A B C D E F I K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Z misc
nnspat-package | nnspat: A package for NN Methods and Their Use in Testing Spatial Patterns |
aij.mat | Aij matrices for computation of Moments of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
aij.nonzero | Aij matrices for computation of Moments of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
aij.theta | Closeness or Proximity Matrix for Tango's Spatial Clustering Tests |
asycovTkTl | Asymptotic Covariance between T_k and T_l Values |
asyvarTk | Asymptotic Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
base.class.spec | Base Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs |
base.class.spec.ct | Base Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs |
bvnorm.pdf | pdf of the Bivariate Normal Distribution |
cell.spec | Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCTs |
cell.spec.ct | Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCTs |
cell.spec.ss | Pielou's Cell-specific Segregation Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling) |
cell.spec.ss.ct | Pielou's Cell-specific Segregation Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling) |
cellsTij | Entries for the Types I-IV cell-specific tests |
ceTk | Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
ceTkinv | Cuzick and Edwards T_k^{inv} Test statistic |
ceTrun | Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic |
class.spec | Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs |
class.spec.ct | Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs |
classirest | Functions for one versus rest type labeling |
col.sum | Functions for row and column sums of a matrix |
correct.cf1 | Correction Matrices for the Covariance Matrix of NNCT entries |
correct.cf2 | Correction Matrices for the Covariance Matrix of NNCT entries |
cov.2cells | Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances Between Cell Counts in the TCT |
cov.2cols | Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances Between Cell Counts in the TCT |
cov.cell.col | Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances Between Cell Counts in the TCT |
cov.nnct | Covariance Matrix of the Cell Counts in an NNCT |
cov.nnsym | Covariance Matrix of the Differences of the Off-Diagonal Cell Counts in an NNCT |
cov.seg.coeff | Covariance Matrix of Segregation Coefficients in a Multi-class Case |
cov.tct | Covariance Matrix of the Entries of the Type I-IV TCTs |
cov.tct3 | Functions for Covariances of the Entries of the Types I, III and IV TCTs |
cov.tctI | Functions for Covariances of the Entries of the Types I, III and IV TCTs |
cov.tctIII | Functions for Covariances of the Entries of the Types I, III and IV TCTs |
cov.tctIV | Functions for Covariances of the Entries of the Types I, III and IV TCTs |
covCiCj | Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances Between Cell Counts in the TCT |
covNii | Covariance Matrix of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT) |
covNii.ct | Covariance Matrix of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT) |
covNijCk | Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances Between Cell Counts in the TCT |
covNrow2col | Conversion of the Covariance Matrix of the Row-wise Vectorized Cell Counts to Column-wise Vectorized Cell Counts in an NNCT |
covTcomb | Covariance matrix for T_k values in 'Tcomb' |
covTkTl | Finite Sample Covariance between T_k and T_l Values |
dist.std.data | Interpoint Distance Matrix for Standardized Data |
dist2full | Converts a lower triangular distance matrix to a full distance matrix |
euc.dist | The Euclidean distance between two vectors, matrices, or data frames |
EV.Nii | Expected Values of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT) |
EV.nnct | Expected Values of the Cell Counts in NNCT |
EV.rct | Expected Values of the Cell Counts in RCT |
EV.Tcomb | Expected Value for Cuzick & Edwards T_{comb} Test Statistic |
EV.tct | Expected Values of the Types I-IV cell-specific tests |
EV.tctI | Expected Values of the Type I cell-specific tests |
EV.Tk | Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
EV.Tkaij | Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
EV.Tkinv | Expected Value of Cuzick and Edwards T_k^{inv} Test statistic |
EV.Trun | Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic |
EV.Trun.alt | Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic |
exact.nnct | Exact version of Pearson's chi-square test on NNCTs |
exact.pval1s | p-value correction to the one-sided version of exact NNCT test |
exact.pval2s | p-value correction to the two-sided version of exact NNCT test |
funs.auxcovtct | Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances Between Cell Counts in the TCT |
funs.base.class.spec | Base Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs |
funs.cell.spec.ss | Pielou's Cell-specific Segregation Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling) |
funs.class.spec | Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs |
funs.covNii | Covariance Matrix of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT) |
funs.covtct | Functions for Covariances of the Entries of the Types I, III and IV TCTs |
funs.kNNdist | Functions for the k^{th} and 'k' NN distances |
funs.kNNdist2cl | Functions for the k^{th} and 'k' NN distances |
