Scale Mixture of Skew-Normal Linear Mixed Models

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Documentation for package ‘skewlmm’ version 1.1.0

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acfresid Autocorrelation function for smn.lmm or smsn.lmm residuals
boot_ci Extract confidence intervals from 'lmmBoot' object
boot_par Parametric bootstrap for SMSN/SMN objects
criteria Extracts criteria for model comparison of SMSN/SMN/SMNclmm objects
errorVar Error scale matrix associated with 'times'
fitted.SMN Extract smn.lmm fitted values
fitted.SMNclmm Extract smn.clmm fitted values
fitted.SMSN Extract smsn.lmm fitted values
healy.plot Healy-type plot from a smn.lmm or smsn.lmm object
lmmControl Control options for 'smsn.lmm()', 'smn.lmm()' and 'smn.clmm()'
lr.test Likelihood-ratio test for SMSN/SMN objects
mahalDist Mahalanobis distance from a smn.lmm or smsn.lmm object
mahalDistCens Mahalanobis distance from a smn.clmm object
plot.acfresid Plot ACF for smn.lmm or smsn.lmm residuals
plot.mahalDist Plot Mahalanobis distance for a fitted smn.lmm or smsn.lmm
plot.mahalDistCens Plot Mahalanobis distance for a fitted smn.clmm
plot.SMN Plot a smn.lmm or smsn.lmm object
plot.SMNclmm Plot a smn.clmm object
plot.SMSN Plot a smn.lmm or smsn.lmm object
predict.SMN Prediction of future observations from an smn.lmm object
predict.SMNclmm Prediction of future observations from an smn.clmm object
predict.SMSN Prediction of future observations from an smsn.lmm object
print.SMN Print a smn.lmm object
print.SMNclmm Print a smn.clmm object
print.SMSN Print a smsn.lmm object
ranef Extract random effects from smsn.lmm, smn.lmm and smn.clmm objects
residuals.SMN Extract model residuals from smn.lmm and smsn.lmm objects
residuals.SMNclmm Extract model residuals from smn.clmm objects
residuals.SMSN Extract model residuals from smn.lmm and smsn.lmm objects
rsmsn.clmm Generate data from SMSN-CLMM with censored responses
rsmsn.lmm Generate data from SMSN-LMM
smn.clmm ML estimation of scale mixture of normal linear mixed models with censored responses
smn.lmm ML estimation of scale mixture of normal linear mixed models
smsn.lmm ML estimation of scale mixture of skew-normal linear mixed models
summary.SMN Summary of a smn.lmm object
summary.SMNclmm Summary of a smn.clmm object
summary.SMSN Summary of a smsn.lmm object
update.SMN Update for SMSN/SMN/SMNclmm objects
update.SMNclmm Update for SMSN/SMN/SMNclmm objects
update.SMSN Update for SMSN/SMN/SMNclmm objects