The Hyperdirichlet Distribution, Mark 2

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hyper2-package The Hyperdirichlet Distribution, Mark 2

-- A --

accessor Wrappers to c calls
accessor3 Wrappers to c calls
additional_strength Player with advantage
addL Wrappers to c calls
addL3 Wrappers to c calls
allequal Maximum likelihood estimation
allrowers Rowing dataset, sculling
args2ordervec Various functionality for races and hyper3 likelihood functions
as.hyper2 Basic functions in the hyper2 package
as.hyper3 Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
as.namedvectorlist Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
as.ordertable Convert an order table with DNS entries to a nice order table
as.suplist Methods for suplist objects
assigner Wrappers to c calls
assigner3 Wrappers to c calls
assign_lowlevel Extract or replace parts of a hyper2 object
assign_lowlevel3 Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
attemptstable2supp Translate attempt tables to hyper3 support functions
attemptstable2supp3 Translate attempt tables to hyper3 support functions

-- B --

B Normalizing constant for the hyperdirichlet distribution
baseball Baseball results, following Agresti
baseball_maxp Baseball results, following Agresti
baseball_table Baseball results, following Agresti
basketball Basketball dataset
black_wins Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
bordered_hessian Differential calculus
brackets Basic functions in the hyper2 package
brackets.hyper2 Basic functions in the hyper2 package

-- C --

carcinoma Carcinoma dataset discussed by Agresti
carcinoma_count Carcinoma dataset discussed by Agresti
carcinoma_maxp Carcinoma dataset discussed by Agresti
carcinoma_table Carcinoma dataset discussed by Agresti
chameleon Player with advantage
char2num Convert a character vector to a numeric vector
char2nv Various functionality for races and hyper3 likelihood functions
character_to_number Convert a character vector to a numeric vector
cheering Various functionality for races and hyper3 likelihood functions
cheering3 Various functionality for races and hyper3 likelihood functions
chess Chess playing dataset
chess3 Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
chess3_maxp Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
chess_maxp Chess playing dataset
chess_table Chess playing dataset
choose_losers Order statistics
choose_winners Order statistics
collusion 1963 World Chess Championships
Connor Dirichlet distribution and generalizations
consistency Consistency check for hyper2 objects
consistencyplot Consistency check for hyper2 objects
constructor Formula 1 dataset: the constructors' championship
constructors Formula 1 dataset: the constructors' championship
constructor_2020 Formula 1 dataset: the constructors' championship
constructor_2020_maxp Formula 1 dataset: the constructors' championship
constructor_2020_table Formula 1 dataset: the constructors' championship
constructor_2021 Formula 1 dataset: the constructors' championship
constructor_2021_maxp Formula 1 dataset: the constructors' championship
constructor_2021_table Formula 1 dataset: the constructors' championship
constructor_table_2020 Formula 1 dataset: the constructors' championship
constructor_table_2021 Formula 1 dataset: the constructors' championship
counterstrike Counterstrike
counterstrike_likelihood Counterstrike
counterstrike_maxp Counterstrike
cplusplus Wrappers to c calls
curacao 1963 World Chess Championships
curacao3 1963 World Chess Championships
curling Curling at the Winter Olympics, 1998-2018
curling1 Curling at the Winter Olympics, 1998-2018
curling1_maxp Curling at the Winter Olympics, 1998-2018
curling2 Curling at the Winter Olympics, 1998-2018
curling2_maxp Curling at the Winter Olympics, 1998-2018
curling_maxp Curling at the Winter Olympics, 1998-2018
curling_table Curling at the Winter Olympics, 1998-2018

-- D --

dec Increment and decrement operators
decrement Increment and decrement operators
den3 Various functionality for races and hyper3 likelihood functions
dhyper2 Normalizing constant for the hyperdirichlet distribution
dhyper2_e Normalizing constant for the hyperdirichlet distribution
differentiate Wrappers to c calls
differentiate3 Wrappers to c calls
differentiate_n Wrappers to c calls
Dirichlet Dirichlet distribution and generalizations
dirichlet Dirichlet distribution and generalizations
discard Keep or discard players
discard_flawed Keep or discard players
discard_flawed2 Keep or discard players
doubles Match outcomes from repeated doubles tennis matches
doubles_ghost Match outcomes from repeated doubles tennis matches
doubles_noghost Match outcomes from repeated doubles tennis matches
drawn_games Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
drop Keep or discard players
drop_flawed Keep or discard players

