fnhat_ES2013 {kader}R Documentation

Robust Kernel Density Estimator of Eichner & Stute (2013)


Implementation of eq. (4) in Eichner & Stute (2013) for a given and fixed scalar σ\sigma, for rank transformation function JJ (and, of course, for fixed and given location(s) in xx, data (X1,,Xn)(X_1, \ldots, X_n), a kernel function KK, and a bandwidth hh).


fnhat_ES2013(x, data, K, h, ranktrafo, sigma)



Numeric vector with the location(s) at which the density estimate is to be computed.


Numeric vector (X1,,Xn)(X_1, \ldots, X_n) of the data from which the estimate is to be computed. Missing values are not allowed and entail an error.


A kernel function to be used for the estimator.


Numeric scalar for bandwidth hh.


A function used for the rank transformation.


Numeric scalar for value of scale parameter σ\sigma.


The formula upon which the computational version implemented here is based is given in eq. (15.9) of Eichner (2017). This function does mainly only a simple preparatory computation and then calls compute_fnhat which does the actual work.


An object with class "density" whose underlying structure is a list containing the following components (as described in density), so that the print and plot methods for density-objects are immediately available):

x the n coordinates of the points where the density is estimated.
y the estimated density values from eq. (4) in Eichner & Stute (2013).
bw the bandwidth used.
n the sample size. (Recall: missing or infinite values are not allowed here.)
call the call which produced the result.
data.name the deparsed name of the x argument.
has.na logical, for compatibility (always FALSE).
ranktrafo as in Arguments.
sigma as in Arguments.


Eichner & Stute (2013) and Eichner (2017): see kader.

See Also



require(stats);   require(grDevices);   require(datasets)

 # Simulated N(0,1)-data and one sigma-value
set.seed(2016);     n <- 100;     d <- rnorm(n)
xgrid <- seq(-4, 4, by = 0.1)
(fit <- fnhat_ES2013(x = xgrid, data = d, K = dnorm, h = n^(-1/5),
  ranktrafo = J2, sigma = 1) )

plot(fit, ylim = range(0, dnorm(0), fit$y), col = "blue")
curve(dnorm, add = TRUE);   rug(d, col = "red")
legend("topleft", lty = 1, col = c("blue", "black", "red"),
  legend = expression(hat(f)[n], phi, "data"))

 # The same data, but several sigma-values
sigmas <- seq(1, 4, length = 4)
(fit <- lapply(sigmas, function(sig)
  fnhat_ES2013(x = xgrid, data = d, K = dnorm, h = n^(-1/5),
    ranktrafo = J2, sigma = sig)) )

ymat <- sapply(fit, "[[", "y")
matplot(x = xgrid, y = ymat, type = "l", lty = 1, col = 2 + seq(sigmas),
  ylim = range(0, dnorm(0), ymat), main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "Density")
curve(dnorm, add = TRUE);   rug(d, col = "red")
legend("topleft", lty = 1, col = c("black", "red", NA), bty = "n",
  legend = expression(phi, "data", hat(f)[n]~"in other colors"))

 # Old-Faithful-eruptions-data and several sigma-values
d <- faithful$eruptions;     n <- length(d);     er <- extendrange(d)
xgrid <- seq(er[1], er[2], by = 0.1);    sigmas <- seq(1, 4, length = 4)
(fit <- lapply(sigmas, function(sig)
   fnhat_ES2013(x = xgrid, data = d, K = dnorm, h = n^(-1/5),
     ranktrafo = J2, sigma = sig)) )

ymat <- sapply(fit, "[[", "y");     dfit <- density(d, bw = "sj")
plot(dfit, ylim = range(0, dfit$y, ymat), main = "", xlab = "")
rug(d, col = "red")
matlines(x = xgrid, y = ymat, lty = 1, col = 2 + seq(sigmas))
legend("top", lty = 1, col = c("black", "red", NA), bty = "n",
  legend = expression("R's est.", "data", hat(f)[n]~"in other colors"))

[Package kader version 0.0.8 Index]