsFitList objects Extract parts of ubmsFitList objects. |
[[-method |
Extractors for ubmsFitList objects Extract parts of ubmsFitList objects. |