funs.overall.nnct | Dixon's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT |
funs.overall.seg | Overall Segregation Tests for NNCTs |
funs.overall.tct | Types I-IV Overall Tests of Segregation for NNCT |
funs.pijPij | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
funs.scct | Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT) |
funs.seg.coeff | Pielou's Segregation Coefficients for NNCTs |
funs.varNii | Variances of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT) |
funs.vartct | Functions for Variances of Cell Counts in the Types I, III and IV TCTs |
funsAijmat | Aij matrices for computation of Moments of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
funsC_MI_II | Correction Matrices for the Covariance Matrix of NNCT entries |
funsExpTk | Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
funsExpTrun | Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic |
funsNNclass.spec | NN Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs |
funsN_I_II | Correction Matrices for the NNCT entries |
funsOnevsRest | Functions for one versus rest type labeling |
funsPseg.ss | Pielou's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT (for Sparse Sampling) |
funsQandR | Functions for the number of shared NNs, shared NN vector, and the number of reflexive NNs |
funsRowColSums | Functions for row and column sums of a matrix |
funsVarTk | Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
funsVarTrun | Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic |
funsW345values | W_k values for Tango's T test statistic |
funsXsq.nnref | Reflexivity Test with Chi-square Approximation |
funsXsq.nnsym.dx | Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes |
funsXsq.nnsym.ss | Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes (for Sparse Sampling) |
funsXsq.seg.coeff | Chi-square Test for Segregation Coefficients |
funsXsq.spec.cor | Overall Species Correspondence Test with Chi-square Approximation |
funsZcell.nnct | Dixon's Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCT |
funsZcell.nnct.pval | p-values for Cell-specific Z Test Statistics for NNCT |
funsZcell.spec | Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCTs |
funsZcell.tct | Types I-IV Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation based on NNCTs |
funsZdir.nnct | Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation |
funsZdir.nnct.ss | Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling) |
funsZmixed.nonref | Mixed-Non-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation |
funsZnnref | Z Tests for NN Reflexivity |
funsZnnself | Self-Reflexivity Tests with Normal Approximation |
funsZnnself.sum | Cumulative Species Correspondence Test with Normal Approximation |
funsZnnsym.dx | Dixon's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation |
funsZnnsym.ss | Pielou's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling) |
funsZnnsym2cl.dx | Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes |
funsZnnsym2cl.ss | Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes (for Sparse Sampling) |
funsZseg.coeff | Z Tests for Segregation Coefficients |
funsZsegind | Z Tests for Segregation Indices |
funsZself.ref | Self-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation |
funsZTkinv | Z-Test for Cuzick and Edwards T_k^{inv} statistic |
ind.nnsym | Index Matrix for Computing the Covariance of Dixon's Overall NN Symmetry Test |
ind.seg.coeff | Index Matrix for Computing the Covariance of Segregation Coefficients |
ipd.mat | Interpoint Distance Matrix |
ipd.mat.euc | Euclidean Interpoint Distance Matrix |
kNN | Finding the indices of the 'k' NNs of a given point |
kNNdist | Functions for the k^{th} and 'k' NN distances |
kNNdist2cl | Functions for the k^{th} and 'k' NN distances |
kthNNdist | Functions for the k^{th} and 'k' NN distances |
kthNNdist2cl | Functions for the k^{th} and 'k' NN distances |
lab.onevsrest | Functions for one versus rest type labeling |
mat2vec | Conversion of a Matrix to a Vector |
matrix.sqrt | Square root of a matrix |
Ninv | Vector of Shared NNs and Number of Reflexive NNs |
NN | Finding the index of the NN of a given point |
NN.class.spec | NN Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs |
NN.class.spec.ct | NN Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs |
nnct | Nearest Neighbor Contingency Table (NNCT) |
nnct.boot.dis | Bootstrap Nearest Neighbor Contingency Table (NNCT) |
nnct.cr1 | Correction Matrices for the NNCT entries |
nnct.cr2 | Correction Matrices for the NNCT entries |
nnct.sub | Nearest Neighbor Contingency Table (NNCT) with (only) base points restricted to a subsample |
NNdist | Distances between subjects and their NNs |
NNdist2cl | Distances between subjects from class i and their NNs from class j |
nnspat | nnspat: A package for NN Methods and Their Use in Testing Spatial Patterns |
NNsub | Finding the index of the NN of a given point among a subset of points |
Nt.def | N_t Value (found with the definition formula) |
Ntkl | N_{tkl} Value |
overall.nnct | Dixon's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT |
overall.nnct.ct | Dixon's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT |
overall.seg | Overall Segregation Tests for NNCTs |
overall.seg.ct | Overall Segregation Tests for NNCTs |
