Bayesian Applied Regression Modeling via Stan

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Documentation for package ‘rstanarm’ version 2.32.1

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rstanarm-package Applied Regression Modeling via RStan

-- A --

adapt_delta 'adapt_delta': Target average acceptance probability
as.array.stanreg Extract the posterior sample Extract the posterior sample Summary method for stanreg objects
as.matrix.stanreg Extract the posterior sample
as_draws Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
as_draws.stanreg Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
as_draws_array Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
as_draws_array.stanreg Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
as_draws_df Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
as_draws_df.stanreg Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
as_draws_list Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
as_draws_list.stanreg Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
as_draws_matrix Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
as_draws_matrix.stanreg Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
as_draws_rvars Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
as_draws_rvars.stanreg Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
available-algorithms Estimation algorithms available for 'rstanarm' models
available-models Modeling functions available in 'rstanarm'

-- B --

bayes_R2 Compute a Bayesian version of R-squared or LOO-adjusted R-squared for regression models.
bayes_R2.stanreg Compute a Bayesian version of R-squared or LOO-adjusted R-squared for regression models.
bball1970 Datasets for rstanarm examples
bball2006 Datasets for rstanarm examples

-- C --

cauchy Prior distributions and options
coef.stanmvreg Methods for stanmvreg objects
coef.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects
compare_models Information criteria and cross-validation
confint.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects

-- D --

decov Prior distributions and options
default_prior_coef Prior distributions and options
default_prior_intercept Prior distributions and options
dirichlet Prior distributions and options

-- E --

example_jm Example joint longitudinal and time-to-event model
example_model Example model
exponential Prior distributions and options

-- F --

fitted.stanmvreg Methods for stanmvreg objects
fitted.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects
fixef Methods for stanreg objects
fixef.stanmvreg Methods for stanmvreg objects
fixef.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects
formula.stanmvreg Methods for stanmvreg objects

-- H --

hs Prior distributions and options
hs_plus Prior distributions and options

-- I --

invlogit Logit and inverse logit

-- K --

kfold K-fold cross-validation
kfold.stanreg K-fold cross-validation
kidiq Datasets for rstanarm examples

-- L --

laplace Prior distributions and options
lasso Prior distributions and options
launch_shinystan Using the ShinyStan GUI with rstanarm models
launch_shinystan.stanreg Using the ShinyStan GUI with rstanarm models
lkj Prior distributions and options
logit Logit and inverse logit
log_lik Pointwise log-likelihood matrix
log_lik.stanjm Pointwise log-likelihood matrix
log_lik.stanmvreg Pointwise log-likelihood matrix
log_lik.stanreg Pointwise log-likelihood matrix
loo Information criteria and cross-validation
loo.stanreg Information criteria and cross-validation
loo_compare Information criteria and cross-validation
loo_compare.stanreg Information criteria and cross-validation
loo_compare.stanreg_list Information criteria and cross-validation
loo_linpred Compute weighted expectations using LOO
loo_linpred.stanreg Compute weighted expectations using LOO
loo_model_weights Information criteria and cross-validation
loo_model_weights.stanreg_list Information criteria and cross-validation
loo_predict Compute weighted expectations using LOO
loo_predict.stanreg Compute weighted expectations using LOO
loo_predictive_interval Compute weighted expectations using LOO
loo_predictive_interval.stanreg Compute weighted expectations using LOO
loo_R2 Compute a Bayesian version of R-squared or LOO-adjusted R-squared for regression models.
loo_R2.stanreg Compute a Bayesian version of R-squared or LOO-adjusted R-squared for regression models.

-- M --

mortality Datasets for rstanarm examples

-- N --

neg_binomial_2 Family function for negative binomial GLMs
ngrps Methods for stanreg objects
ngrps.stanmvreg Methods for stanmvreg objects
ngrps.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects
nobs.stanmvreg Methods for stanreg objects
nobs.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects
normal Prior distributions and options
nsamples Methods for stanreg objects
nsamples.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects

-- P --

pairs.stanreg Pairs method for stanreg objects
pairs_condition Pairs method for stanreg objects
pairs_style_np Pairs method for stanreg objects
pbcLong Datasets for rstanarm examples
pbcSurv Datasets for rstanarm examples
plot.predict.stanjm Plot the estimated subject-specific or marginal longitudinal trajectory
plot.stanreg Plot method for stanreg objects
plot.survfit.stanjm Plot the estimated subject-specific or marginal survival function
plot_nonlinear Bayesian generalized linear additive models with optional group-specific terms via Stan
plot_stack_jm Plot the estimated subject-specific or marginal survival function
posterior_epred Posterior distribution of the (possibly transformed) linear predictor
posterior_epred.stanreg Posterior distribution of the (possibly transformed) linear predictor
posterior_interval Posterior uncertainty intervals
posterior_interval.stanreg Posterior uncertainty intervals
posterior_linpred Posterior distribution of the (possibly transformed) linear predictor
posterior_linpred.stanreg Posterior distribution of the (possibly transformed) linear predictor
posterior_predict Draw from posterior predictive distribution
posterior_predict.stanmvreg Draw from posterior predictive distribution
posterior_predict.stanreg Draw from posterior predictive distribution
posterior_survfit Estimate subject-specific or standardised survival probabilities
posterior_traj Estimate the subject-specific or marginal longitudinal trajectory
posterior_vs_prior Juxtapose prior and posterior
posterior_vs_prior.stanreg Juxtapose prior and posterior
pp_check Graphical posterior predictive checks
pp_check.stanreg Graphical posterior predictive checks
pp_validate Model validation via simulation
predict.stanreg Predict method for stanreg objects
predictive_error In-sample or out-of-sample predictive errors
predictive_error.matrix In-sample or out-of-sample predictive errors
predictive_error.ppd In-sample or out-of-sample predictive errors
predictive_error.stanreg In-sample or out-of-sample predictive errors
predictive_interval Predictive intervals
predictive_interval.matrix Predictive intervals
predictive_interval.ppd Predictive intervals
predictive_interval.stanreg Predictive intervals
print.stanmvreg Print method for stanreg objects
print.stanreg Print method for stanreg objects
print.stanreg_list Create lists of fitted model objects, combine them, or append new models to existing lists of models.
print.summary.stanmvreg Summary method for stanreg objects
print.summary.stanreg Summary method for stanreg objects
priors Prior distributions and options
prior_options Deprecated functions
prior_summary Summarize the priors used for an rstanarm model
prior_summary.stanreg Summarize the priors used for an rstanarm model
product_normal Prior distributions and options
ps_check Graphical checks of the estimated survival function

-- Q --

QR-argument The 'QR' argument

-- R --

R2 Prior distributions and options
radon Datasets for rstanarm examples
ranef Methods for stanreg objects
ranef.stanmvreg Methods for stanmvreg objects
ranef.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects
residuals.stanmvreg Methods for stanmvreg objects
residuals.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects
roaches Datasets for rstanarm examples
rstanarm Applied Regression Modeling via RStan
rstanarm-datasets Datasets for rstanarm examples
rstanarm-deprecated Deprecated functions

-- S --

se.stanmvreg Methods for stanmvreg objects
se.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects
sigma Methods for stanreg objects
sigma.stanmvreg Methods for stanmvreg objects
sigma.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects
stanjm_list Create lists of fitted model objects, combine them, or append new models to existing lists of models.
stanmvreg-methods Methods for stanmvreg objects
stanmvreg_list Create lists of fitted model objects, combine them, or append new models to existing lists of models.
stanreg-draws-formats Create a 'draws' object from a 'stanreg' object
stanreg-methods Methods for stanreg objects
stanreg-objects Fitted model objects
stanreg_list Create lists of fitted model objects, combine them, or append new models to existing lists of models.
stan_aov Bayesian regularized linear models via Stan
stan_betareg Bayesian beta regression models via Stan Bayesian beta regression models via Stan
stan_biglm Bayesian regularized linear but big models via Stan Bayesian regularized linear but big models via Stan
stan_clogit Conditional logistic (clogit) regression models via Stan
stan_gamm4 Bayesian generalized linear additive models with optional group-specific terms via Stan
stan_glm Bayesian generalized linear models via Stan Bayesian generalized linear models via Stan
stan_glm.nb Bayesian generalized linear models via Stan
stan_glmer Bayesian generalized linear models with group-specific terms via Stan
stan_glmer.nb Bayesian generalized linear models with group-specific terms via Stan
stan_jm Bayesian joint longitudinal and time-to-event models via Stan
stan_lm Bayesian regularized linear models via Stan Bayesian regularized linear models via Stan
stan_lm.wfit Bayesian regularized linear models via Stan
stan_lmer Bayesian generalized linear models with group-specific terms via Stan
stan_mvmer Bayesian multivariate generalized linear models with correlated group-specific terms via Stan
stan_nlmer Bayesian nonlinear models with group-specific terms via Stan
stan_polr Bayesian ordinal regression models via Stan Bayesian ordinal regression models via Stan
student_t Prior distributions and options
summary.stanmvreg Summary method for stanreg objects
summary.stanreg Summary method for stanreg objects

-- T --

tumors Datasets for rstanarm examples

-- U --

update.stanjm Methods for stanmvreg objects
update.stanmvreg Methods for stanmvreg objects
update.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects

-- V --

VarCorr Methods for stanreg objects
VarCorr.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects
vcov.stanreg Methods for stanreg objects

-- W --

waic Information criteria and cross-validation
waic.stanreg Information criteria and cross-validation
wells Datasets for rstanarm examples