best_combination | Best combination of normalization and imputation method |
Boxplot_data | Creating Boxplot for a dataset |
Corrplot_data | Creating Correlation matrix plot for a dataset |
Densityplot_data | Creating Density plot for a dataset |
knn_rlr_yeast_data | Normalized and imputed complete yeast lysate - UPS1 benchmark dataset |
MAplot_DE_fn | Find out the Up and Down regulated proteins from MA plot |
MDSplot_data | Creating MDS plot for a dataset |
QQplot_data | Creating QQ-Plot for a dataset |
top_table_fn | Creating the top table |
volcanoplot_DE_fn | Find out the Up and Down regulated proteins from volcano plot |
yeast_data | Yeast lysate - UPS1 benchmark dataset |
yeast_groups | Group information of Yeast lysate - UPS1 benchmark dataset |
yeast_top_table | Top table for Yeast Lysate - UPS1 dataset |