Single-Cell Correlation Based Cell Type Annotation

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Documentation for package ‘sccca’ version 0.1.1

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calculate_cor_mat Performs aggregation based on cell clusters and condition. Then, it calculates correlation matrix of genes
calculate_normalized_ratio Calculate cell scores based on number of genes
correct_gene_symbols Process the cell markers names
enrich_genes Performs parallel function on two lists
filter_correlation Filter the genes based on specific correlation threshold
filter_list Process the cell markers that overlap between the cell markers and scRNA matrix
fisher_test Performs fisher exact test to get the significant overlap between genes for cell type assignment
match_characters Process the cell markers that pass specific threshold in the gene correlation matrix
phyper_test Performs phyper test to get the significant overlap between genes for cell type assignment
process_clus Gets the associated cell types using correlation-based approach
process_database Process the database for the sctype approach
process_markers Process the cell markers database and return the processed list
sccca Run the pipeline for the cell type assignment
sctype Run the sctype approach as it's implemented by Ianevski, A., Giri, A.K. and Aittokallio, T.