-- E --

elimination Order statistics
equal Wrappers to c calls
equality Wrappers to c calls
equality3 Wrappers to c calls
equalp Maximum likelihood estimation
equalp.test Hypothesis testing
equalprobs Maximum likelihood estimation
euro Eurovision Song contest dataset
euro2009 Eurovision Song contest dataset
Eurodance Eurovision Dance contest dataset
eurodance Eurovision Dance contest dataset
eurodance_maxp Eurovision Dance contest dataset
eurodance_table Eurovision Dance contest dataset
Eurovision Eurovision Song contest dataset
eurovision Eurovision Song contest dataset
Eurovision2009 Eurovision Song contest dataset
eurovision2009 Eurovision Song contest dataset
eurovision2009_votingtable Eurovision Song contest dataset
eurovision_maxp Eurovision Song contest dataset
Eurovision_song_contest Eurovision Song contest dataset
eurovision_table Eurovision Song contest dataset
evaluate Wrappers to c calls
evaluate3 Wrappers to c calls
extract Extract or replace parts of a hyper2 object
Extract.hyper2 Extract or replace parts of a hyper2 object
extractor Extract or replace parts of a hyper2 object
extra_strength Player with advantage
e_to_p Normalizing constant for the hyperdirichlet distribution

-- F --

F1 Formula 1 dataset
F1_2014 Formula 1 dataset
F1_2015 Formula 1 dataset
F1_2016 Formula 1 dataset
F1_2017 Formula 1 dataset
F1_2018 Formula 1 dataset
F1_2019 Formula 1 dataset
F1_points_2017 Formula 1 dataset
F1_table_2016 Formula 1 dataset
F1_table_2017 Formula 1 dataset
F1_table_2018 Formula 1 dataset
F1_table_2019 Formula 1 dataset
fillup Fillup function
formula1 Formula 1 dataset
formula1_2017_table Formula 1 dataset
formula1_points_2017 Formula 1 dataset
formula1_points_systems Formula 1 dataset
formula1_table_2017 Formula 1 dataset
formula_1 Formula 1 dataset
formula_one Formula 1 dataset

-- G --

GD Dirichlet distribution and generalizations
gd Dirichlet distribution and generalizations
GD_wong Dirichlet distribution and generalizations
general_grouped_order_likelihood Order statistics
general_grouped_rank_likelihood Order statistics
ggol Order statistics
ggrl Order statistics
give_warning_on_nonzero_power_sum Print methods
goodbad Order statistics
gradient Differential calculus
gradientn Differential calculus

-- H --

handoff Dataset on communication breakdown in handover between physicians
handover Dataset on communication breakdown in handover between physicians
handover_maxp Dataset on communication breakdown in handover between physicians
handover_table Dataset on communication breakdown in handover between physicians
head.hyper2 First few terms of a distribution
hepatitis Hepatitis dataset discussed by Agresti
hepatitis_count Hepatitis dataset discussed by Agresti
hepatitis_maxp Hepatitis dataset discussed by Agresti
hepatitis_table Hepatitis dataset discussed by Agresti
hessian Differential calculus
hessian_bordered Differential calculus
hessian_lowlevel Differential calculus
home_away Pairwise comparisons
home_away3 Pairwise comparisons
humor Jester dataset
humour Jester dataset
hyper2 Basic functions in the hyper2 package
hyper2_accessor Wrappers to c calls
hyper2_add Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for hyper2 objects
hyper2_addL Wrappers to c calls
hyper2_assigner Wrappers to c calls
hyper2_differentiate Wrappers to c calls
hyper2_equal Wrappers to c calls
hyper2_evaluate Wrappers to c calls
hyper2_identityL Wrappers to c calls
hyper2_overwrite Wrappers to c calls
hyper2_prod Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for hyper2 objects
hyper2_sum_numeric Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for hyper2 objects
hyper3 Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
hyper3_add Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for hyper3 objects
hyper3_bw Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
hyper3_equal Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for hyper3 objects
hyper3_nv Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
hyper3_prod Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for hyper3 objects
hyper3_sum_numeric Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for hyper3 objects
hyper3_to_hyper2 Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects

-- I --

icons Dataset on climate change due to O'Neill
icons_matrix Dataset on climate change due to O'Neill
icons_maxp Dataset on climate change due to O'Neill
icons_table Dataset on climate change due to O'Neill
identityL Wrappers to c calls
identityL3 Wrappers to c calls
inc Increment and decrement operators
increment Increment and decrement operators
indep Fillup function
interzonal 1963 World Chess Championships
interzonal_collusion 1963 World Chess Championships
interzonal_collusion_maxp 1963 World Chess Championships
interzonal_maxp 1963 World Chess Championships
interzonal_table 1963 World Chess Championships
is.dirichlet Dirichlet distribution and generalizations
is.hyper2 Basic functions in the hyper2 package
is.hyper3 Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
is_constant Basic functions in the hyper2 package
is_ok_hessian Differential calculus
is_ok_weightedplayers Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
is_valid_hyper2 Basic functions in the hyper2 package
is_valid_hyper3 Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects

-- J --

Jacobian Normalizing constant for the hyperdirichlet distribution
javelin Javelin dataset
javelin1 Javelin dataset
javelin1_maxp Javelin dataset
javelin2 Javelin dataset
javelin2_maxp Javelin dataset
javelin_maxp Javelin dataset
javelin_table Javelin dataset
javelin_vector Javelin dataset
jester Jester dataset
jester_maxp Jester dataset
jokes Jester dataset

-- K --

karate Karate dataset
karate_maxp Karate dataset
karate_table Karate dataset
karate_zermelo Karate dataset
karpov_kasparov_anand Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
keep Keep or discard players
keep_flawed Keep or discard players
keep_flawed2 Keep or discard players
kka Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
kka_3draws Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
kka_3whites Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
kka_array Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
knownp.test Hypothesis testing

-- L --

length Length method for hyper2 objects
length.hyper2 Length method for hyper2 objects
like_series Log likelihood functions
like_single_list Log likelihood functions
list2nv Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
loglik Log likelihood functions
loglik_lsl Methods for suplist objects
loglik_single Log likelihood functions
loglik_single_redundant Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
lsl Methods for suplist objects
lsl_add Methods for suplist objects

-- M --

malpractice Dataset on communication breakdown in handover between physicians
MasterChef Masterchef series 6
masterchef Masterchef series 6
masterchef_constrained_maxp Masterchef series 6
masterchef_maxp Masterchef series 6
matrix2supp Convert a matrix to a likelihood function
matrix_to_HD Convert a matrix to a likelihood function
maxjest Jester dataset
maxp Maximum likelihood estimation
maxp3 Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
maxplist Maximum likelihood estimation
maxp_lsl Maximum likelihood estimation
maxp_simplex Maximum likelihood estimation
maxp_single Maximum likelihood estimation
maxp_single2 Maximum likelihood estimation
mean Normalizing constant for the hyperdirichlet distribution
mean_hyper2 Normalizing constant for the hyperdirichlet distribution
mgf Normalizing constant for the hyperdirichlet distribution
Mosimann Dirichlet distribution and generalizations
moto MotoGP dataset
motoGP MotoGP dataset
motoGP_2019 MotoGP dataset
moto_maxp MotoGP dataset
moto_table MotoGP dataset
mult_grid Kronecker matrix functionality

-- N --

NBA Basketball dataset
NBA_likelihood Basketball dataset
NBA_maxp Basketball dataset
NBA_table Basketball dataset
nonzero_power_sum Print methods
num3 Various functionality for races and hyper3 likelihood functions

