Succinct and Correct Statistical Summaries for Reports

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Documentation for package ‘sigr’ version 1.1.5

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sigr-package sigr: Format Significance Summaries for Reports
add_ROC_derived_columns Add ROC derived columns.
as.character.sigr_statistic as.character
Bernoulli_diff_stat Compute the distribution of differences of replacement samples of two Binomial or Bernoulli experiments.
build_ROC_curve calculate ROC curve.
calcAUC calculate AUC.
calcDeviance Calculate deviance.
calcSSE Calculate sum of squared error.
estimateDifferenceZeroCrossing Studentized estimate of how often a difference is below zero.
find_area_q Find area matching polynomial curve.
find_AUC_q Find area matching polynomial curve.
find_matching_a1_1b Find beta-1 shape parameters matching the conditional distributions.
find_matching_conditional_betas Find beta shape parameters matching the conditional distributions.
find_ROC_matching_ab Find beta shape parameters matching the conditional distributions.
find_ROC_matching_ab1 Find beta-1 shape parameters matching the conditional distributions.
fit_beta_shapes Fit beta parameters from data.
format.sigr_statistic Format
getRenderingFormat Detect rendering format (using knitr).
model_utility Estimate model utility
permTestAUC Perform AUC permutation test.
permutationScoreModel Empirical permutation test of significance of scoreFn(modelValues,yValues) >= scoreFn(modelValues,perm(yValues)).
print.sigr_statistic Print
render Format summary roughly in "APA Style" ( American Psychological Association ).
render.sigr_aucpairtest Format an AUC-test (quality of a probability score)
render.sigr_aucpermtest Format an AUC-test (quality of a probability score)
render.sigr_aucresamptest Format an AUC-test (quality of a probability score)
render.sigr_Bernoulli_diff_test Format sigr_Bernoulli_diff_test (test of difference of Bernoulli processes).
render.sigr_binomtest Format binom.test (test of rate of a Binomial/Bernoulli experiment).
render.sigr_chisqtest Format a chi-square test (quality of categorical prediction)
render.sigr_cohend Format Cohen-D (effect size between groups)
render.sigr_cortest Format cor.test (test of liner correlation).
render.sigr_emptest Format an empirical test (quality of categorical prediction)
render.sigr_fishertest Format fisher.test (test of categorical independence).
render.sigr_ftest Format an F-test
render.sigr_permtest Format an empirical test (quality of categorical prediction)
render.sigr_pwr_htest Format a pwr-test
render.sigr_significance Format a significance
render.sigr_tinterval Format a Student-T tolerance-style interval around an estimate of a mean.
render.sigr_ttest Format a T-test (difference in means by group)
resampleScoreModel Studentized bootstrap variance estimate for scoreFn(yValues,modelValues).
resampleScoreModelPair Studentized bootstrap test of strength of scoreFn(yValues,model1Values) > scoreFn(yValues,model1Values).
resampleTestAUC Wrap AUC resampling test results.
sensitivity_and_specificity_s12p12n Compute the shape1_pos, shape2_pos, shape1_neg, shape2_neg graph.
sensitivity_from_specificity_q Compute the q-graph.
sigr sigr: Format Significance Summaries for Reports
testAUCpair Test AUC pair results.
TInterval Wrap TInterval (test of Binomial/Bernoulli rate). Student-T tolerance-style interval around an estimate of a mean from a data.frame.
TInterval.numeric Student-T tolerance-style interval around an estimate of a mean from observations.
TIntervalS Student-T tolerance-style interval around an estimate of a mean from summary.
wrapBinomTest Wrap binom.test (test of Binomial/Bernoulli rate). Wrap binom.test (test of Binomial/Bernoulli rate).
wrapBinomTest.htest Wrap binom.test (test of Binomial/Bernoulli rate).
wrapBinomTest.logical Wrap binom.test (test of Binomial/Bernoulli rate).
wrapBinomTest.numeric Wrap binom.test (test of Binomial/Bernoulli rate).
wrapBinomTestS Wrap binom.test (test of Binomial/Bernoulli rate) from summary.
wrapChiSqTest Wrap quality of a categorical prediction roughly in "APA Style" ( American Psychological Association ).
wrapChiSqTest.anova Format ChiSqTest from anova of logistic model. Format ChiSqTest from data.
wrapChiSqTest.glm Format ChiSqTest from model.
wrapChiSqTest.summary.glm Format ChiSqTest from model summary.
wrapChiSqTestImpl Format quality of a logistic regression roughly in "APA Style" ( American Psychological Association ).
wrapCohenD Wrap Cohen's D (effect size between groups). Wrap Cohen's D (effect size between groups).
wrapCohenD.numeric Wrap Cohen's D (effect size between groups).
wrapCorTest Wrap cor.test (test of liner correlation). Wrap cor.test (test of liner correlation).
wrapCorTest.htest Wrap cor.test (test of liner correlation).
wrapFisherTest Wrap fisher.test (test of categorical independence). Wrap fisher.test (test of categorical independence).
wrapFisherTest.htest Wrap fisher.test (test of categorical independence).
wrapFisherTest.table Wrap fisher.test (test of categorical independence).
wrapFTest Wrap F-test (significance identity relation).
wrapFTest.anova Wrap quality statistic of a linear relation from anova. Wrap quality statistic of identity relation from data.
wrapFTest.htest Wrap F-test (ratio of variances).
wrapFTest.lm Wrap quality statistic of identity r regression.
wrapFTest.summary.lm Wrap quality statistic of linear regression summary.
wrapFTestezANOVA Wrap quality statistic of a linear relation from ezANOVA (package ez).
wrapFTestImpl Wrap F-test (significance of identity relation).
wrapPWR Wrap pwr test (difference in means by group).
wrapPWR.power.htest Wrap pwr test.
wrapSignificance Wrap a significance
wrapTTest Wrap t.test (difference in means by group). Wrap t.test (difference in means by group).
wrapTTest.htest Wrap t.test (difference in means by group).
wrapTTest.numeric Wrap t.test (difference in means by group).