gjovik {robCompositions} | R Documentation |
Gjovik geochemical data set
A data frame with 615 observations and 63 variables.
a numeric vectorMAT
type of materialmE32wgs
X coordinatesYCOO
Y coordinatesALT
some distance north-southkmSN
some distance south-northLITHO
a numeric vectorAl
a numeric vectorAs
a numeric vectorAu
a numeric vectorB
a numeric vectorBa
a numeric vectorBe
a numeric vectorBi
a numeric vectorCa
a numeric vectorCd
a numeric vectorCe
a numeric vectorCo
a numeric vectorCr
a numeric vectorCs
a numeric vectorCu
a numeric vectorFe
a numeric vectorGa
a numeric vectorGe
a numeric vectorHf
a numeric vectorHg
a numeric vectorIn
a numeric vectorK
a numeric vectorLa
a numeric vectorLi
a numeric vectorMg
a numeric vectorMn
a numeric vectorMo
a numeric vectorNa
a numeric vectorNb
a numeric vectorNi
a numeric vectorP
a numeric vectorPb
a numeric vectorPd
a numeric vectorPt
a numeric vectorRb
a numeric vectorRe
a numeric vectorS
a numeric vectorSb
a numeric vectorSc
a numeric vectorSe
a numeric vectorSn
a numeric vectorSr
a numeric vectorTa
a numeric vectorTe
a numeric vectorTh
a numeric vectorTi
a numeric vectorTl
a numeric vectorU
a numeric vectorV
a numeric vectorW
a numeric vectorY
a numeric vectorZn
a numeric vectorZr
a numeric vector
Geochemical data set. 41 sample sites have been investigated. At each site, 15 different sample materials have been collected and analyzed for the concentration of more than 40 chemical elements. Soil: CHO - C horizon, OHO - O horizon. Mushroom: LAC - milkcap. Plant: BIL - birch leaves, BLE - blueberry leaves, BLU - blueberry twigs, BTW - birch twigs, CLE - cowberry leaves, COW - cowberry twigs, EQU - horsetail, FER - fern, HYL - terrestrial moss, PIB - pine bark, SNE - spruce needles, SPR - spruce twigs.
Peter Filzmoser, Dominika Miksova
C. Reimann, P. Englmaier, B. Flem, O.A. Eggen, T.E. Finne, M. Andersson & P. Filzmoser (2018). The response of 12 different plant materials and one mushroom to Mo and Pb mineralization along a 100-km transect in southern central Norway. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 18(3), 204-215.