Tools for Parsing, Manipulating, and Graphing Taxonomic Abundance Data

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Documentation for package ‘metacoder’ version 0.3.7

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-- A --

all_names Return names of data in [taxonomy()] or [taxmap()]
ambiguous_synonyms Get patterns for ambiguous taxa
arrange_obs Sort user data in [taxmap()] objects
arrange_taxa Sort the edge list of [taxmap()] objects
as_phyloseq Convert taxmap to phyloseq

-- B --

branches Get "branch" taxa

-- C --

calc_diff_abund_deseq2 Differential abundance with DESeq2
calc_group_mean Calculate means of groups of columns
calc_group_median Calculate medians of groups of columns
calc_group_rsd Relative standard deviations of groups of columns
calc_group_stat Apply a function to groups of columns
calc_n_samples Count the number of samples
calc_obs_props Calculate proportions from observation counts
calc_prop_samples Calculate the proportion of samples
classifications Get classifications of taxa
compare_groups Compare groups of samples
complement Find complement of sequences
counts_to_presence Apply a function to groups of columns

-- D --

database_list Database list
diverging_palette The default diverging color palette

-- E --

extract_tax_data Extracts taxonomy info from vectors with regex
ex_hierarchies An example hierarchies object
ex_hierarchy1 An example Hierarchy object
ex_hierarchy2 An example Hierarchy object
ex_hierarchy3 An example Hierarchy object
ex_taxmap An example taxmap object

-- F --

filtering-helpers Taxonomic filtering helpers
filter_ambiguous_taxa Filter ambiguous taxon names
filter_obs Filter observations with a list of conditions
filter_taxa Filter taxa with a list of conditions

-- G --

get_data Get data in a taxmap object by name
get_dataset Get a data set from a taxmap object
get_data_frame Get data in a taxonomy or taxmap object by name

-- H --

heat_tree Plot a taxonomic tree
heat_tree.default Plot a taxonomic tree
heat_tree.Taxmap Plot a taxonomic tree
heat_tree_matrix Plot a matrix of heat trees
hierarchies Make a set of many [hierarchy()] class objects
hierarchy The Hierarchy class
highlight_taxon_ids Highlight taxon ID column
hmp_otus A HMP subset
hmp_samples Sample information for HMP subset

-- I --

ids Taxonomic filtering helpers
id_classifications Get ID classifications of taxa
internodes Get "internode" taxa
is_ambiguous Find ambiguous taxon names
is_branch Test if taxa are branches
is_internode Test if taxa are "internodes"
is_leaf Test if taxa are leaves
is_root Test if taxa are roots
is_stem Test if taxa are stems

-- L --

layout_functions Layout functions
leaves Get leaf taxa
leaves_apply Apply function to leaves of each taxon
lookup_tax_data Convert one or more data sets to taxmap

-- M --

make_dada2_asv_table Make a imitation of the dada2 ASV abundance matrix
make_dada2_tax_table Make a imitation of the dada2 taxonomy matrix
map_data Create a mapping between two variables
map_data_ Create a mapping without NSE
metacoder Metacoder
mutate_obs Add columns to [taxmap()] objects

-- N --

ncbi_taxon_sample Download representative sequences for a taxon
nms Taxonomic filtering helpers
n_leaves Get number of leaves
n_leaves_1 Get number of leaves
n_obs Count observations in [taxmap()]
n_obs_1 Count observation assigned in [taxmap()]
n_subtaxa Get number of subtaxa
n_subtaxa_1 Get number of subtaxa
n_supertaxa Get number of supertaxa
n_supertaxa_1 Get number of supertaxa

-- O --

obs Get data indexes associated with taxa
obs_apply Apply function to observations per taxon

-- P --

parse_dada2 Convert the output of dada2 to a taxmap object
parse_greengenes Parse Greengenes release
parse_mothur_taxonomy Parse mothur Classify.seqs *.taxonomy output
parse_mothur_tax_summary Parse mothur *.tax.summary Classify.seqs output
parse_newick Parse a Newick file
parse_phylo Parse a phylo object
parse_phyloseq Convert a phyloseq to taxmap
parse_primersearch Parse EMBOSS primersearch output
parse_qiime_biom Parse a BIOM output from QIIME
parse_rdp Parse RDP FASTA release
parse_silva_fasta Parse SILVA FASTA release
parse_tax_data Convert one or more data sets to taxmap
parse_ubiome Converts the uBiome file format to taxmap
parse_unite_general Parse UNITE general release FASTA
primersearch Use EMBOSS primersearch for in silico PCR
primersearch_raw Use EMBOSS primersearch for in silico PCR
print_tree Print a text tree

-- Q --

qualitative_palette The default qualitative color palette
quantative_palette The default quantative color palette

-- R --

ranks Taxonomic filtering helpers
ranks_ref Lookup-table for IDs of taxonomic ranks
rarefy_obs Calculate rarefied observation counts
read_fasta Read a FASTA file
remove_redundant_names Remove redundant parts of taxon names
replace_taxon_ids Replace taxon ids
reverse Reverse sequences
rev_comp Revere complement sequences
roots Get root taxa

-- S --

sample_frac_obs Sample a proportion of observations from [taxmap()]
sample_frac_taxa Sample a proportion of taxa from [taxonomy()] or [taxmap()]
sample_n_obs Sample n observations from [taxmap()]
sample_n_taxa Sample n taxa from [taxonomy()] or [taxmap()]
select_obs Subset columns in a [taxmap()] object
stems Get stem taxa
subtaxa Get subtaxa
subtaxa_apply Apply function to subtaxa of each taxon
supertaxa Get all supertaxa of a taxon
supertaxa_apply Apply function to supertaxa of each taxon

-- T --

taxa A class for multiple taxon objects
taxmap Taxmap class
taxon Taxon class
taxonomy Taxonomy class
taxonomy_table Convert taxonomy info to a table
taxon_database Taxonomy database class
taxon_id Taxon ID class
taxon_ids Get taxon IDs
taxon_indexes Get taxon indexes
taxon_name Taxon name class
taxon_names Get taxon names
taxon_rank Taxon rank class
taxon_ranks Get taxon ranks
transmute_obs Replace columns in [taxmap()] objects

-- W --

write_greengenes Write an imitation of the Greengenes database
write_mothur_taxonomy Write an imitation of the Mothur taxonomy file
write_rdp Write an imitation of the RDP FASTA database
write_silva_fasta Write an imitation of the SILVA FASTA database
write_unite_general Write an imitation of the UNITE general FASTA database

-- Z --

zero_low_counts Replace low counts with zero