Utility Functions and Data Sets for Data Visualization

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Documentation for package ‘socviz’ version 1.2

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%nin% %nin%
asasec American Sociological Association Section Membership
bad_date Dates in character form
boomer Monthly Births in the US, and England & Wales
center_df center_df
color_comp Plot a table of color hex values as a table of colors
color_pal Draw a palette of colors
color_table A table of hex color values related to types of color blindness
county_data Census Data on US Counties
county_map US County map file
edu Years of school completed by people 25 years and over in the US.
election US Presidential Election 2016, State-level results
elections_historic US Presidential Election vote shares
fredts Monetary Base and S&P 500 series
freq_tab Generate a tidy n-way frequency table
gss_lon General Social Survey data, 1972-2016
gss_sib General Social Survey data, 1972-2016
gss_sm General Social Survey data, 2016
int_to_year int_to_year
lawschools US Law School Enrollments 1963-2015
lay_out Arrange ggplot2 plots in an arbitrary grid
maunaloa Mauna Loa Atmospheric CO2 Concentration
oecd_le Life Expectancy in the OECD, 1960-2015.
oecd_sum Life Expectancy in the OECD, 1960-2015
opiates Opiate-Related Deaths in the United States, 1999-2014
organdata Organ donation in the OECD
prefix_replace prefix_replace
prefix_strip prefix_strip
preg An untidy table of data
preg2 A wider table of untidy data
round_df round_df
setup_course_notes setup_course_notes
studebt Student debt data
titanic A table of survival rates from the Titanic
tw_tab Quickly make a two-way table of proportions (percentages)
yahoo Yahoo Revenue and Employees