overall.tct | Types I-IV Overall Tests of Segregation for NNCT |
overall.tct.ct | Types I-IV Overall Tests of Segregation for NNCT |
P11 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
p11 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
P111 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
p111 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
P1111 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
p1111 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
P1112 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
p1112 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
P112 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
p112 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
P1122 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
p1122 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
P1123 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
p1123 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
P12 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
p12 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
p122 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
p1223 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
P123 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
p123 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
P1234 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
p1234 | The functions for probability of selecting a number of points from respective classes |
pairwise.lab | Keeping the pair of the specified labels in the data |
pick.min.max | Smallest and Largest Distances in a Distance Matrix |
pk | Probability of 'k' items selected from the class with size n_1 |
plot.Clusters | Plot a 'Clusters' object |
plot.SpatPatterns | Plot a 'SpatPatterns' object |
print.cellhtest | Print a summary of a 'cellhtest' object |
print.Chisqtest | Print a summary of a 'Chisqtest' object |
print.classhtest | Print a summary of a 'classhtest' object |
print.Clusters | Print a 'Clusters' object |
print.refhtest | Print a summary of a 'refhtest' object |
print.SpatPatterns | Print a 'SpatPatterns' object |
print.summary.Clusters | Print a summary of a 'Clusters' object |
print.summary.SpatPatterns | Print a summary of a 'SpatPatterns' object |
prob.nnct | Probability of the current nearest neighbor contingency table |
Pseg.coeff | Pielou's Segregation Coefficients for NNCTs |
Pseg.ss | Pielou's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT (for Sparse Sampling) |
Pseg.ss.ct | Pielou's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT (for Sparse Sampling) |
QRval | Number of Shared and Reflexive NNs |
Qsym.ct | Q-symmetry Contingency Table (QCT) |
Qsym.test | Pielou's Second Type of NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation |
Qval | Functions for the number of shared NNs, shared NN vector, and the number of reflexive NNs |
Qvec | Functions for the number of shared NNs, shared NN vector, and the number of reflexive NNs |
rassoc | Generation of Points Associated with a Given Set of Points |
rassocC | Generation of Points Associated in the Type C Sense with a Given Set of Points |
rassocG | Generation of Points Associated in the Type G Sense with a Given Set of Points |
rassocI | Generation of Points Associated in the Type I Sense with a Given Set of Points |
rassocU | Generation of Points Associated in the Type U Sense with a Given Set of Points |
rct | Reflexivity Contingency Table (RCT) |
rdiag.clust | Generation of Points with Clusters along the First Diagonal |
rhor.clust | Generation of Points with Clusters along the Horizontal Axis |
rnonRL | Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points |
rnonRLI | Type I Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points |
rnonRLII | Type II Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points |
rnonRLIII | Type III Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points |
rnonRLIV | Type IV Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points |
row.sum | Functions for row and column sums of a matrix |
rrot.clust | Generation of Points with Rotational Clusters |
rseg | Generation of Points under Segregation of Two Classes |
rself.ref | Generation of Points from Self Correspondence Pattern |
runif.circ | Generation of Uniform Points in a Circle |
Rval | Functions for the number of shared NNs, shared NN vector, and the number of reflexive NNs |
scct | Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT) |
scct.ct | Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT) |
seg.coeff | Pielou's Segregation Coefficients for NNCTs |
seg.ind | Dixon's Segregation Indices for NNCTs |
sharedNN | Functions for the number of shared NNs, shared NN vector, and the number of reflexive NNs |
sharedNNmc | The Shared NN Vectors for Multiple Classes |
SkewTk | Skewness of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
summary.Clusters | Return a summary of a 'Clusters' object |
summary.SpatPatterns | Return a summary of a 'SpatPatterns' object |
swamptrees | Tree Species in a Swamp Forest |
Tcomb | Cuzick & Edwards Tcomb Test Statistic |
tct | T Contingency Table (TCT) |
tocher.cor | Tocher's randomized correction to the exact p-value |
Tval | T value in NN structure |
var.nnct | Variances of Cell Counts in an NNCT |
