Nearest Neighbor Methods for Spatial Patterns

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Documentation for package ‘nnspat’ version 0.1.2

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A B C D E F I K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Z misc

nnspat-package nnspat: A package for NN Methods and Their Use in Testing Spatial Patterns

-- A --

aij.mat Aij matrices for computation of Moments of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic
aij.nonzero Aij matrices for computation of Moments of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic
aij.theta Closeness or Proximity Matrix for Tango's Spatial Clustering Tests
asycovTkTl Asymptotic Covariance between T_k and T_l Values
asyvarTk Asymptotic Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic

-- B --

base.class.spec Base Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs
base.class.spec.ct Base Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs
bvnorm.pdf pdf of the Bivariate Normal Distribution

-- C --

cell.spec Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCTs
cell.spec.ct Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCTs Pielou's Cell-specific Segregation Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling) Pielou's Cell-specific Segregation Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling)
cellsTij Entries for the Types I-IV cell-specific tests
ceTk Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic
ceTkinv Cuzick and Edwards T_k^{inv} Test statistic
ceTrun Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic
class.spec Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs
class.spec.ct Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs
classirest Functions for one versus rest type labeling
col.sum Functions for row and column sums of a matrix
correct.cf1 Correction Matrices for the Covariance Matrix of NNCT entries
correct.cf2 Correction Matrices for the Covariance Matrix of NNCT entries
cov.2cells Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances Between Cell Counts in the TCT
cov.2cols Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances Between Cell Counts in the TCT
cov.cell.col Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances Between Cell Counts in the TCT
cov.nnct Covariance Matrix of the Cell Counts in an NNCT
cov.nnsym Covariance Matrix of the Differences of the Off-Diagonal Cell Counts in an NNCT
cov.seg.coeff Covariance Matrix of Segregation Coefficients in a Multi-class Case
cov.tct Covariance Matrix of the Entries of the Type I-IV TCTs
cov.tct3 Functions for Covariances of the Entries of the Types I, III and IV TCTs
cov.tctI Functions for Covariances of the Entries of the Types I, III and IV TCTs
cov.tctIII Functions for Covariances of the Entries of the Types I, III and IV TCTs
cov.tctIV Functions for Covariances of the Entries of the Types I, III and IV TCTs
covCiCj Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances Between Cell Counts in the TCT
covNii Covariance Matrix of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
covNii.ct Covariance Matrix of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
covNijCk Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances Between Cell Counts in the TCT
covNrow2col Conversion of the Covariance Matrix of the Row-wise Vectorized Cell Counts to Column-wise Vectorized Cell Counts in an NNCT
covTcomb Covariance matrix for T_k values in 'Tcomb'
covTkTl Finite Sample Covariance between T_k and T_l Values

-- D -- Interpoint Distance Matrix for Standardized Data
dist2full Converts a lower triangular distance matrix to a full distance matrix

-- E --

euc.dist The Euclidean distance between two vectors, matrices, or data frames
EV.Nii Expected Values of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
EV.nnct Expected Values of the Cell Counts in NNCT
EV.rct Expected Values of the Cell Counts in RCT
EV.Tcomb Expected Value for Cuzick & Edwards T_{comb} Test Statistic
EV.tct Expected Values of the Types I-IV cell-specific tests
EV.tctI Expected Values of the Type I cell-specific tests
EV.Tk Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic
EV.Tkaij Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic
EV.Tkinv Expected Value of Cuzick and Edwards T_k^{inv} Test statistic
EV.Trun Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic
EV.Trun.alt Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic
exact.nnct Exact version of Pearson's chi-square test on NNCTs
exact.pval1s p-value correction to the one-sided version of exact NNCT test
exact.pval2s p-value correction to the two-sided version of exact NNCT test

