gss_sm {socviz} | R Documentation |
General Social Survey data, 2016
A dataset containing an extract from the 2016 General Social Survey. See for full documentation of the variables.
A data frame with 2538 rows and 26 variables.
year. gss year for this respondent.
id. respondent id number.
ballot. ballot used for interview.
age. age of respondent.
childs. number of children.
sibs. number of brothers and sisters.
degree. Rs highest degree.
race. race of respondent.
sex. respondent's sex.
region. region of interview.
income16. total family income.
relig. rs religious preference.
marital. marital status.
padeg. fathers highest degree.
madeg. mothers highest degree.
partyid. political party affiliation.
polviews. think of self as liberal or conservative.
happy. general happiness.
partners. how many sex partners r had in last year.
grass. should marijuana be made legal.
zodiac. respondents astrological sign.
pres12. raw variable for whether the Respondent voted for Obama. Recoded to obama in this dataset.
wtssall. weight variable.
income_rc. Recoded income variable.
agegrp. Age variable recoded into age categories
ageq. Age recoded into quartiles.
siblings. Top-coded sibs variable.
kids. Top-coded childs variable.
bigregion. Region variable (Census divisions) recoded to four Census regions.
religion. relig variable recoded to six categories.
partners_rc. partners variable recoded to five categories.
obama. Respondent says the voted for Obama in 2012. 1 = yes; 0 = all other non-design options (Romney, other candidate, did not vote, refused, etc.)
National Opinion Research Center,