Fitting Semi-Parametric Generalized log-Gamma Regression Models

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Documentation for package ‘sglg’ version 0.2.2

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bootglg Bootstrap inference for a generalized log-gamma regression
deBoor2 Build the basis matrix and the penalty matrix of cubic B-spline basis.
deviance_residuals Deviance Residuals for a Generalized Log-gamma Regression Model
dglg Density distribution function for a generalized log-gamma variable
entropy Tool to calculate the entropy for a generalized log-gamma distribution.
envelope.sglg envelope.sglg
glg Fitting multiple linear Generalized Log-gamma Regression Models
gnfit gnfit
Gu Tool to build the basis matrix and the penalty matrix of natural cubic splines.
influence.sglg influence
logLik.sglg Extract Log-Likehood
lss Measures of location, scale and shape measures for a generalized log-gamma distribution
order_glg Random Sampling of K-th Order Statistics from a Generalized Log-gamma Distribution
pglg Cumulative distribution function for a generalized log-gamma variable
plotnpc Plotting a natural cubic splines or P-splines.
plotsurv.sglg Plot simultaneously the Kaplan-Meier and parametric estimators of the survival function.
qglg Quantile function for a generalized log-gamma distribution
quantile_residuals Quantile Residuals for a Generalized Log-gamma Regression Model
residuals.sglg Extract Model Residuals
rglg Random number generation for a generalized log-gamma distribution
sglg Fitting semi-parametric generalized log-gamma regression models
shape shape
smoothp smoothp
ssurvglg Fitting semi-parametric generalized log-gamma regression models under the presence of right censored data.
summary.sglg summary.sglg
survglg Fitting linear generalized log-gamma regression models under the presence of right censored data.
survival_gg Survival, Hazard, and Cumulative Hazard functions for a Generalized Gamma Distribution