Model-Free Estimation of a Psychometric Function

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Documentation for package ‘modelfree’ version 1.2

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Baker_etal Auditory detection of a gap in noise
bandwidth_bootstrap Bootstrap bandwidth for local polynomial estimator of a psychometric function
bandwidth_cross_validation Cross-validation bandwidth for local polymnomial estimator of a psychometric function
bandwidth_plugin Plug-in bandwidth for local polynomial estimator of a psychometric function
binomfit_lims Parameter estimates for a psychometric function with FIXED guessing and lapsing rates
binom_lims Maximum likelihood parameter estimates for a psychometric function with guessing and lapsing rates
binom_revweib Reverse Weibull model for the psychometric function
binom_weib Weibull model for the psychometric function
bootstrap_ci_sl Bootstrap confidence interval for the slope of a psychometric function
bootstrap_ci_th Bootstrap confidence interval for a slope of a psychometric function
bootstrap_sd_sl Bootstrap standard deviation for the slope of a psychometric function
bootstrap_sd_th Bootstrap standard deviation for the slope of a psychometric function
Carcagno Discrimination of pitch
comploglog_link Complementary log-log link with guessing and lapsing rates Creates a complementary log-log link function; the guessing rate and lapsing rate are fixed, hence link is a function of only one variable.
deviance2 Deviance of a psychometric function
Levi_Tripathy Visual detection of path deviation
locglmfit Local polynomial estimator of a psychometric function
logit_link Logit link with guessing and lapsing rates Creates a complementary logit link function; the guessing rate and lapsing rate are fixed, hence link is a function of only one variable.
loglog_link Log-log link with guessing and lapsing rates
Miranda_Henson Detection of a flash of light
Nascimento_etal Discrimination of image approximations
probit_link Probit link with guessing and lapsing rates
Schofield_etal Induction of a visual motion aftereffect
threshold_slope Estimates of threshold and slope for a fitted psychometric function
Xie_Griffin Discrimination of "porthole" views of natural scenes