Estimate Brain Networks and Connectivity with ICA and Empirical Priors

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Documentation for package ‘templateICAr’ version 0.6.4

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activations Activations of (s)tICA
dual_reg Dual Regression
EM_FCtemplateICA EM Algorithm for FC Template ICA Model
EM_templateICA EM Algorithms for Template ICA Models
EM_templateICA.independent EM Algorithms for Template ICA Models
EM_templateICA.spatial EM Algorithms for Template ICA Models
estimate_nu_matrix Estimate IW dof parameter nu based on method of moments
estimate_template Estimate template
estimate_template.cifti Estimate template
estimate_template.gifti Estimate template
estimate_template.nifti Estimate template
estimate_template_from_DR Estimate template from DR
export_template Export template
Gibbs_AS_posteriorCPP Use a Gibbs sampler for the A and S variables (E-step of the EM)
groupICA.cifti Perform group ICA based on CIFTI data
IW_var Compute theoretical Inverse-Wishart variance of covariance matrix elements
make_mesh Make INLA mesh from '"surf"' object
make_mesh_2D Make 2D INLA mesh
norm_BOLD Normalize BOLD data
plot.template.cifti Plot template
plot.template.gifti Plot template
plot.template.matrix Plot template
plot.template.nifti Plot template
plot.tICA.cifti Plot template
plot.tICA.matrix Plot template
plot.tICA.nifti Plot template
plot.tICA_act.cifti Plot activations
print.summary.template.cifti Summarize a '"template.cifti"' object
print.summary.template.gifti Summarize a '"template.gifti"' object
print.summary.template.matrix Summarize a '"template.matrix"' object
print.summary.template.nifti Summarize a '"template.nifti"' object
print.summary.tICA.cifti Summarize a '"tICA.cifti"' object
print.summary.tICA.matrix Summarize a '"tICA.matrix"' object
print.summary.tICA.nifti Summarize a '"tICA.nifti"' object
print.summary.tICA_act.cifti Summarize a '"tICA_act.cifti"' object
print.summary.tICA_act.matrix Summarize a '"tICA_act.matrix"' object
print.template.cifti Summarize a '"template.cifti"' object
print.template.gifti Summarize a '"template.gifti"' object
print.template.matrix Summarize a '"template.matrix"' object
print.template.nifti Summarize a '"template.nifti"' object
print.tICA.cifti Summarize a '"tICA.cifti"' object
print.tICA.matrix Summarize a '"tICA.matrix"' object
print.tICA.nifti Summarize a '"tICA.nifti"' object
print.tICA_act.cifti Summarize a '"tICA_act.cifti"' object
print.tICA_act.matrix Summarize a '"tICA_act.matrix"' object
resample_template Resample CIFTI template
summary.template.cifti Summarize a '"template.cifti"' object
summary.template.gifti Summarize a '"template.gifti"' object
summary.template.matrix Summarize a '"template.matrix"' object
summary.template.nifti Summarize a '"template.nifti"' object
summary.tICA.cifti Summarize a '"tICA.cifti"' object
summary.tICA.matrix Summarize a '"tICA.matrix"' object
summary.tICA.nifti Summarize a '"tICA.nifti"' object
summary.tICA_act.cifti Summarize a '"tICA_act.cifti"' object
summary.tICA_act.matrix Summarize a '"tICA_act.matrix"' object
templateICA Template ICA
UpdateTheta_FCtemplateICA Update FC Template ICA parameters (tau_sq, alpha, G)
UpdateTheta_FCtemplateICAcpp Update parameters (M-step of the EM)
UpdateTheta_templateICA Parameter Estimates in EM Algorithm for Template ICA Model
UpdateTheta_templateICA.independent Parameter Estimates in EM Algorithm for Template ICA Model
UpdateTheta_templateICA.spatial Parameter Estimates in EM Algorithm for Template ICA Model
var_sq_err Compute the error between empirical and theoretical variance of covariance matrix elements