Interface to 'Python' Package 'StepMix'

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Documentation for package ‘stepmixr’ version 0.1.2

Help Pages

bakk_measurements Series of function to simulate data.
bootstrap Non-parametric bootstrap of StepMix estimator.
bootstrap.stepmix.stepmix.StepMix Non-parametric bootstrap of StepMix estimator.
bootstrap_stats Non-parametric boostrap of StepMix estimator.
bootstrap_stats.stepmix.stepmix.StepMix Non-parametric boostrap of StepMix estimator.
check_pystepmix_version Install stepmix python package into python via reticulate.
data_bakk_complete Series of function to simulate data.
data_bakk_covariate Series of function to simulate data.
data_bakk_response Series of function to simulate data.
data_gaussian_diag Series of function to simulate data.
data_generation_gaussian Series of function to simulate data.
fit Fit a mixture using the stepmix python package.
identify_coef Fit a mixture using the stepmix python package.
install.stepmix Install stepmix python package into python via reticulate.
loadfit Save the fit of a mixture using the stepmix python package.
mixed_descriptor Utility function for mixture using mixed description.
predict.stepmix.stepmix.StepMix Predict the membership (probabilities) using the fit of the stepmix python package.
predict_proba Predict the membership (probabilities) using the fit of the stepmix python package.
predict_proba.stepmix.stepmix.StepMix Predict the membership (probabilities) using the fit of the stepmix python package.
print.stepmix.stepmix.StepMix Fit a mixture using the stepmix python package.
random_nan Series of function to simulate data.
savefit Save the fit of a mixture using the stepmix python package.
stepmix R interface to stepmix in StepMix python.