interzonal {hyper2}R Documentation

1963 World Chess Championships


Likelihood functions for players' strengths in the fifth Interzonal tournament which occurred as part of the 1963 Chess world Championships in Stockholm, 1962.


(there are three chess datasets in the package, documented at interzonal.Rd [the 1963 World championship], kka.Rd [Karpov-Kasparov-Anand dataset], and chess.Rd [rock-paper-scissors using Topalov-Anand-Karpov])

The 1963 World Chess Championship was notable for allegations of Soviet collusion. Specifically, Fischer publicly alleged that certain Soviet players had agreed in advance to draw all their games. The championship included an “interzonal” tournament in which 23 players competed in Stockholm; and a “Candidates” tournament in which 8 players competed in Curacao.

Likelihood functions interzonal and interzonal_collusion are created by files ‘inst/interzonal.Rmd’, which is heavily documented and include some analysis. Object interzonal includes a term for drawing, (“draw”), assumed to be the same for all players; object interzonal_collusion includes in addition to draw, a term for the drawing in Soviet-Soviet matches, “coll”.

Some other analysis is given in files inst/curacao11962_threeplayers.R and inst/curacao1962_threeplayers_rest_monster.Rmd.

See Also




# samep.test(interzonal,c("Fischer","Geller")) # takes too long

[Package hyper2 version 3.1-0 Index]