Joint Species Distribution Models

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Documentation for package ‘jSDM’ version 0.2.6

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jSDM-package joint species distribution models
aravo Distribution of Alpine plants in Aravo (Valloire, France)
birds birds dataset
eucalypts eucalypts dataset
frogs frogs dataset
fungi fungi dataset
get_enviro_cor Extract covariances and correlations due to shared environmental responses
get_residual_cor Calculate the residual correlation matrix from a latent variable model (LVM)
inv_logit Generalized inverse logit function
jSDM_binomial_logit Binomial logistic regression
jSDM_binomial_probit Binomial probit regression
jSDM_binomial_probit_long_format Binomial probit regression on long format data
jSDM_binomial_probit_sp_constrained Binomial probit regression with selected constrained species
jSDM_gaussian Binomial probit regression
jSDM_poisson_log Poisson regression with log link function
logit Generalized logit function
madagascar Madagascar's forest inventory
mites mites dataset
mosquitos mosquitos dataset
plot_associations plot_associations plot species-species associations
plot_residual_cor Plot the residual correlation matrix from a latent variable model (LVM).
predict.jSDM Predict method for models fitted with jSDM