-- O --

oneill Dataset on climate change due to O'Neill
Ops Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for hyper2 objects
Ops.hyper2 Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for hyper2 objects
Ops.hyper3 Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for hyper3 objects
Ops.lsl Methods for suplist objects
Ops.suplist Methods for suplist objects
ordertable Order tables
ordertable2points Calculate points from an order table
ordertable2supp Translate order tables to support functions
ordertable2supp3 Various functionality for races and hyper3 likelihood functions
ordertable_to_ranktable Convert rank tables to and from order tables
ordertrans Order transformation
ordertransplot Order transformation
ordervec2supp Translate order tables to support functions
ordervec2supp3 Various functionality for races and hyper3 likelihood functions
ordervec2supp3a Various functionality for races and hyper3 likelihood functions
order_obs Translate order tables to support functions
order_table Order tables
overwrite Wrappers to c calls
overwrite3 Wrappers to c calls
overwrite_lowlevel Extract or replace parts of a hyper2 object
overwrite_lowlevel3 Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects

-- P --

pairwise Pairwise comparisons
pair_grid Kronecker matrix functionality
pentathlon Pentathlon
pentathlon_maxp Pentathlon
pentathlon_ordertable Pentathlon
pentathlon_table Pentathlon
ping_pong Match outcomes from repeated table tennis matches
Plackett Order statistics
Plackett-Luce Order statistics
plays_white_draws Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
plays_white_loses Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
plays_white_wins Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
pnames Basic functions in the hyper2 package
pnames.hyper2 Basic functions in the hyper2 package
pnames.suplist Basic functions in the hyper2 package
pnames<- Basic functions in the hyper2 package
pnames<-.hyper2 Basic functions in the hyper2 package
pnames<-.hyper3 Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
pnv Print methods
powerboat Powerboat dataset
powerboat2018 Powerboat dataset
powerboat_2018 Powerboat dataset
powerboat_maxp Powerboat dataset
powerboat_table Powerboat dataset
powers Basic functions in the hyper2 package
powers.hyper2 Basic functions in the hyper2 package
powers<- Basic functions in the hyper2 package
powers<-.hyper2 Basic functions in the hyper2 package
powers<-.hyper3 Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
power_sum Print methods
Print Print methods
print Print methods
print.equalptest Hypothesis testing
print.hyper2 Print methods
print.hyper2test Hypothesis testing
print.hyper3 Print methods
print.ranktable Random ranks
print.ranktablesummary Convert rank tables to and from order tables
print.summary.hyper2 Summary method for hyper2 objects
probability Normalizing constant for the hyperdirichlet distribution
profile Profile likelihood and support
profile_likelihood Profile likelihood and support
profile_likelihood_single Profile likelihood and support
profile_support Profile likelihood and support
profile_support_single Profile likelihood and support
proflike Profile likelihood and support
profsup Profile likelihood and support
profsupp Profile likelihood and support
psubs Substitute players of a hyper2 object
psubs_names Substitute players of a hyper2 object
psubs_pnames Substitute players of a hyper2 object
psubs_single Substitute players of a hyper2 object
pwa Player with advantage
p_to_e Normalizing constant for the hyperdirichlet distribution

-- R --

race Order statistics
race3 Various functionality for races and hyper3 likelihood functions
race_to_hyper3 Various functionality for races and hyper3 likelihood functions
ranktable Convert rank tables to and from order tables
ranktable_to_ordertable Convert rank tables to and from order tables
ranktable_to_printable_object Convert rank tables to and from order tables
rankvec_likelihood Order statistics
rank_likelihood Order statistics
rdirichlet Dirichlet distribution and generalizations
retain Keep or discard players
retain_flawed Keep or discard players
rhyper2 Random 'hyper2' objects
rhyper3 Random hyper3 objects
rock_paper_scissors Chess playing dataset
rowing Rowing dataset, sculling
rowing_maxp Rowing dataset, sculling
rowing_minimal Rowing dataset, sculling
rowing_minimal_maxp Rowing dataset, sculling
rp Random samples from the prior of a 'hyper2' object
rpair3 Random hyper3 objects
rp_unif Dirichlet distribution and generalizations
rrace3 Random hyper3 objects
rracehyper3 Random hyper3 objects
rrank Random ranks
rwinner3 Random hyper3 objects