-- F --

funs.auxcovtct Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances Between Cell Counts in the TCT
funs.base.class.spec Base Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs Pielou's Cell-specific Segregation Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling)
funs.class.spec Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs
funs.covNii Covariance Matrix of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
funs.covtct Functions for Covariances of the Entries of the Types I, III and IV TCTs
funs.kNNdist Functions for the k^{th} and 'k' NN distances
funs.kNNdist2cl Functions for the k^{th} and 'k' NN distances
funs.overall.nnct Dixon's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT
funs.overall.seg Overall Segregation Tests for NNCTs
funs.overall.tct Types I-IV Overall Tests of Segregation for NNCT
funs.pijPij The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
funs.scct Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
funs.seg.coeff Pielou's Segregation Coefficients for NNCTs
funs.varNii Variances of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
funs.vartct Functions for Variances of Cell Counts in the Types I, III and IV TCTs
funsAijmat Aij matrices for computation of Moments of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic
funsC_MI_II Correction Matrices for the Covariance Matrix of NNCT entries
funsExpTk Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic
funsExpTrun Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic
funsNNclass.spec NN Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs
funsN_I_II Correction Matrices for the NNCT entries
funsOnevsRest Functions for one versus rest type labeling Pielou's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT (for Sparse Sampling)
funsQandR Functions for the number of shared NNs, shared NN vector, and the number of reflexive NNs
funsRowColSums Functions for row and column sums of a matrix
funsVarTk Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic
funsVarTrun Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic
funsW345values W_k values for Tango's T test statistic
funsXsq.nnref Reflexivity Test with Chi-square Approximation
funsXsq.nnsym.dx Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes (for Sparse Sampling)
funsXsq.seg.coeff Chi-square Test for Segregation Coefficients
funsXsq.spec.cor Overall Species Correspondence Test with Chi-square Approximation
funsZcell.nnct Dixon's Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCT
funsZcell.nnct.pval p-values for Cell-specific Z Test Statistics for NNCT
funsZcell.spec Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCTs
funsZcell.tct Types I-IV Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation based on NNCTs
funsZdir.nnct Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling)
funsZmixed.nonref Mixed-Non-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation
funsZnnref Z Tests for NN Reflexivity
funsZnnself Self-Reflexivity Tests with Normal Approximation
funsZnnself.sum Cumulative Species Correspondence Test with Normal Approximation
funsZnnsym.dx Dixon's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation Pielou's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling)
funsZnnsym2cl.dx Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes (for Sparse Sampling)
funsZseg.coeff Z Tests for Segregation Coefficients
funsZsegind Z Tests for Segregation Indices
funsZself.ref Self-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation
funsZTkinv Z-Test for Cuzick and Edwards T_k^{inv} statistic

-- I --

ind.nnsym Index Matrix for Computing the Covariance of Dixon's Overall NN Symmetry Test
ind.seg.coeff Index Matrix for Computing the Covariance of Segregation Coefficients
ipd.mat Interpoint Distance Matrix
ipd.mat.euc Euclidean Interpoint Distance Matrix

-- K --

kNN Finding the indices of the 'k' NNs of a given point
kNNdist Functions for the k^{th} and 'k' NN distances
kNNdist2cl Functions for the k^{th} and 'k' NN distances
kthNNdist Functions for the k^{th} and 'k' NN distances
kthNNdist2cl Functions for the k^{th} and 'k' NN distances

-- L --

lab.onevsrest Functions for one versus rest type labeling

-- M --

mat2vec Conversion of a Matrix to a Vector
matrix.sqrt Square root of a matrix

-- N --

Ninv Vector of Shared NNs and Number of Reflexive NNs
NN Finding the index of the NN of a given point
NN.class.spec NN Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs
NN.class.spec.ct NN Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs
nnct Nearest Neighbor Contingency Table (NNCT)
nnct.boot.dis Bootstrap Nearest Neighbor Contingency Table (NNCT)
nnct.cr1 Correction Matrices for the NNCT entries
nnct.cr2 Correction Matrices for the NNCT entries
nnct.sub Nearest Neighbor Contingency Table (NNCT) with (only) base points restricted to a subsample
NNdist Distances between subjects and their NNs
NNdist2cl Distances between subjects from class i and their NNs from class j
nnspat nnspat: A package for NN Methods and Their Use in Testing Spatial Patterns
NNsub Finding the index of the NN of a given point among a subset of points
Nt.def N_t Value (found with the definition formula)
Ntkl N_{tkl} Value

