Kernel Adaptive Density Estimation and Regression

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Documentation for package ‘kader’ version 0.0.8

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kader-package Kernel Adjusted Density Estimation and Regression
adaptive_fnhat Specialized "Workhorse" Function for Kernel Adaptive Density Estimators
bias_AND_scaledvar Estimators of Bias and Scaled Variance
bias_ES2012 Bias Estimator of Eichner & Stute (2012)
compute_fnhat "Unified" Function for Kernel Adaptive Density Estimators
cuberoot Cube-root that retains its argument's sign
epanechnikov Epanechnikov kernel
fnhat_ES2013 Robust Kernel Density Estimator of Eichner & Stute (2013)
fnhat_SS2011 (Non-robust) Kernel Density Estimator of Srihera & Stute (2011)
J1 J1
J2 J2
J_admissible Admissible Rank Transformations of Eichner & Stute (2013)
kade Kernel Adaptive Density Estimator
kader Kernel Adjusted Density Estimation and Regression
kare Kernel Adaptive Regression Estimator
kfn_vectorized Convolution of Kernel Function K with fn
minimize_MSEHat Minimization of Estimated MSE
mse_hat MSE Estimator
nadwat The Classical Nadaraya-Watson Regression Estimator
pc pc
qc qc
rectangular Rectangular kernel
var_ES2012 Variance Estimator of Eichner & Stute (2012)
weights_ES2012 Weights W_{ni} of Eichner & Stute (2012)