transform_adjust_hue {torchvision}R Documentation

Adjust the hue of an image


The image hue is adjusted by converting the image to HSV and cyclically shifting the intensities in the hue channel (H). The image is then converted back to original image mode.


transform_adjust_hue(img, hue_factor)



A magick-image, array or torch_tensor.


(float): How much to shift the hue channel. Should be in ⁠[-0.5, 0.5]⁠. 0.5 and -0.5 give complete reversal of hue channel in HSV space in positive and negative direction respectively. 0 means no shift. Therefore, both -0.5 and 0.5 will give an image with complementary colors while 0 gives the original image.


hue_factor is the amount of shift in H channel and must be in the interval ⁠[-0.5, 0.5]⁠.

See Hue for more details.

See Also

Other transforms: transform_adjust_brightness(), transform_adjust_contrast(), transform_adjust_gamma(), transform_adjust_saturation(), transform_affine(), transform_center_crop(), transform_color_jitter(), transform_convert_image_dtype(), transform_crop(), transform_five_crop(), transform_grayscale(), transform_hflip(), transform_linear_transformation(), transform_normalize(), transform_pad(), transform_perspective(), transform_random_affine(), transform_random_apply(), transform_random_choice(), transform_random_crop(), transform_random_erasing(), transform_random_grayscale(), transform_random_horizontal_flip(), transform_random_order(), transform_random_perspective(), transform_random_resized_crop(), transform_random_rotation(), transform_random_vertical_flip(), transform_resize(), transform_resized_crop(), transform_rgb_to_grayscale(), transform_rotate(), transform_ten_crop(), transform_to_tensor(), transform_vflip()

[Package torchvision version 0.6.0 Index]