robCompositions-package | Robust Estimation for Compositional Data. |
addLR | Additive logratio coordinates |
addLRinv | Inverse additive logratio mapping |
aDist | Aitchison distance |
adjust | Adjusting for original scale |
adjustImputed | EM-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data |
adtest | Anderson-Darling Normality Tests |
adtestWrapper | Wrapper for Anderson-Darling tests |
ageCatWorld | child, middle and eldery population |
alcohol | alcohol consumptions by country and type of alcohol |
alcoholreg | regional alcohol per capita (15+) consumption by WHO region |
arcticLake | arctic lake sediment data |
balances | Balance calculation |
biomarker | biomarker |
biplot.factanal | Biplot method |
biplot.pcaCoDa | Biplot method |
bootnComp | Bootstrap to find optimal number of components |
bpc | Backwards pivot coordinates and their inverse |
bpcPca | Principal component analysis based on backwards pivot coordinates |
bpcPcaTab | Principal component analysis of compositional tables based on backwards pivot coordinates |
bpcReg | Classical and robust regression based on backwards pivot coordinates |
bpcRegTab | Classical and robust regression based on backwards pivot coordinates |
bpcTab | Backwards pivot coordinates and their inverse |
bpcTabWrapper | Backwards pivot coordinates and their inverse |
cancer | hospital discharges on cancer and distribution of age |
cancerMN | malignant neoplasms cancer |
ced | Compositional error deviation |
cenLR | Centred logratio coefficients |
cenLRinv | Inverse centred logratio mapping |
checkData | EM-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data |
chorizonDL | C-horizon of the Kola data with rounded zeros |
clustCoDa | Cluster analysis for compositional data |
clustCoDa_qmode | Q-mode cluster analysis for compositional parts |
coffee | coffee data set |
compareMahal | Compares Mahalanobis distances from two approaches |
compositionalSpline | Compositional spline |
constSum | Constant sum |
coord | Coordinate representation of compositional tables |
corCoDa | Correlations for compositional data |
cubeCoord | Coordinate representation of a compositional cube and of a sample of compositional cubes |
cubeCoordWrapper | Coordinate representation of a compositional cube and of a sample of compositional cubes |
daCoDa | Linear and quadratic discriminant analysis for compositional data. |
daFisher | Discriminant analysis by Fisher Rule. |
economy | economic indicators |
educFM | education level of father (F) and mother (M) |
efsa | efsa nutrition consumption |
election | election data |
electionATbp | Austrian presidential election data |
employment | employment in different countries by gender and status. |
employment2 | Employment in different countries by Sex, Age, Contract, Value |
employment_df | Employment in different countries by gender and status. |
expenditures | synthetic household expenditures toy data set |
expendituresEU | mean consumption expenditures data. |
fcenLR | fcenLR transformation (functional) |
fcenLRinv | Inverse of fcenLR transformations (functional) |
fcenLRp | fcenLRp transformation (functional) |
fcenLRu | fcenLRu transformation (functional) |
foodbalance | country food balances |
GDPsatis | GDP satisfaction |
gemas | GEMAS geochemical data set |
getEstimates | Compares Mahalanobis distances from two approaches |
gjovik | gjovik |
gm | gmean |
gmean | Geometric mean |
gmean_sum | Geometric mean |
govexp | government spending |
haplogroups | haplogroups data. |
honey | honey compositions |
ilr.2x2 | ilr coordinates in 2x2 compositional tables |
ilrregression | Classical and robust regression of non-compositional (real) response on compositional and non-compositional predictors |
impAll | Replacement of rounded zeros and missing values. |
impCoda | Imputation of missing values in compositional data |
impKNNa | Imputation of missing values in compositional data using knn methods |
impRZalr | alr EM-based imputation of rounded zeros |
impRZilr | EM-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data |
imputeBDLs | EM-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data |
imputeUDLs | Imputation of values above an upper detection limit in compositional data |
ind2x2 | Independence 2x2 compositional table |
indTab | Independence table |
instw | value added, output and input for different ISIC codes and countries. |
int2x2 | Interaction 2x2 table |
intArray | Interaction array |
intTab | Interaction table |
iprod | Aitchison distance |
is.equivalent | equivalence class |
isic32 | ISIC codes by name |
