Detect Copy Number Variants from SNPs Data

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Documentation for package ‘rCNV’ version 1.2.0

Help Pages

ad.correct Correct allele depth values
ADnorm Normalized allele depth example data
ADtable Allele Depth (AD) example data
allele.freq Generate allele frequency table for individuals or populations Get allele information for duplicate detection
alleleINF Allele info example data
cnv Find CNVs from deviants
cpm.normal Calculate normalized depth for alleles
depthVsSample Simulate median allele ratios for varying number of samples and depth values
dup.plot Plot classified SNPs into deviants/CNVs and non-deviants/non-CNVs
dup.validate Validate detected duplicates
dupGet Detect deviants from SNPs; classify SNPs
exportVCF Export VCF files
get.miss Get missingness of individuals in raw vcf
gt.format Format genotype for BayEnv and BayPass
h.zygosity Determine per sample heterozygosity and inbreeding coefficient
hetTgen Generate allele depth or genotype table
maf Remove MAF allele
norm.fact Calculate normalization factor for each sample
power.bias Simulate and plot detection power of bias in allele ratios
readVCF Import VCF file
relatedness Determine pairwise relatedness
sig.hets Identify significantly different heterozygotes from SNPs data
sim.als Simulate Allele Frequencies
vcf.stat Get sequencing quality statistics of raw VCF files (with GatK generated vcf files only)
vst Calculate population-wise Vst