county_data {socviz} | R Documentation |
Census Data on US Counties
Selected county data (including state-level observations on some variables)
A data frame with 3195 rows and 13 columns.
The variables are as follows:
id. FIPS State and County code (character)
name. State or County Name
state. State abbreviation
census_region. Census region
pop_dens. Population density per square mile, 2014 estimate (seven categories).
pop_dens4. Population density per square mile, 2014 estimate (quartiles)
pop_dens6. Poptulation density per square mile, 2014 estimate (six categories)
pct_black. Percent black population, 2014 estimate (seven category factor)
pop. Population, 2014 estimate
female. Female persons, percent, 2013
white. White alone, percent, 2013
black. Black alone, percent, 2013
travel_time. Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16+, 2009-2013
land_area. Land area in square miles, 2010
hh_income. Median household income, 2009-2013
su_gun4. Firearm-related suicides per 100,000 population, 1999-2015. Factor variable cut into quartiles. Note that the values in this variable contain an inaccurate bottom-quartile coding by construction. Do not present this variable as an accurate measure of the firearm-related suicide rate.
su_gun6. Firearm-related suicides per 100,000 population, 1999-2015. Factor variable cut into six categories. Note that the values in this variable contain an inaccurate bottom-quartile coding by construction. Do not present this variable as an accurate measure of the firearm-related suicide rate.
fips. FIPS code (integer).
votes_dem_2016. Provisional count of Democratic votes in the 2016 Presidential election.
votes_gop_2016. Provisional count of Republican votes in the 2016 Presidential election.
total_votes_2016. Provitional count of votes cast in the 2016 Presidential election.
per_dem_2016. Democratic Presidential vote, percent.
per_gop_2016. Republican Presidental vote, percent.
diff_2016. Difference between Democratic and Republican Presidental vote.
votes_dem_2012. Provisional count of Democratic votes in the 2012 Presidential election.
votes_gop_2012. Provisional count of Republican votes in the 2012 Presidential election.
total_votes_2012. Provitional count of votes cast in the 2012 Presidential election.
per_dem_2012. Democratic Presidential vote, percent.
per_gop_2012. Republican Presidental vote, percent.
diff_2012. Difference between Democratic and Republican Presidental vote.
winner. Winning candidate, 2016 Presidental Election.
partywinner16. Winning party, 2016 Presidental Election.
winner12. Winning candidate, 2012 Presidental Election.
partywinner12. Winning party, 2012 Presidental Election.
fipped. Did the area flip parties from 2012 to 2016.
US Census Bureau, Centers for Disease Control