Extensible Data Structures for Multivariate Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘multivarious’ version 0.2.0

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add_node add a pre-processing stage
apply_rotation Apply rotation
apply_transform apply a pre-processing transform
bi_projector Construct a bi_projector instance
bi_projector_union A Union of Concatenated 'bi_projector' Fits
block_indices get block_indices
block_lengths get block_lengths
bootstrap Bootstrap Resampling for Multivariate Models
bootstrap.pca PCA Bootstrap Resampling
center center a data matrix
classifier Construct a Classifier
classifier.discriminant_projector Create a k-NN classifier for a discriminant projector
classifier.multiblock_biprojector Multiblock Bi-Projector Classifier
classifier.projector create 'classifier' from a 'projector'
coef.cross_projector Extract coefficients from a cross_projector object
colscale scale a data matrix
components get the components
compose_projector Compose Two Projectors
compose_projectors Projector Composition
concat_pre_processors bind together blockwise pre-processors
convert_domain Transfer data from one input domain to another via common latent space
cross_projector Two-way (cross) projection to latent components
discriminant_projector Construct a Discriminant Projector
fresh Get a fresh pre-processing node cleared of any cached data
group_means Compute column-wise mean in X for each factor level of Y
inverse_projection Inverse of the Component Matrix
is_orthogonal is it orthogonal
multiblock_biprojector Create a Multiblock Bi-Projector
multiblock_projector Create a Multiblock Projector
nblocks get the number of blocks
ncomp Get the number of components
nystrom_embedding Nystrom method for out-of-sample embedding
partial_inverse_projection Partial Inverse Projection of a Columnwise Subset of Component Matrix
partial_project Partially project a new sample onto subspace
partial_projector Construct a partial projector
partial_projector.projector construct a partial_projector from a 'projector' instance
pass a no-op pre-processing step
pca Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
perm_ci Permutation Confidence Intervals
predict.classifier predict with a classifier object
prep prepare a dataset by applying a pre-processing pipeline
prinang Compute principal angles for a set of subspaces
print.bi_projector Pretty Print S3 Method for bi_projector Class
print.bi_projector_union Pretty Print S3 Method for bi_projector_union Class
print.classifier Pretty Print Method for 'classifier' Objects
print.composed_projector Pretty Print Method for 'composed_projector' Objects
print.multiblock_biprojector Pretty Print Method for 'multiblock_biprojector' Objects
print.projector Pretty Print Method for 'projector' Objects
project New sample projection
project.cross_projector project a cross_projector instance
projector Construct a 'projector' instance
project_block Project a single "block" of data onto the subspace
project_vars Project one or more variables onto a subspace
reconstruct Reconstruct the data
refit refit a model
regress Multi-output linear regression
reprocess apply pre-processing parameters to a new data matrix
reprocess.cross_projector reprocess a cross_projector instance
residualize Compute a regression model for each column in a matrix and return residual matrix
residuals Obtain residuals of a component model fit
reverse_transform reverse a pre-processing transform
rf_classifier construct a random forest wrapper classifier
rf_classifier.projector create a random forest classifier
rotate Rotate a Component Solution
scores Retrieve the component scores
sdev standard deviations
shape Shape of the Projector
shape.cross_projector shape of a cross_projector instance
standardize center and scale each vector of a matrix
std_scores Compute standardized component scores
svd_wrapper Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Wrapper
transpose Transpose a model
truncate truncate a component fit