A B C D E F G H I K M N O P R S T U V W X misc
nat-package | Analyse 3D biological image data especially neurons |
affmat2cmtkparams | Decompose homogeneous affine matrix to CMTK registration parameters |
all.equal.dotprops | all.equal method tailored to dotprops objects |
all.equal.im3d | Check equality on data and key attributes of im3d objects |
all.equal.neuron | Check equality on key fields of neuron object |
amiratype | Return the type of an amiramesh file on disk or a parsed header |
as.cmtkreg | Create and test cmtkreg objects that specify path to a CMTK registration |
as.cmtkreg.default | Create and test cmtkreg objects that specify path to a CMTK registration |
as.cmtkreg.matrix | Create and test cmtkreg objects that specify path to a CMTK registration |
as.cmtkreg.reglist | Create and test cmtkreg objects that specify path to a CMTK registration |
as.data.frame.neuronlist | Get or set the attached data.frame of a neuronlist |
as.dotprops | dotprops: Neurons as point clouds with tangent vectors (but no connectivity) |
as.hxsurf | Convert an object to a nat hxsurf object |
as.hxsurf.mesh3d | Convert an object to a nat hxsurf object |
as.im3d | Convert a suitable object to an im3d object. |
as.im3d.im3d | Convert a suitable object to an im3d object. |
as.im3d.matrix | Convert a suitable object to an im3d object. |
as.mesh3d | Convert an object to an rgl mesh3d |
as.mesh3d.ashape3d | Convert an object to an rgl mesh3d |
as.mesh3d.hxsurf | Convert an object to an rgl mesh3d |
as.neuron | neuron: class to represent traced neurons |
as.neuron.data.frame | neuron: class to represent traced neurons |
as.neuron.default | neuron: class to represent traced neurons |
as.neuron.igraph | neuron: class to represent traced neurons |
as.neuron.ngraph | neuron: class to represent traced neurons |
as.neuronlist | Make a list of neurons that can be used for coordinate plotting/analysis |
as.neuronlist.default | Make a list of neurons that can be used for coordinate plotting/analysis |
as.neuronlist.neuronlistfh | convert neuronlistfh to a regular (in memory) neuronlist |
as.neuronlistfh | neuronlistfh - List of neurons loaded on demand from disk or remote website |
as.neuronlistfh.neuronlist | neuronlistfh - List of neurons loaded on demand from disk or remote website |
as.ngraph | ngraph: a graph to encode a neuron's connectivity |
as.ngraph.data.frame | ngraph: a graph to encode a neuron's connectivity |
as.ngraph.neuron | ngraph: a graph to encode a neuron's connectivity |
as.seglist | Make/convert neuron connectivity information into a seglist object |
as.seglist.igraph | Make/convert neuron connectivity information into a seglist object |
as.seglist.neuron | Make/convert neuron connectivity information into a seglist object |
boundingbox | Get the bounding box of an im3d volume or other compatible object |
boundingbox.character | Get the bounding box of an im3d volume or other compatible object |
boundingbox.default | Get the bounding box of an im3d volume or other compatible object |
boundingbox.im3d | Get the bounding box of an im3d volume or other compatible object |
boundingbox.list | Get the bounding box of an im3d volume or other compatible object |
boundingbox.neuron | Get the bounding box of an im3d volume or other compatible object |
boundingbox.shape3d | Get the bounding box of an im3d volume or other compatible object |
boundingbox<- | Get the bounding box of an im3d volume or other compatible object |
branchpoints | Return the root or branch points of a neuron or graph |
branchpoints.default | Return the root or branch points of a neuron or graph |
branchpoints.igraph | Return the root or branch points of a neuron or graph |
branchpoints.neuron | Return the root or branch points of a neuron or graph |
c.neuronlist | Combine multiple neuronlists into a single list |
c.reglist | A simple wrapper class for multiple transformations |
Cell07PNs | Cell07PNs: 40 Sample Projection Neurons from Jefferis, Potter et al 2007 |
clampmax | Return function that finds maximum of its inputs within a clamping range |
cmtk | Return path to directory containing CMTK binaries |
cmtk.bindir | Return path to directory containing CMTK binaries |
cmtk.call | Utility function to create and run calls to CMTK commandline tools |
cmtk.dof2mat | Convert CMTK registration to homogeneous affine matrix with dof2mat |
cmtk.extract_affine | Extract affine registration from CMTK registration file or in-memory list |
cmtk.mat2dof | Use CMTK mat2dof to convert homogeneous affine matrix into CMTK registration |
cmtk.reformatx | Reformat an image with a CMTK registration using the reformatx tool |
cmtk.statistics | Calculate image statistics for a nrrd or other CMTK compatible file |