-- S --

saffy Convert a matrix to a likelihood function
samep.test Hypothesis testing
sculling Rowing dataset, sculling
sculls2016 Rowing dataset, sculling
size Basic functions in the hyper2 package
size.hyper2 Basic functions in the hyper2 package
skating Figure skating at the 2002 Winter Olympics
skating_maxp Figure skating at the 2002 Winter Olympics
skating_table Figure skating at the 2002 Winter Olympics
soling Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling
soling2000 Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling
soling2000_qf Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling
soling2000_rr1 Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling
soling2000_rr2 Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling
soling_after Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling
soling_after_maxp Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling
soling_maxp Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling
soling_qf Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling
soling_rr1 Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling
soling_rr2 Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling
soling_table Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling
soling_table_2000 Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - soling Hypothesis testing Hypothesis testing
specificp.le.test Hypothesis testing Hypothesis testing Hypothesis testing
specificp.test Hypothesis testing
stockholm1962 1963 World Chess Championships
sum.hyper2 Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for hyper2 objects
sum.hyper3 Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for hyper3 objects
sum.suplist Methods for suplist objects
summary.hyper2 Summary method for hyper2 objects
summary.ranktable Convert rank tables to and from order tables
suplist Methods for suplist objects
suplist_add Methods for suplist objects
suplist_times_scalar Methods for suplist objects
supplist Methods for suplist objects
surfing Surfing dataset
surfing_maxp Surfing dataset
surfing_table Surfing dataset
surfing_venuetypes Surfing dataset

-- T --

T20 Indian Premier League T20 cricket
T20_maxp Indian Premier League T20 cricket
T20_table Indian Premier League T20 cricket
T20_toss Indian Premier League T20 cricket
T20_toss_maxp Indian Premier League T20 cricket
table_tennis Match outcomes from repeated table tennis matches
table_tennis_serve Match outcomes from repeated table tennis matches
tennis Match outcomes from repeated doubles tennis matches
tennis_ghost Match outcomes from repeated doubles tennis matches
tennis_ghost_maxp Match outcomes from repeated doubles tennis matches
tennis_maxp Match outcomes from repeated doubles tennis matches
tennis_noghost Match outcomes from repeated doubles tennis matches
tidy Tidy up a hyper2 object
training_strength Player with advantage
trial Increment and decrement operators

-- U --

universities New Zealand University ranking data
universities_maxp New Zealand University ranking data
universities_table New Zealand University ranking data

-- V --

vb Results from the NOCS volleyball league
vb_synthetic Results from the NOCS volleyball league
volley Convert a matrix to a likelihood function
volleyball Results from the NOCS volleyball league
volleyball_matrix Results from the NOCS volleyball league
volleyball_maxp Results from the NOCS volleyball league
volleyball_results Results from the NOCS volleyball league
volleyball_table Results from the NOCS volleyball league
volvo Race results from the 2014-2015 Volvo Ocean Race
volvo2014 Race results from the 2014-2015 Volvo Ocean Race
volvo_maxp Race results from the 2014-2015 Volvo Ocean Race
volvo_ocean_race Race results from the 2014-2015 Volvo Ocean Race
volvo_table Race results from the 2014-2015 Volvo Ocean Race
volvo_table_2014 Race results from the 2014-2015 Volvo Ocean Race

-- W --

weights Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
weights.hyper3 Weighted probability vectors: 'hyper3' objects
wet_strength Player with advantage
white_draw Pairwise comparisons
white_draw3 Pairwise comparisons
white_strength Player with advantage
white_wins Karpov, Kasparov, Anand
wikitable_to_ranktable Convert rank tables to and from order tables

-- Z --

zacslist Counterstrike
zapweak Zap weak competitors
zermelo Pairwise comparisons
zipf Zipf's law

-- misc --

[.hyper2 Extract or replace parts of a hyper2 object
[<-.hyper2 Extract or replace parts of a hyper2 object