slm-package |
slm: A package for stationary linear models |
confint.slm |
Confidence intervals for the Model Parameters |
cov_AR |
Covariance estimation by AR fitting |
cov_efromovich |
Spectral density estimation: Efromovich method |
cov_kernel |
Kernel estimation: bootstrap method |
cov_matrix_estimator |
Covariance matrix estimator for slm object |
cov_method |
Methods to estimate the autocovariances of a process |
cov_select |
Covariances Selection |
cov_spectralproj |
Data-driven spectral density estimation |
generative_model |
Some linear model |
generative_process |
Some stationary processes |
plot.slm |
Plot.slm |
predict.slm |
Predict for slm object |
Rboot |
Risk estimation for a tapered covariance matrix estimator via bootstrap method |
rectangle |
Rectangular kernel |
shan |
PM2.5 Data of Shanghai |
slm |
Fitting Stationary Linear Models |
slm-class |
slm class |
slm.class |
slm class |
summary.slm |
Summarizing Stationary Linear Model Fits |
trapeze |
Trapeze kernel |
triangle |
Kernel triangle |
vcov.slm |
Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Model Object of class slm |