cmtk.system2 | Utility function to create and run calls to CMTK commandline tools |
cmtk.targetvolume | Defines a target volume for a CMTK reformatx operation |
cmtk.targetvolume.default | Defines a target volume for a CMTK reformatx operation |
cmtk.targetvolume.im3d | Defines a target volume for a CMTK reformatx operation |
cmtk.targetvolume.list | Defines a target volume for a CMTK reformatx operation |
cmtk.version | Return cmtk version or test for presence of at least a specific version |
cmtkparams2affmat | Compose homogeneous affine matrix from CMTK registration parameters |
cmtkreg | Create and test cmtkreg objects that specify path to a CMTK registration |
cmtkreglist | Make in-memory CMTK registration list from affine matrix or CMTK parameters |
coord2ind | Find 1D indices into a 3D image given spatial coordinates |
coord2ind.default | Find 1D indices into a 3D image given spatial coordinates |
data.frame<- | Get or set the attached data.frame of a neuronlist |
data.frame<-.neuronlist | Get or set the attached data.frame of a neuronlist |
dotprops | dotprops: Neurons as point clouds with tangent vectors (but no connectivity) |
dotprops.character | dotprops: Neurons as point clouds with tangent vectors (but no connectivity) |
dotprops.default | dotprops: Neurons as point clouds with tangent vectors (but no connectivity) |
dotprops.dotprops | dotprops: Neurons as point clouds with tangent vectors (but no connectivity) |
dotprops.im3d | dotprops: Neurons as point clouds with tangent vectors (but no connectivity) |
dotprops.neuron | dotprops: Neurons as point clouds with tangent vectors (but no connectivity) |
dotprops.neuronlist | dotprops: Neurons as point clouds with tangent vectors (but no connectivity) |
droplevels | Methods for working with the dataframe attached to a neuronlist |
droplevels.neuronlist | Methods for working with the dataframe attached to a neuronlist |
endpoints | Return the root or branch points of a neuron or graph |
endpoints.default | Return the root or branch points of a neuron or graph |
endpoints.igraph | Return the root or branch points of a neuron or graph |
endpoints.neuron | Return the root or branch points of a neuron or graph |
fileformats | Set or return list of registered file formats that we can read |
find.neuron | Find neurons within a 3D selection box (usually drawn in rgl window) |
find.soma | Find neurons with soma inside 3D selection box (usually drawn in rgl window) |
flip | Flip an array, matrix or vector about an axis |
flip.array | Flip an array, matrix or vector about an axis |
getformatreader | Set or return list of registered file formats that we can read |
getformatwriter | Set or return list of registered file formats that we can read |
graph.nodes | Return root, end, or branchpoints of an igraph object |
head | Methods for working with the dataframe attached to a neuronlist |
head.neuronlist | Methods for working with the dataframe attached to a neuronlist |
hxsurf | Read Amira surface (aka HxSurface or HyperSurface) files into hxsurf object |
ijkpos | Interconvert pixel and physical coordinates |
im3d | Construct an im3d object representing 3D image data, densities etc |
im3d-coords | Interconvert pixel and physical coordinates |
im3d-io | Read/Write calibrated 3D blocks of image data |
image.im3d | Method to plot spatially calibrated image arrays |
imexpand.grid | Convert locations of im3d voxel grid into XYZ coordinates |
imscalebar | Make a scalebar to accompany an image.im3d plot |
imslice | Slice out a 3D subarray (or 2d matrix) from a 3D image array |
ind2coord | Find XYZ coords corresponding to 1D indices into a 3D image |
ind2coord.array | Find XYZ coords corresponding to 1D indices into a 3D image |
ind2coord.default | Find XYZ coords corresponding to 1D indices into a 3D image |
ind2coord.im3d | Find XYZ coords corresponding to 1D indices into a 3D image |
intersect | Find the intersection of two collections of objects |
intersect.default | Find the intersection of two collections of objects |
intersect.neuronlist | Find the intersection of two collections of objects |
invert_reglist | A simple wrapper class for multiple transformations |
is.amiramesh | Check if file is amiramesh format |
is.cmtkreg | Create and test cmtkreg objects that specify path to a CMTK registration |
is.dotprops | dotprops: Neurons as point clouds with tangent vectors (but no connectivity) |
is.fijitraces | Check whether a file is in Fiji's simple neurite tracer format |
is.im3d | Test if an object is of class im3d |
is.neuroml | Check whether a file is in NeuroML format |
is.neuron | neuron: class to represent traced neurons |
