Item Response Theory and Computerized Adaptive Testing Functions

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A B C D E G I K L M P Q R S T V misc

-- A --

add_misc Add or change a named value to 'misc' slot of an 'Item-class', 'Itempool-class' or 'Testlet-class' object.
add_misc-method Add or change a named value to 'misc' slot of an 'Item-class', 'Itempool-class' or 'Testlet-class' object.
area_between_icc Calculate the area between two ICC curves Convert a 'cat_output' object into a 'data.frame'. Convert an 'Item-class' object into a 'data.frame'. Convert an 'Item-class' object into a 'data.frame'. Convert an 'Item-class' object into a 'data.frame'. Convert an 'Item-class' object into a 'data.frame'. Convert an 'Item-class' object into a 'data.frame'. Convert an 'Item-class' object into a 'data.frame'. Convert an 'Item-class' object into a 'data.frame'. Convert an 'Item-class' object into a 'data.frame'. Convert a 'Response-class' object into a 'data.frame'. Convert a 'Response_set-class' object into a long format 'data.frame' Convert an 'Item-class' object into a 'data.frame'.
as.Itempool Coerce a given object to 'Itempool-class' object
as.list.Itempool This function converts Itempool objects to a list object
as.list.Response_set This function converts Response_set objects to a list object
as.matrix-method Convert a 'Response_set-class' object into a 'matrix'

-- B --

biserial Calculate biserial correlation

-- C --

c-method Concatenate 'Item', 'Itempool' or 'Testlet' objects and return an Itempool object.
c.cat_design Concatenate 'cat_design' objects
calculate_exposure_rates Calculate exposure rate of items for CAT
calculate_overlap_rates Calculate overlap rate of items for CAT
cat_sim Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) Simulation
cat_sim_fast Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) Simulation (Parallel Computing)
classification_agreement_index Calculate agreement index
classification_indices Calculate classification accuracy and consistency
create_cat_design Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) Simulation Design
cusum_single CUSUM based statistics for one examinee

-- D --

dif Evaluate Differential Item Functioning (DIF) of a test
distractor_analysis Distractor Analysis Function

-- E --

equate_stuirt IRT Scale Transformation using STUIRT Program
est_ability Estimate Examinee Ability
est_bilog Item Calibration via BILOG-MG
est_flexmirt Unidimensional Item Calibration via flexMIRT
est_irtpro Item Calibration via IRTPRO
est_winsteps Estimate Rasch Model using Winsteps

-- G --

generate_ip Generate a random 'Itempool' object
generate_item Generate a random Item object
generate_resp Generate random item responses (Response object)
generate_resp_set Generate a random item responses (Response_set object)
generate_testlet Generate a random Testlet object
get_cat_administered_items Get administered items from a CAT output
get_cat_response_data Extracts the response data of CAT output.
get_max_possible_total_score Calculate the maximum score of a set of items
GPCM-class Generalized Partial Credit Model
GPCM2-class Reparameterized Generalized Partial Credit Model
GRM-class Graded Response Model

-- I --

info Calculates the information of an "Item" object
info-method Calculates the information of an "Item" object
ipd Item Parameter Drift
is.Item Check whether an object is an 'Item-class'
is.Itempool Check whether an object is an 'Item-class'
is.Testlet Check whether an object is an 'Item-class'
item Create an 'Item' object
Item-class An S4 class to represent an Item
itempool Create an 'Itempool' object
Itempool-class An S4 class to represent an Itempool
item_analysis Item Analysis Function
item_fit Calculate item-fit indices

-- K --

kappa_coef Calculate Cohen's Kappa Coefficient
ks Item Characteristic Curve Estimation using Kernel Smoothing

-- L --

length-method Find the length of an 'Itempool-class' object

-- M --

M2PL-class Multidimensional Two-Parameter Logistic Model
M3PL-class Multidimensional Three-Parameter Logistic Model
max_score Calculate the maximum possible score
max_score-method Calculate the maximum possible score
mean-method Calculate the expected value of an Item
mean-method Calculate the expected value of an Itempool
mean-method Calculate the expected value of an Testlet

-- P --

PCM-class Partial Credit Model
person_fit Calculate person-fit indices
person_fit-method Calculate person-fit indices
plot.cat_output Plot progress of a CAT algorithm for one examinee
plot.Item Plot Item Characteristic Curve of an 'Item' object
plot.Itempool Plot Item Characteristic Curves or Test Characteristic Curve of an 'Itempool' object
plot.ks_output Plot Item Fit using Kernel-Smoothing
plot_distractor_icc Plot Empirical Item or Test characteristic curve
plot_empirical_icc Plot Empirical Item characteristic curve
plot_empirical_icc2 Plot Empirical Item Characteristic Curve
plot_info Plot Item Information Function
plot_resp_loglik Plot the Log-Likelihood of a response string
prob Calculate the probability of a correct response
prob-method Calculate the probability of a correct response
prob_sum_score Calculate summed-score probabilities

-- Q --

qip_index Calculate Quality of Item Pool Index

-- R --

Rasch-class Rasch model
response Create a Response object from a vector of responses
Response-class An S4 class representing responses of a single examinee
response_set Create 'Response_set-class' object
Response_set-class An S4 class representing responses of a set of examinees
resp_lik Likelihood of a response string
resp_lik-method Likelihood of a response string
resp_loglik Log-likelihood of a Response String
resp_loglik-method Log-likelihood of a Response String
rsss Convert raw score to scale score and vice versa

-- S --

score_info Calculate Score Information Function
sim_resp Generate responses for a given model
sim_resp-method Generate responses for a given model
summary.cat_output Summarizes the raw output of cat_sim

-- T --

testlet Creates a 'Testlet-class' object
Testlet-class An S4 class to represent a Testlet

-- V --

var-method Calculate the variance of an Item
var-method Calculate the variances of items in an Itempool
var-method Calculate the variances of items in a Testlet

-- misc --

$-method Get slots from an 'Item-class' object.
$-method Get slots of the an 'Itempool-class' object.
$-method Get slots of the an 'Response-class' object.
$-method Get slots of the a 'Response_set-class' object.
$-method Access slots of a 'Testlet-class' object
$.cat_output Prints the raw output of cat_sim
$<--method Set values to parameters or components of 'Item-class' object
$<--method Set values to parameters or components of 'Itempool' class.
$<--method Set values to components of 'Response' class objects
$<--method Set values to components of 'Response_set' class objects
$<--method Set values to parameters or components of 'Testlet-class' object
1PL-class One-Parameter Logistic IRT model
2PL-class Two-Parameter Logistic IRT model
3PL-class Three-Parameter Logistic IRT model
4PL-class Three-Parameter Logistic IRT model