-- O --

overall.nnct Dixon's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT
overall.nnct.ct Dixon's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT
overall.seg Overall Segregation Tests for NNCTs
overall.seg.ct Overall Segregation Tests for NNCTs
overall.tct Types I-IV Overall Tests of Segregation for NNCT
overall.tct.ct Types I-IV Overall Tests of Segregation for NNCT

-- P --

P11 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
p11 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
P111 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
p111 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
P1111 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
p1111 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
P1112 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
p1112 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
P112 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
p112 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
P1122 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
p1122 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
P1123 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
p1123 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
P12 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
p12 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
p122 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
p1223 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
P123 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
p123 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
P1234 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
p1234 The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes
pairwise.lab Keeping the pair of the specified labels in the data
pick.min.max Smallest and Largest Distances in a Distance Matrix
pk Probability of 'k' items selected from the class with size n_1
plot.Clusters Plot a 'Clusters' object
plot.SpatPatterns Plot a 'SpatPatterns' object
print.cellhtest Print a summary of a 'cellhtest' object
print.Chisqtest Print a summary of a 'Chisqtest' object
print.classhtest Print a summary of a 'classhtest' object
print.Clusters Print a 'Clusters' object
print.refhtest Print a summary of a 'refhtest' object
print.SpatPatterns Print a 'SpatPatterns' object
print.summary.Clusters Print a summary of a 'Clusters' object
print.summary.SpatPatterns Print a summary of a 'SpatPatterns' object
prob.nnct Probability of the current nearest neighbor contingency table
Pseg.coeff Pielou's Segregation Coefficients for NNCTs Pielou's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT (for Sparse Sampling) Pielou's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT (for Sparse Sampling)

-- Q --

QRval Number of Shared and Reflexive NNs
Qsym.ct Q-symmetry Contingency Table (QCT)
Qsym.test Pielou's Second Type of NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation
Qval Functions for the number of shared NNs, shared NN vector, and the number of reflexive NNs
Qvec Functions for the number of shared NNs, shared NN vector, and the number of reflexive NNs

-- R --

rassoc Generation of Points Associated with a Given Set of Points
rassocC Generation of Points Associated in the Type C Sense with a Given Set of Points
rassocG Generation of Points Associated in the Type G Sense with a Given Set of Points
rassocI Generation of Points Associated in the Type I Sense with a Given Set of Points
rassocU Generation of Points Associated in the Type U Sense with a Given Set of Points
rct Reflexivity Contingency Table (RCT)
rdiag.clust Generation of Points with Clusters along the First Diagonal
rhor.clust Generation of Points with Clusters along the Horizontal Axis
rnonRL Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points
rnonRLI Type I Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points
rnonRLII Type II Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points
rnonRLIII Type III Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points
rnonRLIV Type IV Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points
row.sum Functions for row and column sums of a matrix
rrot.clust Generation of Points with Rotational Clusters
rseg Generation of Points under Segregation of Two Classes
rself.ref Generation of Points from Self Correspondence Pattern
runif.circ Generation of Uniform Points in a Circle
Rval Functions for the number of shared NNs, shared NN vector, and the number of reflexive NNs

-- S --

scct Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
scct.ct Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
seg.coeff Pielou's Segregation Coefficients for NNCTs
seg.ind Dixon's Segregation Indices for NNCTs
sharedNN Functions for the number of shared NNs, shared NN vector, and the number of reflexive NNs
sharedNNmc The Shared NN Vectors for Multiple Classes
SkewTk Skewness of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic
summary.Clusters Return a summary of a 'Clusters' object
summary.SpatPatterns Return a summary of a 'SpatPatterns' object
swamptrees Tree Species in a Swamp Forest

-- T --

Tcomb Cuzick & Edwards Tcomb Test Statistic
tct T Contingency Table (TCT)
tocher.cor Tocher's randomized correction to the exact p-value
Tval T value in NN structure

