Random-Effect Multiple QTL Mapping in Autopolyploids

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Documentation for package ‘qtlpoly’ version 0.2.4

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B2721 Autotetraploid potato dataset
breeding_values Prediction of QTL-based breeding values from REMIM model
feim Fixed-effect interval mapping (FEIM)
fit_model Fits multiple QTL models
fit_model2 Fits multiple QTL models
hexafake Simulated autohexaploid dataset.
maps4x Autotetraploid potato map
maps6x Simulated autohexaploid map
modify_qtl Modify QTL model
null_model Null model
null_model2 Null model
optimize_qtl Model optimization
permutations Fixed-effect interval mapping (FEIM) model permutations
pheno4x Autotetraploid potato phenotypes
pheno6x Simulated phenotypes
plot.qtlpoly.bvalues Prediction of QTL-based breeding values from REMIM model
plot.qtlpoly.effects QTL allele effect estimation
plot.qtlpoly.perm Fixed-effect interval mapping (FEIM) model permutations
plot_profile Logarithm of _P_-value (LOP) profile plots
plot_qtl QTL heritability and significance plot
plot_sint QTLs with respective support interval plots
print.qtlpoly.data Read genotypic and phenotypic data
print.qtlpoly.feim Fixed-effect interval mapping (FEIM)
print.qtlpoly.modify Modify QTL model
print.qtlpoly.null Null model
print.qtlpoly.optimize Model optimization
print.qtlpoly.perm Fixed-effect interval mapping (FEIM) model permutations
print.qtlpoly.profile QTL profiling
print.qtlpoly.remim Random-effect multiple interval mapping (REMIM)
print.qtlpoly.search QTL forward search
print.qtlpoly.simul Simulations of multiple QTL
profile_qtl QTL profiling
qtl_effects QTL allele effect estimation
read_data Read genotypic and phenotypic data
read_data2 Read genotypic and phenotypic data
remim Random-effect multiple interval mapping (REMIM)
remim2 Random-effect multiple interval mapping (REMIM)
search_qtl QTL forward search
simulate_qtl Simulations of multiple QTL
summary.qtlpoly.fitted Fits multiple QTL models