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Years of school completed by people 25 years and over in the US.
Counts of educational attainment (in thousands) from 1940 to 2016
A tibble with 366 rows and 11 columns.
The variables are as follows:
age Character. Cut into 25-34, 35-54, 55>
sex Character. Male, Female.
year Integer.
total Integer. Total in thousands.
elem4 Double. 0 to 4 years of Elementary School completed.
elem8 Double. 5 to 8 years of Elementary School completed.
hs3 Double. 1 to 3 years of High School completed.
hs4 Double. 4 years of High School completed.
coll3 Double. 1 to 3 years of College completed.
coll4 Double. 4 or more years of College completed.
median Double. Median years of education.
US Census Bureau
[Package socviz version 1.2 Index]