constructor {hyper2}R Documentation

Formula 1 dataset: the constructors' championship


Race results from 2017 Formula One constructors' Championship




A hyper3 object that gives a likelihood function


The Constructors championship runs parallel to the Formula 1 drivers' championship. The package currently includes data from 2020 and 2021; the following text applies to both years. I will add more years eventually.

Object constructor_2021_table is a dataframe, taken from Wikipedia, with rows corresponding to performance of a constructor. Each constructor fields two cars in each race; the identity of the driver is not important in this context (and indeed may change as the season progresses). The first column is the name of the constructor, the next 22 columns show the ranks of the constructors' cars, and the final one is the points awarded. At each venue, the constructor's best performance is listed first. The constructors' names change quite frequently (e.g. “Red Bull Racing-TAG Heuer” raced 2016,2017, and 2018; “Red Bull Racing-Honda” raced 2019, 2020, and 2021. I am not sure whether to treat these as separate entities or not; file inst/constructor_names.txt gives a dataframe of team names and years they competed (not currently part of the package). The row names of the dataframe cannot be the constructors because these are not unique.

Object constructor_2021_maxp gives the maximum likelihood estimate for the constructors' strengths. The corresponding hyper3 likelihood function constructor_2021 is produced by ordertable2supp3().

These objects can be generated by running script inst/race3.Rmd, which includes some further discussion and technical documentation, and creates file constructor.rda which resides in the data/ directory.


Wikipedia contributors. (2022, April 14). 2021 Formula One World Championship. In _Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia_. Retrieved 05:16, April 17, 2022, from

See Also




[Package hyper2 version 3.1-0 Index]