is.neuronlist | Test objects of neuronlist class to store multiple neurons |
is.neuronlistfh | neuronlistfh - List of neurons loaded on demand from disk or remote website |
is.nrrd | Check if a file is a NRRD file |
is.swc | Test if a file is an SWC format neuron |
is.vaa3draw | Check if a file is in the raw image format used by Hanchuan Peng's Vaa3D |
kcs20 | List of 20 Kenyon Cells from Chiang et al 2011 converted to dotprops objects |
mask | Mask an object, typically to produce a copy with some values zeroed out |
mask.im3d | Mask an object, typically to produce a copy with some values zeroed out |
materials | Extract or set the materials for an object |
materials.character | Extract or set the materials for an object |
materials.default | Extract or set the materials for an object |
materials.hxsurf | Extract or set the materials for an object |
MBL.surf | Surface object (hxsurf) for the left mushroom body in FCWB template space |
mirror | Mirror 3D object about a given axis, optionally using a warping registration |
mirror.character | Mirror 3D object about a given axis, optionally using a warping registration |
mirror.default | Mirror 3D object about a given axis, optionally using a warping registration |
mirror.neuronlist | Mirror 3D object about a given axis, optionally using a warping registration |
nat | Analyse 3D biological image data especially neurons |
ndigest | Calculated normalised digest value for an object |
ndigest.dotprops | Calculated normalised digest value for an object |
ndigest.neuron | Calculated normalised digest value for an object |
ndigest.neuronlistfh | Calculated normalised digest value for an object |
neuron | neuron: class to represent traced neurons |
neuronlist | Create a neuronlist from zero or more neurons |
neuronlist-dataframe-methods | Methods for working with the dataframe attached to a neuronlist |
neuronlistfh | neuronlistfh - List of neurons loaded on demand from disk or remote website |
ngraph | ngraph: a graph to encode a neuron's connectivity |
nlapply | lapply and mapply for neuronlists (with optional parallelisation) |
nlscan | Scan through a set of neurons, individually plotting each one in 3D |
nmapply | lapply and mapply for neuronlists (with optional parallelisation) |
nopen3d | Open customised rgl window |
normalise_swc | Normalise an SWC format block of neuron morphology data |
npop3d | Remove plotted neurons or other 3D objects |
nrrd.voxdims | Return voxel dimensions (by default absolute voxel dimensions) |
nvertices | Find the number of vertices in an object (or each element of a neuronlist) |
nvertices.default | Find the number of vertices in an object (or each element of a neuronlist) |
nvertices.igraph | Find the number of vertices in an object (or each element of a neuronlist) |
nvertices.neuronlist | Find the number of vertices in an object (or each element of a neuronlist) |
nview3d | Set the 3D viewpoint of an RGL window using anatomical terms |
origin | Return the space origin of a 3D image object |
pan3d | Some useful extensions / changes to rgl defaults |
plot.neuron | Plot a 2D projection of a neuron |
plot.neuronlist | 2D plots of the elements in a neuronlist, optionally using a subset expression |
plot3d | plot3d methods for different nat objects |
plot3d.boundingbox | Plot a bounding box in 3D |
plot3d.character | 3D plots of the elements in a neuronlist, optionally using a subset expression |
plot3d.cmtkreg | Plot the domain of a CMTK registration |
plot3d.dotprops | 3D plots of dotprops objects using rgl package |
plot3d.hxsurf | Plot amira surface objects in 3D using rgl |
plot3d.neuron | Plot neurons in 3D using rgl library |
plot3d.neuronlist | 3D plots of the elements in a neuronlist, optionally using a subset expression |
pointsinside | Find which points of an object are inside a surface |
pointsinside.default | Find which points of an object are inside a surface |
potential_synapses | Calculate number of potential synapses between two neurons |
potential_synapses.dotprops | Calculate number of potential synapses between two neurons |
potential_synapses.neuron | Calculate number of potential synapses between two neurons |
potential_synapses.neuronlist | Calculate number of potential synapses between two neurons |
projection | Make 2D (orthogonal) projection of 3D image data |
prune | prune an object by removing points near (or far) from a target object |
prune.default | prune an object by removing points near (or far) from a target object |
prune.dotprops | prune an object by removing points near (or far) from a target object |
prune.neuron | prune an object by removing points near (or far) from a target object |
