Linear and Nonlinear Longitudinal Process in Structural Equation Modeling Framework

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Documentation for package ‘nlpsem’ version 0.3

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figOutput-class S4 Class for displaying figures
FSOutput-class S4 Class for estimated factor scores and their standard errors.
getEstimateStats Calculate p-Values and Confidence Intervals of Parameters for a Fitted Model
getFigure Generate Visualization for Fitted Model
getIndFS Derive Individual Factor Scores for Each Latent Variable Included in Model
getLatentKappa Compute Latent Kappa Coefficient for Agreement between Two Latent Label Sets
getLCSM Fit a Latent Change Score Model with a Time-invariant Covariate (If Any)
getLGCM Fit a Latent Growth Curve Model with Time-invariant Covariate (If Any)
getLRT Perform Bootstrap Likelihood Ratio Test for Comparing Full and Reduced Models
getMediation Fit a Longitudinal Mediation Model
getMGM Fit a Multivariate Latent Growth Curve Model or Multivariate Latent Change Score Model
getMGroup Fit a Longitudinal Multiple Group Model
getMIX Fit a Longitudinal Mixture Model
getPosterior Compute Posterior Probabilities, Cluster Assignments, and Model Entropy for a Longitudinal Mixture Model
getSummary Summarize Model Fit Statistics for Fitted Models
getTVCmodel Fit a Latent Growth Curve Model or Latent Change Score Model with Time-varying and Time-invariant Covariates
KappaOutput-class S4 Class for kappa statistic with confidence interval and judgment.
ModelSummary S4 Generic for summarizing an optimized MxModel.
ModelSummary-method S4 Method for summarizing an optimized MxModel.
myMxOutput-class Standard Methods (S4) for the package
postOutput-class S4 Class for posterior probabilities, membership, entropy, and accuracy (when applicable)
printTable S4 Generic for displaying output in a table format.
printTable-method S4 Method for printing estimated factor scores and their standard errors
printTable-method S4 Method for printing kappa statistic with $95%$ CI and judgement for agreement.
printTable-method S4 Method for printing p values and confidence intervals (when applicable)
printTable-method S4 Method for printing point estimates with standard errors
printTable-method S4 Method for printing posterior probabilities, membership, entropy, and accuracy.
RMS_dat ECLS-K (2011) Sample Dataset for Demonstration
show-method S4 Method for displaying figures.
StatsOutput-class S4 Class for p values and confidence intervals (when specified).