partial_project {multivarious}R Documentation

Partially project a new sample onto subspace


Project a selected subset of column indices onto the subspace. This function allows for the projection of new data onto a lower-dimensional space using only a subset of the variables, as specified by the column indices.


partial_project(x, new_data, colind)



The model fit, typically an object of class bi_projector or any other class that implements a partial_project method


A matrix or vector of new observations with a subset of columns equal to length of colind. Rows represent observations and columns represent variables


A numeric vector of column indices to select in the projection matrix. These indices correspond to the variables used for the partial projection


A matrix or vector of the partially projected observations, where rows represent observations and columns represent the lower-dimensional space

See Also

bi_projector for an example of a class that implements a partial_project method


# Example with the bi_projector class
X <- matrix(rnorm(10*20), 10, 20)
svdfit <- svd(X)
p <- bi_projector(svdfit$v, s = svdfit$u %*% diag(svdfit$d), sdev=svdfit$d)

# Partially project new_data onto the same subspace as the original data 
# using only the first 10 variables
new_data <- matrix(rnorm(5*20), 5, 20)
colind <- 1:10
partially_projected_data <- partial_project(p, new_data[,colind], colind)

[Package multivarious version 0.2.0 Index]