NeuroAnatomy Toolbox ('nat') Extension for Assessing Neuron Similarity and Clustering

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Documentation for package ‘nat.nblast’ version 1.6.7

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nat.nblast-package Neuron similarity, search and clustering tools
calc_dists_dotprods Calculate distances and dot products between two sets of neurons
calc_prob_mat Calculate probability matrix from distances and dot products between neuron segments
calc_score_matrix Calculate scoring matrix from probability matrices for matching and non-matching sets of neurons
create_scoringmatrix Create a scoring matrix given matching and non-matching sets of neurons
diagonal Extract diagonal terms from a variety of matrix types
diagonal.default Extract diagonal terms from a variety of matrix types
fctraces20 20 traced Drosophila neurons from Chiang et al 2011
fill_in_sparse_score_mat Add one or more submatrices to a sparse score matrix
fill_pairs_sparse_score_mat Add forwards, reverse and self scores for a pair of neurons to a sparse score matrix
nat.nblast Neuron similarity, search and clustering tools
nblast Calculate similarity score for neuron morphologies
nblast_allbyall Wrapper function to compute all by all NBLAST scores for a set of neurons
nblast_allbyall.character Wrapper function to compute all by all NBLAST scores for a set of neurons
nblast_allbyall.neuronlist Wrapper function to compute all by all NBLAST scores for a set of neurons
NeuriteBlast Produce similarity score for neuron morphologies
neuron_pairs Utility function to generate all or random pairs of neurons
nhclust Cluster a set of neurons
plot3d.hclust Methods to identify and plot groups of neurons cut from an 'hclust' object
show_similarity Display two neurons with segments in the query coloured by similarity
smat.fcwb Scoring matrices for neuron similarities in FCWB template brain
smat_alpha.fcwb Scoring matrices for neuron similarities in FCWB template brain
sparse_score_mat Convert a subset of a square score matrix to a sparse representation
subset.hclust Return the labels of items in 1 or more groups cut from hclust object
sub_dist_mat Convert (a subset of) a raw score matrix to a distance matrix
sub_score_mat Return scores (or distances) for given query and target neurons
WeightedNNBasedLinesetMatching Compute point & tangent vector similarity score between two linesets
WeightedNNBasedLinesetMatching.dotprops Compute point & tangent vector similarity score between two linesets
WeightedNNBasedLinesetMatching.neuron Compute point & tangent vector similarity score between two linesets
[ Extract parts of a sparse 'spam' matrix
[-method Extract parts of a sparse 'spam' matrix