-- V --

var.nnct Variances of Cell Counts in an NNCT
var.nnsym Variances of Differences of Off-Diagonal Entries in an NNCT
var.seg.coeff Variances of Segregation Coefficients in a Multi-class Case
var.tct Variances of Entries in a TCT
var.tctI Functions for Variances of Cell Counts in the Types I, III and IV TCTs
var.tctIII Functions for Variances of Cell Counts in the Types I, III and IV TCTs
var.tctIV Functions for Variances of Cell Counts in the Types I, III and IV TCTs
varNii Variances of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
varNii.ct Variances of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
varPseg.coeff Variance of Pielou's Segregation Coefficient for 2 Classes
varTk Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic
varTkaij Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic
varTkinv.sim Simulated Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k^{inv} Test statistic
varTrun Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic
varTrun.sim Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic

-- W --

W3val W_k values for Tango's T test statistic
W4val W_k values for Tango's T test statistic
W5val W_k values for Tango's T test statistic
Wmat The incidence matrix 'W' for the NN digraph

-- X --

Xsq.ceTk Chi-square Approximation to Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic
Xsq.nnref Reflexivity Test with Chi-square Approximation
Xsq.nnref.ct Reflexivity Test with Chi-square Approximation
Xsq.nnsym Overall NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation
Xsq.nnsym.dx Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes
Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes (for Sparse Sampling) Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes (for Sparse Sampling)
Xsq.seg.coeff Chi-square Test for Segregation Coefficients
Xsq.seg.coeff.ct Chi-square Test for Segregation Coefficients
Xsq.spec.cor Overall Species Correspondence Test with Chi-square Approximation
Xsq.spec.cor.ct Overall Species Correspondence Test with Chi-square Approximation

-- Z --

Zcell.nnct Dixon's Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCT
Zcell.nnct.2s p-values for Cell-specific Z Test Statistics for NNCT
Zcell.nnct.ct Dixon's Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCT p-values for Cell-specific Z Test Statistics for NNCT
Zcell.nnct.pval p-values for Cell-specific Z Test Statistics for NNCT p-values for Cell-specific Z Test Statistics for NNCT
Zcell.tct Types I-IV Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation based on NNCTs
Zcell.tct.ct Types I-IV Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation based on NNCTs
ZceTk Z-test for Cuzick and Edwards T_k statistic
Zdir.nnct Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation
Zdir.nnct.ct Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling) Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling)
Zmixed.nonref Mixed-Non-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation
Zmixed.nonref.ct Mixed-Non-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation
Znnref Z Tests for NN Reflexivity
Znnref.ct Z Tests for NN Reflexivity
Znnself Self-Reflexivity Tests with Normal Approximation
Znnself.ct Self-Reflexivity Tests with Normal Approximation
Znnself.sum Cumulative Species Correspondence Test with Normal Approximation
Znnself.sum.ct Cumulative Species Correspondence Test with Normal Approximation
Znnsym NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation
Znnsym.dx Dixon's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation
Znnsym.dx.ct Dixon's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation Pielou's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling) Pielou's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling)
Znnsym2cl NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes
Znnsym2cl.dx Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes
Znnsym2cl.dx.ct Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes (for Sparse Sampling) Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes (for Sparse Sampling)
Zseg.coeff Z Tests for Segregation Coefficients
Zseg.coeff.ct Z Tests for Segregation Coefficients
Zseg.ind Z Tests for Segregation Indices
Zseg.ind.ct Z Tests for Segregation Indices
Zself.ref Self-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation
Zself.ref.ct Self-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation
ZTcomb Z-test for Cuzick and Edwards T_{comb} statistic
ZTkinv Z-Test for Cuzick and Edwards T_k^{inv} statistic
ZTkinv.sim Z-Test for Cuzick and Edwards T_k^{inv} statistic
ZTrun Z-test for Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} statistic

-- misc --

.onAttach .onAttach start message
.onLoad .onLoad getOption package settings