carcinoma {hyper2}R Documentation

Carcinoma dataset discussed by Agresti


A dataset considered by Agresti. Seven clinicians are asked whether they see evidence for carcinoma on different patients.




A hyper2 object that gives a likelihood function


Object carcinoma_table is drawn from Agresti. The first seven columns correspond to the seven clinicians A-G, the next is the count of observations, and the remaining columns are fitted values according to different models discussed by Agresti.

Object carcinoma is a likelihood function (of class lsl) on the Bradley-Terry strengths of the seven clinicians. The clinicians diagnosed the presence or absence of carcinoma on a total of 118 patients in a blind rating scheme. The maximum likelihood estimator for the clinicicans' Bradley-Terry strengths is given as carcinoma_maxp, which is computationally expensive to find. The package also includes carcinoma_count, which is a different estimator for the Clinicians' BT strengths.

These objects can be generated by running script inst/carcinoma.Rmd, which includes some further discussion and technical documentation, and creates file carcinoma.rda which resides in the data/ directory.


A. Agresti, 2002. "Categorical data analysis". John Wiley and Sons. Table 13.1, p542.

See Also




[Package hyper2 version 3.1-0 Index]