isomLR | Pivot coordinates and their inverse |
isomLRinv | Pivot coordinates and their inverse |
isomLRinvp | Pivot coordinates and their inverse |
isomLRp | Pivot coordinates and their inverse |
laborForce | labour force by status in employment |
landcover | European land cover |
lifeExpGdp | life expectancy and GDP (2008) for EU-countries |
lmCoDaX | Classical and robust regression of non-compositional (real) response on compositional and non-compositional predictors |
machineOperators | machine operators |
manu_abs | Distribution of manufacturing output |
mcad | metabolomics mcad data set |
missPatterns | missing or zero pattern structure. |
mortality | mortality and life expectancy in the EU |
mortality_tab | mortality table |
norm1 | Normalize a vector to length 1 |
nutrients | nutrient contents |
nutrients_branded | nutrient contents (branded) |
orthbasis | Orthonormal basis |
outCoDa | Outlier detection for compositional data |
payments | special payments |
pcaCoDa | Robust principal component analysis for compositional data |
perturbation | Perturbation and powering |
pfa | Factor analysis for compositional data |
phd | PhD students in the EU |
phd_totals | PhD students in the EU (totals) |
pivotCoord | Pivot coordinates and their inverse |
pivotCoordInv | Pivot coordinates and their inverse |
plot.biomarker | biomarker |
plot.clustCoDa | Cluster analysis for compositional data |
plot.clustCoDa_qmode | Q-mode cluster analysis for compositional parts |
plot.estimates | Compares Mahalanobis distances from two approaches |
plot.imp | Plot method for objects of class imp |
plot.mahal | Compares Mahalanobis distances from two approaches |
plot.outCoDa | Outlier detection for compositional data |
plot.pcaCoDa | Plot method |
plot.smoothSpl | plot smoothSpl |
powering | Perturbation and powering |
precipitation | 24-hour precipitation |
predict.daFisher | Discriminant analysis by Fisher Rule. |
print.adtestWrapper | Wrapper for Anderson-Darling tests |
print.biomarker | biomarker |
print.coord | Coordinate representation of compositional tables |
print.daFisher | Discriminant analysis by Fisher Rule. |
print.estimates | Compares Mahalanobis distances from two approaches |
print.imp | Print method for objects of class imp |
print.outCoDa | Outlier detection for compositional data |
print.pcaCoDa | Robust principal component analysis for compositional data |
print.replaced | EM-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data |
production | production splitted by nationality on enterprise level |
pTab | Propability table |
rcodes | codes for UNIDO tables |
rdcm | relative difference between covariance matrices |
robCompositions | Robust Estimation for Compositional Data. |
robilrregression | Classical and robust regression of non-compositional (real) response on compositional and non-compositional predictors |
rSDev | Relative simplicial deviance |
rSDev.test | Relative simplicial deviance tests |
saffron | saffron compositions |
SDev | Simplicial deviance |
skyeLavas | aphyric skye lavas data |
smoothSplines | Estimate density from histogram |
smoothSplinesVal | Estimate density from histogram - for different 'alpha' |
socExp | social expenditures |
stats | Classical estimates for tables |
summary.adtestWrapper | Wrapper for Anderson-Darling tests |
summary.biomarker | biomarker |
summary.daFisher | Discriminant analysis by Fisher Rule. |
summary.imp | Summary method for objects of class imp |
summary.pcaCoDa | Robust principal component analysis for compositional data |
tabCoord | Coordinate representation of compositional tables and a sample of compositional tables |
tabCoordWrapper | Coordinate representation of compositional tables and a sample of compositional tables |
teachingStuff | teaching stuff |
ternaryDiag | Ternary diagram |
ternaryDiagAbline | Adds a line to a ternary diagram. |
ternaryDiagEllipse | Adds tolerance ellipses to a ternary diagram. |
ternaryDiagLines | Add points or lines to a given ternary diagram. |
ternaryDiagPoints | Add points or lines to a given ternary diagram. |
trapzc | Trapezoidal formula for numerical integration |
trondelagC | regional geochemical survey of soil C in Norway |
trondelagO | regional geochemical survey of soil O in Norway |
unemployed | unemployed of young people |
variation | Robust and classical variation matrix |
weightedPivotCoord | Weighted pivot coordinates |
ZBsplineBasis | ZB-spline basis |
zeroOut | Detection of outliers of zero-inflated data |
zeroPatterns | missing or zero pattern structure. |