var.nnsym | Variances of Differences of Off-Diagonal Entries in an NNCT |
var.seg.coeff | Variances of Segregation Coefficients in a Multi-class Case |
var.tct | Variances of Entries in a TCT |
var.tctI | Functions for Variances of Cell Counts in the Types I, III and IV TCTs |
var.tctIII | Functions for Variances of Cell Counts in the Types I, III and IV TCTs |
var.tctIV | Functions for Variances of Cell Counts in the Types I, III and IV TCTs |
varNii | Variances of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT) |
varNii.ct | Variances of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT) |
varPseg.coeff | Variance of Pielou's Segregation Coefficient for 2 Classes |
varTk | Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
varTkaij | Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
varTkinv.sim | Simulated Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k^{inv} Test statistic |
varTrun | Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic |
varTrun.sim | Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} Test statistic |
W3val | W_k values for Tango's T test statistic |
W4val | W_k values for Tango's T test statistic |
W5val | W_k values for Tango's T test statistic |
Wmat | The incidence matrix 'W' for the NN digraph |
Xsq.ceTk | Chi-square Approximation to Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic |
Xsq.nnref | Reflexivity Test with Chi-square Approximation |
Xsq.nnref.ct | Reflexivity Test with Chi-square Approximation |
Xsq.nnsym | Overall NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation |
Xsq.nnsym.dx | Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes |
Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct | Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes |
Xsq.nnsym.ss | Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes (for Sparse Sampling) |
Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct | Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes (for Sparse Sampling) |
Xsq.seg.coeff | Chi-square Test for Segregation Coefficients |
Xsq.seg.coeff.ct | Chi-square Test for Segregation Coefficients |
Xsq.spec.cor | Overall Species Correspondence Test with Chi-square Approximation |
Xsq.spec.cor.ct | Overall Species Correspondence Test with Chi-square Approximation |
Zcell.nnct | Dixon's Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCT |
Zcell.nnct.2s | p-values for Cell-specific Z Test Statistics for NNCT |
Zcell.nnct.ct | Dixon's Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCT |
Zcell.nnct.ls | p-values for Cell-specific Z Test Statistics for NNCT |
Zcell.nnct.pval | p-values for Cell-specific Z Test Statistics for NNCT |
Zcell.nnct.rs | p-values for Cell-specific Z Test Statistics for NNCT |
Zcell.tct | Types I-IV Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation based on NNCTs |
Zcell.tct.ct | Types I-IV Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation based on NNCTs |
ZceTk | Z-test for Cuzick and Edwards T_k statistic |
Zdir.nnct | Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation |
Zdir.nnct.ct | Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation |
Zdir.nnct.ss | Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling) |
Zdir.nnct.ss.ct | Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling) |
Zmixed.nonref | Mixed-Non-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation |
Zmixed.nonref.ct | Mixed-Non-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation |
Znnref | Z Tests for NN Reflexivity |
Znnref.ct | Z Tests for NN Reflexivity |
Znnself | Self-Reflexivity Tests with Normal Approximation |
Znnself.ct | Self-Reflexivity Tests with Normal Approximation |
Znnself.sum | Cumulative Species Correspondence Test with Normal Approximation |
Znnself.sum.ct | Cumulative Species Correspondence Test with Normal Approximation |
Znnsym | NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation |
Znnsym.dx | Dixon's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation |
Znnsym.dx.ct | Dixon's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation |
Znnsym.ss | Pielou's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling) |
Znnsym.ss.ct | Pielou's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling) |
Znnsym2cl | NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes |
Znnsym2cl.dx | Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes |
Znnsym2cl.dx.ct | Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes |
Znnsym2cl.ss | Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes (for Sparse Sampling) |
Znnsym2cl.ss.ct | Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes (for Sparse Sampling) |
Zseg.coeff | Z Tests for Segregation Coefficients |
Zseg.coeff.ct | Z Tests for Segregation Coefficients |
Zseg.ind | Z Tests for Segregation Indices |
Zseg.ind.ct | Z Tests for Segregation Indices |
Zself.ref | Self-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation |
Zself.ref.ct | Self-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation |
ZTcomb | Z-test for Cuzick and Edwards T_{comb} statistic |
ZTkinv | Z-Test for Cuzick and Edwards T_k^{inv} statistic |
ZTkinv.sim | Z-Test for Cuzick and Edwards T_k^{inv} statistic |
ZTrun | Z-test for Cuzick and Edwards T_{run} statistic |
.onAttach | .onAttach start message |
.onLoad | .onLoad getOption package settings |