base_loader | Base loader |
cifar100_dataset | Cifar datasets |
cifar10_dataset | Cifar datasets |
draw_bounding_boxes | Draws bounding boxes on image. |
draw_keypoints | Draws Keypoints |
draw_segmentation_masks | Draw segmentation masks |
image_folder_dataset | Create an image folder dataset |
kmnist_dataset | Kuzushiji-MNIST |
magick_loader | Load an Image using ImageMagick |
mnist_dataset | MNIST dataset |
model_alexnet | AlexNet Model Architecture |
model_inception_v3 | Inception v3 model |
model_mobilenet_v2 | Constructs a MobileNetV2 architecture from MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks. |
model_resnet | ResNet implementation |
model_resnet101 | ResNet implementation |
model_resnet152 | ResNet implementation |
model_resnet18 | ResNet implementation |
model_resnet34 | ResNet implementation |
model_resnet50 | ResNet implementation |
model_resnext101_32x8d | ResNet implementation |
model_resnext50_32x4d | ResNet implementation |
model_vgg | VGG implementation |
model_vgg11 | VGG implementation |
model_vgg11_bn | VGG implementation |
model_vgg13 | VGG implementation |
model_vgg13_bn | VGG implementation |
model_vgg16 | VGG implementation |
model_vgg16_bn | VGG implementation |
model_vgg19 | VGG implementation |
model_vgg19_bn | VGG implementation |
model_wide_resnet101_2 | ResNet implementation |
model_wide_resnet50_2 | ResNet implementation |
tensor_image_browse | Display image tensor |
tensor_image_display | Display image tensor |
tiny_imagenet_dataset | Tiny ImageNet dataset |
transform_adjust_brightness | Adjust the brightness of an image |
transform_adjust_contrast | Adjust the contrast of an image |
transform_adjust_gamma | Adjust the gamma of an RGB image |
transform_adjust_hue | Adjust the hue of an image |
transform_adjust_saturation | Adjust the color saturation of an image |
transform_affine | Apply affine transformation on an image keeping image center invariant |
transform_center_crop | Crops the given image at the center |
transform_color_jitter | Randomly change the brightness, contrast and saturation of an image |
transform_convert_image_dtype | Convert a tensor image to the given 'dtype' and scale the values accordingly |
transform_crop | Crop the given image at specified location and output size |
transform_five_crop | Crop image into four corners and a central crop |
transform_grayscale | Convert image to grayscale |
transform_hflip | Horizontally flip a PIL Image or Tensor |
transform_linear_transformation | Transform a tensor image with a square transformation matrix and a mean_vector computed offline |
transform_normalize | Normalize a tensor image with mean and standard deviation |
transform_pad | Pad the given image on all sides with the given "pad" value |
transform_perspective | Perspective transformation of an image |
transform_random_affine | Random affine transformation of the image keeping center invariant |
transform_random_apply | Apply a list of transformations randomly with a given probability |
transform_random_choice | Apply single transformation randomly picked from a list |
transform_random_crop | Crop the given image at a random location |
transform_random_erasing | Randomly selects a rectangular region in an image and erases its pixel values |
transform_random_grayscale | Randomly convert image to grayscale with a given probability |
transform_random_horizontal_flip | Horizontally flip an image randomly with a given probability |
transform_random_order | Apply a list of transformations in a random order |
transform_random_perspective | Random perspective transformation of an image with a given probability |
transform_random_resized_crop | Crop image to random size and aspect ratio |
transform_random_rotation | Rotate the image by angle |
transform_random_vertical_flip | Vertically flip an image randomly with a given probability |
transform_resize | Resize the input image to the given size |
transform_resized_crop | Crop an image and resize it to a desired size |
transform_rgb_to_grayscale | Convert RGB Image Tensor to Grayscale |
transform_rotate | Angular rotation of an image |
transform_ten_crop | Crop an image and the flipped image each into four corners and a central crop |
transform_to_tensor | Convert an image to a tensor |
transform_vflip | Vertically flip a PIL Image or Tensor |
vision_make_grid | A simplified version of torchvision.utils.make_grid |