prune.neuronlist | prune an object by removing points near (or far) from a target object |
prune_edges | Prune selected vertices or edges from a neuron |
prune_strahler | Prune a neuron by removing segments with a given Strahler order |
prune_vertices | Prune selected vertices or edges from a neuron |
read.amiramesh | Read AmiraMesh data in binary or ascii format |
read.amiramesh.header | Read AmiraMesh data in binary or ascii format |
read.cmtk | Read CMTK TypedStream file to a list in memory |
read.cmtkreg | Read a CMTK format registration |
read.hxsurf | Read Amira surface (aka HxSurface or HyperSurface) files into hxsurf object |
read.im3d | Read/Write calibrated 3D blocks of image data |
read.landmarks | Generic functions to read/write landmarks in any supported format |
read.morphml | Return parsed XML or R list versions of a NeuroML file |
read.neuron | Read a single neuron from a file |
read.neuron.fiji | Read a neuron saved by Fiji's Simple Neurite Tracer Plugin |
read.neuron.neuroml | Read one or more neurons from a NeuroML v1 file |
read.neuron.swc | Read a neuron in swc file format |
read.neuronlistfh | Read a local, or remote, neuronlistfh object saved to a file. |
read.neurons | Read one or more neurons from file to a neuronlist in memory |
read.ngraph.swc | Read a neuron in swc file format |
read.nrrd | Read nrrd file into an array in memory |
read.nrrd.header | Read nrrd file into an array in memory |
read.vaa3draw | Read Vaa3d format image data |
registerformat | Set or return list of registered file formats that we can read |
reglist | A simple wrapper class for multiple transformations |
remotesync | Synchronise a remote object |
remotesync.neuronlistfh | Synchronise a remote object |
resample | Resample an object with a new spacing |
resample.neuron | Resample an object with a new spacing |
rootpoints | Return the root or branch points of a neuron or graph |
rootpoints.default | Return the root or branch points of a neuron or graph |
rootpoints.igraph | Return the root or branch points of a neuron or graph |
rootpoints.neuron | Return the root or branch points of a neuron or graph |
scale | Scale and centre neuron 3D coordinates |
scale.dotprops | Scale and centre neuron 3D coordinates |
scale.neuron | Scale and centre neuron 3D coordinates |
seglengths | Calculate length of all segments in neuron |
seglist | Make/convert neuron connectivity information into a seglist object |
seglist2swc | Recalculate Neurons's SWCData using SegList and point information |
segmentgraph | Return a simplified segment graph for a neuron |
setdiff | Find the (asymmetric) difference between two collections of objects |
setdiff.default | Find the (asymmetric) difference between two collections of objects |
setdiff.neuronlist | Find the (asymmetric) difference between two collections of objects |
simplify_reglist | Simplify a registration list |
smooth_neuron | Smooth the 3D coordinates of a neuron skeleton |
smooth_segment_gauss | Smooth the 3D coordinates of a neuron skeleton |
spine | Compute the longest path (aka spine or backbone) of a neuron |
strahler_order | Find the Strahler order of each point in a neuron |
sub2ind | Find 1D index given n-dimensional indices |
subset | Subset methods for different nat objects |
subset.dotprops | Subset points in dotprops object that match given conditions |
subset.hxsurf | Subset hxsurf object to specified regions |
subset.neuron | Subset neuron by keeping only vertices that match given conditions |
subset.neuronlist | Subset neuronlist returning either new neuronlist or names of chosen neurons |
summary | Summary statistics for neurons (e.g. cable length, number of nodes) |
summary.dotprops | Summary statistics for neurons (e.g. cable length, number of nodes) |
summary.neuron | Summary statistics for neurons (e.g. cable length, number of nodes) |
summary.neuronlist | Summary statistics for neurons (e.g. cable length, number of nodes) |
tail | Methods for working with the dataframe attached to a neuronlist |
tail.neuronlist | Methods for working with the dataframe attached to a neuronlist |
threshold | Threshold an object, typically to produce a mask |
threshold.im3d | Threshold an object, typically to produce a mask |
union | Find the union of two collections of objects |
union.default | Find the union of two collections of objects |
union.neuronlist | Find the union of two collections of objects |
unmask | Make im3d image array containing values at locations defined by a mask |
voxdims | Return voxel dimensions of an object |
voxdims.character | Return voxel dimensions of an object |
voxdims.default | Return voxel dimensions of an object |
voxdims.im3d | Return voxel dimensions of an object |
