A B C F G I L M N P R S T V W misc
mcmcsae-package | Markov Chain Monte Carlo Small Area Estimation |
acceptance_rates | Return Metropolis-Hastings acceptance rates |
aggrMatrix | Utility function to construct a sparse aggregation matrix from a factor |
AR1 | Correlation factor structures in generic model components |
as.array.dc | Convert a draws component object to another format |
as.matrix.dc | Convert a draws component object to another format |
brt | Create a model component object for a BART (Bayesian Additive Regression Trees) component in the linear predictor |
CG_control | Set options for the conjugate gradient (CG) sampler |
chol_control | Set options for Cholesky decomposition |
combine_chains | Combine multiple mcdraws objects into a single one by combining their chains |
combine_iters | Combine multiple mcdraws objects into a single one by combining their draws |
computeDesignMatrix | Compute a list of design matrices for all terms in a model formula, or based on a sampler environment |
compute_DIC | Compute DIC, WAIC and leave-one-out cross-validation model measures |
compute_GMRF_matrices | Compute (I)GMRF incidence, precision and restriction matrices corresponding to a generic model component |
compute_WAIC | Compute DIC, WAIC and leave-one-out cross-validation model measures |
correlation | Correlation factor structures in generic model components |
create_sampler | Create a sampler object |
create_TMVN_sampler | Set up a sampler object for sampling from a possibly truncated and degenerate multivariate normal distribution |
crossprod_mv | Fast matrix-vector multiplications |
custom | Correlation factor structures in generic model components |
fitted.mcdraws | Extract draws of fitted values or residuals from an mcdraws object |
f_binomial | Functions for specifying a sampling distribution and link function |
f_gamma | Functions for specifying a sampling distribution and link function |
f_gaussian | Functions for specifying a sampling distribution and link function |
f_gaussian_gamma | Functions for specifying a sampling distribution and link function |
f_multinomial | Functions for specifying a sampling distribution and link function |
f_negbinomial | Functions for specifying a sampling distribution and link function |
f_poisson | Functions for specifying a sampling distribution and link function |
gen | Create a model component object for a generic random effects component in the linear predictor |
generate_data | Generate a data vector according to a model |
gen_control | Set computational options for the sampling algorithms used for a 'gen' model component |
get_draw | Extract a list of parameter values for a single draw |
get_means | Get means or standard deviations of parameters from the MCMC output in an mcdraws object |
get_sds | Get means or standard deviations of parameters from the MCMC output in an mcdraws object |
glreg | Create a model object for group-level regression effects within a generic random effects component. |
iid | Correlation factor structures in generic model components |
labels | Get and set the variable labels of a draws component object for a vector-valued parameter |
labels.dc | Get and set the variable labels of a draws component object for a vector-valued parameter |
labels<- | Get and set the variable labels of a draws component object for a vector-valued parameter |
loo.mcdraws | Compute DIC, WAIC and leave-one-out cross-validation model measures |
matrix-vector | Fast matrix-vector multiplications |
maximize_log_lh_p | Maximize the log-likelihood or log-posterior as defined by a sampler closure |
MCMC-diagnostics | Compute MCMC diagnostic measures |
MCMC-object-conversion | Convert a draws component object to another format |
mcmcsae | Markov Chain Monte Carlo Small Area Estimation |
mcmcsae-family | Functions for specifying a sampling distribution and link function |
mcmcsae_example | Generate artificial data according to an additive spatio-temporal model |
MCMCsim | Run a Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation |
mec | Create a model component object for a regression (fixed effects) component in the linear predictor with measurement errors in quantitative covariates |
model-information-criteria | Compute DIC, WAIC and leave-one-out cross-validation model measures |
model_matrix | Compute possibly sparse model matrix |
m_direct | Functions for specifying the method and corresponding options for sampling from a possibly truncated and degenerate multivariate normal distribution |
m_Gibbs | Functions for specifying the method and corresponding options for sampling from a possibly truncated and degenerate multivariate normal distribution |
m_HMC | Functions for specifying the method and corresponding options for sampling from a possibly truncated and degenerate multivariate normal distribution |
m_HMCZigZag | Functions for specifying the method and corresponding options for sampling from a possibly truncated and degenerate multivariate normal distribution |
m_softTMVN | Functions for specifying the method and corresponding options for sampling from a possibly truncated and degenerate multivariate normal distribution |
nchains | Get the number of chains, samples per chain or the number of variables in a simulation object |
nchains-ndraws-nvars | Get the number of chains, samples per chain or the number of variables in a simulation object |
ndraws | Get the number of chains, samples per chain or the number of variables in a simulation object |
nvars | Get the number of chains, samples per chain or the number of variables in a simulation object |
n_eff | Compute MCMC diagnostic measures |
par_names | Get the parameter names from an mcdraws object |
plot.dc | Trace, density and autocorrelation plots for (parameters of a) draws component (dc) object |
plot.mcdraws | Trace, density and autocorrelation plots |
plot_coef | Plot a set of model coefficients or predictions with uncertainty intervals based on summaries of simulation results or other objects. |
posterior-moments | Get means or standard deviations of parameters from the MCMC output in an mcdraws object |
predict.mcdraws | Generate draws from the predictive distribution |
print.dc_summary | Display a summary of a 'dc' object |
print.mcdraws_summary | Print a summary of MCMC simulation results |
pr_exp | Create an object representing exponential prior distributions |
pr_fixed | Create an object representing a degenerate prior fixing a parameter (vector) to a fixed value |
pr_gamma | Create an object representing gamma prior distributions |
pr_gig | Create an object representing Generalized Inverse Gaussian (GIG) prior distributions |
pr_invchisq | Create an object representing inverse chi-squared priors with possibly modeled degrees of freedom and scale parameters |
pr_invwishart | Create an object representing an inverse Wishart prior, possibly with modeled scale matrix |
pr_MLiG | Create an object representing a Multivariate Log inverse Gamma (MLiG) prior distribution |
pr_normal | Create an object representing a possibly multivariate normal prior distribution |
read_draws | Read MCMC draws from a file |
reg | Create a model component object for a regression (fixed effects) component in the linear predictor |
residuals-fitted-values | Extract draws of fitted values or residuals from an mcdraws object |
residuals.mcdraws | Extract draws of fitted values or residuals from an mcdraws object |
RW1 | Correlation factor structures in generic model components |
RW2 | Correlation factor structures in generic model components |
R_hat | Compute MCMC diagnostic measures |
sampler_control | Set computational options for the sampling algorithms |
SBC_test | Simulation based calibration |
season | Correlation factor structures in generic model components |
setup_cluster | Set up a cluster for parallel computing |
spatial | Correlation factor structures in generic model components |
spline | Correlation factor structures in generic model components |
stop_cluster | Stop a cluster |
subset.dc | Select a subset of chains, samples and parameters from a draws component (dc) object |
summary.dc | Summarize a draws component (dc) object |
summary.mcdraws | Summarize an mcdraws object |
TMVN-methods | Functions for specifying the method and corresponding options for sampling from a possibly truncated and degenerate multivariate normal distribution |
to_draws_array | Convert a draws component object to another format |
to_mcmc | Convert a draws component object to another format |
transform_dc | Transform one or more draws component objects into a new one by applying a function |
vfac | Create a model component object for a variance factor component in the variance function of a gaussian sampling distribution |
vreg | Create a model component object for a regression component in the variance function of a gaussian sampling distribution |
waic.mcdraws | Compute DIC, WAIC and leave-one-out cross-validation model measures |
weights.mcdraws | Extract weights from an mcdraws object |
%m*v% | Fast matrix-vector multiplications |