with | Methods for working with the dataframe attached to a neuronlist |
with.neuronlist | Methods for working with the dataframe attached to a neuronlist |
write.amiramesh | Write a 3D data object to an amiramesh format file |
write.cmtk | Write a suitable list to a CMTK TypedStream file on disk |
write.cmtkreg | Write out CMTK registration list to folder |
write.hxsurf | Write Amira surface (aka HxSurface or HyperSurface) into .surf file. |
write.im3d | Read/Write calibrated 3D blocks of image data |
write.landmarks | Generic functions to read/write landmarks in any supported format |
write.neuron | Write out a neuron in any of the file formats we know about |
write.neuronlistfh | Write out a neuronlistfh object to an RDS file |
write.neurons | Write neurons from a neuronlist object to individual files, or a zip archive |
write.nrrd | Write data and metadata to NRRD file or create a detached NRRD (nhdr) file. |
write.nrrd.header | Write data and metadata to NRRD file or create a detached NRRD (nhdr) file. |
write.nrrd.header.for.file | Write data and metadata to NRRD file or create a detached NRRD (nhdr) file. |
write.vtk | Write object to VTK file |
write.vtk.neuron | Write object to VTK file |
xform | Transform the 3D location of objects such as neurons |
xform.character | Transform the 3D location of objects such as neurons |
xform.data.frame | Transform the 3D location of objects such as neurons |
xform.default | Transform the 3D location of objects such as neurons |
xform.dotprops | Transform the 3D location of objects such as neurons |
xform.list | Transform the 3D location of objects such as neurons |
xform.neuron | Transform the 3D location of objects such as neurons |
xform.neuronlist | Transform the 3D location of objects such as neurons |
xform.shape3d | Transform the 3D location of objects such as neurons |
xformimage | Transform image files using a registration or affine matrix |
xformimage.character | Transform image files using a registration or affine matrix |
xformimage.cmtkreg | Transform image files using a registration or affine matrix |
xformimage.default | Transform image files using a registration or affine matrix |
xformimage.reglist | Transform image files using a registration or affine matrix |
xformpoints | Transform 3D points using a registration, affine matrix or function |
xformpoints.character | Transform 3D points using a registration, affine matrix or function |
xformpoints.cmtkreg | Transform 3D points using a registration, affine matrix or function |
xformpoints.default | Transform 3D points using a registration, affine matrix or function |
xformpoints.reglist | Transform 3D points using a registration, affine matrix or function |
xyzmatrix | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix.default | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix.dotprops | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix.hxsurf | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix.igraph | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix.mesh3d | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix.neuron | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix.neuronlist | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix<- | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix<-.dotprops | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix<-.hxsurf | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix<-.igraph | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix<-.neuron | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix<-.neuronlist | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzmatrix<-.shape3d | Get and assign coordinates for classes containing 3D vertex data |
xyzpos | Interconvert pixel and physical coordinates |
*.dotprops | Arithmetic for dotprops objects |
*.neuron | Arithmetic for neuron coordinates |
*.neuronlist | Arithmetic for neuron coordinates applied to neuronlists |
+.dotprops | Arithmetic for dotprops objects |
+.neuron | Arithmetic for neuron coordinates |
+.neuronlist | Arithmetic for neuron coordinates applied to neuronlists |
-.dotprops | Arithmetic for dotprops objects |
-.neuron | Arithmetic for neuron coordinates |
-.neuronlist | Arithmetic for neuron coordinates applied to neuronlists |
/.dotprops | Arithmetic for dotprops objects |
/.neuron | Arithmetic for neuron coordinates |
/.neuronlist | Arithmetic for neuron coordinates applied to neuronlists |
[.neuronlist | Methods for working with the dataframe attached to a neuronlist |
[.neuronlistfh | Extract from neuronlistfh object or its attached data.frame |
[<-.neuronlist | Methods for working with the dataframe attached to a neuronlist |